It's the home stretch! Focus on your victory.
For most of you, that means having a blog post for every alphabet letter day in April. For many of you, it's also about leaving comments on a set number of posts. A couple of you are just glad you have more posts today then you did before the challenge started.
Whatever victory means to you, keep at it!
Goal setting is good for your blog. It reminds you to post on a regular basis, which keeps readers coming back, which is what grows your audience. If you might benefit from monthly encouragement, check out the Got Goals blog.

If you wish to include a direct link to your blog post of this day's letter, please click:
This form will close in 48 hours.
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We post at Midnight GMT.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the standard by which all time zones are based. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the time zone used for UTC. That's why we use it.
If you wish to visit other blogs in this bloghop challenge who have incorporated today's letter into their current post, please click:
(If you intend to make a copy of the spreadsheet, we suggest waiting until the form closes.)
Click for the MASTER LIST of all participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!
I think I will feel victoriuos once I post Z.
I tried the link for seeing the blogs that have a "V" post. However, it links to the sign-up sheet for the day.
Posting link here as link to spreadsheet seems to have gone awry:
At the moment I don't feel very Victorious at all - I question the value of my posts, the value of the A to Z, the value of my comments and the value of life itself. Despite this, I'm trying to show some valour.
"All V" link still directed to the sign-up sheet.
We're approaching the finish line, sweet victory is the air. Let's continue to push hard to cross it together, if we see someone stumbling then give them a hand to complete this run. Thanks for co-hosting the April fun and y'all come see me today when you get a chance. Happy A2Zing@
~Curious as a Cathy
A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'V' Victorian Lady
V for V Leg Raises
Love the quote - "I didn't come this far only to come this far." Still four letters to go and, in my case, four posts to write (five, with reflections) so not feeling victorious yet. Feeling closer to victory each day, though. I can see the finish line!
As others have said, the link to the spreadsheet currently goes to the sign-up sheet form.
Emily In Ecuador | Visitor Center, Machalilla National Park, Puerto Lopez, Ecuador
I'm posting here as well and I'll check back to catch the blogs of anyone else who posts under comments! Melanie's Stories
You know, I can't speak for anyone else ... but engagement is way down for me. Rather than being able to just go up- or downthread after posting my own link, having to go to another sheet to look things up and figure out what might be of interest to me has not worked out well. Plus, if you're in a situation where I was and scheduled some posts due to travel, there was no way to go back and link them after a certain amount of time. Could we please give consideration to using the comments method again next year? I've followed the "rules" until today, but am frustrated that time does not always permit me to peruse another spreadsheet.
The Music of David Bowie: V is for Velvet Goldmine
I wasn't able to reply directly to Kalpana's comment on this site, either on my MacAir (Firefox) or my iphone. I will go to her site directly to respond. I did want to say here that the all of the posts that I have read on this Challenge have been very meaningful and impressive. If you get a chance, do check out Kalpana's site. Her tour of Delhi is very engaging!
Anybody who has gotten this far, go ahead and raise your hands high in victory because you have done a great job already. Now it's time to get down to business (Mulan style) and finish it out. Wolf of Words
There is some issue with V spreadsheet. the form links open for that as well. Please rectify. I couldn't check out the other posts from V today as I can't access that sheet. Anyone listening?
I wish I could access the V spreadsheet. Put it up admin.
My post for today is about films I shouldn't have watched as a kid, but I am glad I did. Read VCR and Video Tapes Part II
Victory = getting all my posts written and posted punctually + Victory means catching up on visiting other blogs in May as too many outstanding.
V is for Vindictus -
the link to the daily letter spreadsheet is wrong, it leads to form instead.
I think you can do it both ways or only one way if that's what you want. I can't find where it's actually a rule that you have to post to the spreadsheet. That being said, the spreadsheet is useful to me but it may not be useful for you. The only problem I have with the spreadsheet is that you cannot really sell your post. I have had some weird posts this month and I would have loved the chance to throw in a one sentence blurb on what the post is about. Like titling a post "Eat S**t, Bob!" was actually a primer on defamation and amicus briefs.
Wolf of Words
Victory soon, I hope!
Passing Down the Love 'V'
Happy V Day! Cheers, Denise
V for Varied Vestiges
Voting is not all in a democracy
The V link is still not working.
Sorry about that.
Oh wow! Thanks so much for mentioning the GotGoals? Bloghop. ^_^
My 99 words fiction for V-Varanasi
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