Monday, March 5, 2018

Master List Sign Ups

#AtoZchallenge 2018 friendly new badge logo #AtoZchallenge 2018 traditional badge logo

Your choice of badges for showing off your A to Z pride!

Click here to sign up for the A to Z Challenge! Sign ups are open until April 1. Check out our instructional video below or our written instructions

The best part about our new list is that you can SORT and FILTER it! (So there's no need to worry if you're not at the top of the list). 

The Master List sign up is how participants officially register to join the A to Z challenge 2018.

Daily lists, Theme Reveal, and social media comment link-ups are encouraged but not required.
The daily list sign ups will be made available early for those who are confident in their ability to pre-determine their posts' direct links.

The Master List sign up is now:


Categories -- check out that post for information on categories. The MASTER LIST category question is the category of your blog itself. (For whichever category you'd like your blog to be known.)
What the A to Z Challenge Means by THEME

Click here to see the list of all participants! For information on how to use the Google Sheet list, see our instructional video below or our written instructions.

theme reveal

And don't forget to check out the Theme Reveal on Monday the 19 of March.

Plus, there's Idea Donations day on March 13.


Pooja Priyamvada said...

Done ! this will be my fourth consecutive year, this year the theme LIFE LESSONS FROM SOCIAL MEDIA

Nilanjana Bose said...

Signed up and looking forward to the fun! Thank you for the work you do.

Shalini said...

Fifth consecutive year and I can't be anymore excited! Thanks for bringing A to Z Challenge every single year without fail.
Kohl Eyed Me
Something's Cooking

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

Signed, up, loving the google form version of the list.

Shilpa Gupte said...

Signed up and waiting for April! :)

Shilpa Gupte said...

Signed up and waiting for April! :)

Purba chakraborty said...

Done! This will be my first year :)

Unknown said...

Done This is my first year. How do I know it worked? Can I check somewhere? Thanks so much.

Cathy Kennedy said...

Hey, I added my blog to the Master List but just realized I made a goof on my Twitter handle. Can you correct it for me? It should be ETNhome. Thanks and I'm sorry for the trouble. Have a good day!

Sophie Duncan said...

I'm all signed up, and the google form, with the spreadsheet output is a great idea, thanks. No more having to create my own tracking spreadsheet :)

shalz75 said...

Done and am impressed with the google sheet too!!

Noah Dietz said...

Pumped for year 4, here's hoping I manage to pull my weight on the writing front, haha

Song a Day

Anstice Brown said...

All signed up and I love being able to sort and filter blogs on the google sheet. Looking forward to April.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Yay me! I'm in!

Bridgina Molloy said...

this is a little more complicated than before, but signed on, now how do I follow blogs?

Pooja Jagtiaani said...

Done. For some reason it’s updated my blog thrice. Any idea how to remove the additional entries?

Anonymous said...

Signed up with my new blog. Still debating doing it with my writing blog, too.

Morgan Cartwright said...

I love this! I love google docs and how easy it is to find others blogs! Thank you for doing it this way!
I cannot wait to see everyone's themes during the reveal! Hopefully, I can think of an amazing one by that time.
Happy Blogging!

Unknown said...

Done. Third year doing this. First year I could say I'm actually doing educational posts.
Already regretting my theme and I haven't even started yet!!

Good luck everyone and may the odds be in your favour

Emily in Ecuador said...

Love the Google Sheet! Looking forward to my second year :) Still deciding on a theme but it will be related to where I live on the Ecuador coast.

Thank you, A-Z team, for all of your hard work.

Hope everyone has fun.

J-Dub said...

I signed up. Dipping my toe in from the shallow end. Year 1.

J.L. Weigt said...

I'm signed up, and hoping I get to Z this year! I finished my first year in 2016, got too ambitious and ended on V last year, but I'm going back to basics this time with ONE dragon and artist per day! Good luck everyone!

Jamie Lyn Weigt | Writing Dragons

Wendy said...

I'm in and love the Google sheet. Looking forward to April :)

lindamaycurry said...

I just realised my Wordpress address has a mistake in it. Please how do I fix it up?

Anonymous said...

I just signed up. It's been four years since I did it. My how time flies! :)


Donna B. McNicol said...

Oh lordy! Just added a second blog to the I insane or what? LOL!

Shirley Corder said...

Hi. Signed up but need help please! I went back to add my Facebook and Twitter details but I now see it added both to the list. Is it possible for you to remove the FIRST entry for Rise and Soar(#214 at the moment)? Thanks so much. Sorry to give you extra work. I love the Google Sheet idea.

Pamela said...

How do I change my theme on the master list?

Sarah Butland said...

I'm in! Best of luck to everyone.

sugar N spice cookies said...

yes! signed up and gearing up!!

Pamela said...

I added a second sign up with a comment that my theme changed. If you can delete the first sign up, please do so.

Musings said...

Signed up! And this time I am going to complete it

Marie A said...

Excited and looking forward to be participating again this year!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Whee...ready to go with double blogs!

PT Dilloway said...

I just wrote mine but wonder if we're supposed to start posting on April 1, a Sunday or April 2?

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Above where it says "Click here to see the list of all participants!" you can check out your entry and everyone else's!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...


Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

If you watch the instructional video on Google Sheets above, it explains how to copy your own list. Alternately, you can follow the blogs the same way you always have!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

All taken care of!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Let me know what the mistake is by emailing me at and I'll fix it for you. Thanks!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Welcome back!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

I think I fixed it before I saw your comment. Please let me know if it's fixed now! (Feel free to email me at

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

April 1st! Check out our calendar by clicking the link at the top of the website.

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

I think I fixed it before I saw this message. Please let me know if you need any further changes! (And feel free to email me at

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Pamela said...

Thank you!

Miss Andi said...

Signed up twice coz I'm hardcore :D

Rebekah {mossandink} said...

I need to change my theme to: Children's Authors You Don't Know, but Should

Moss & Ink

Jayden R. Vincente said...

I changed it. Please let me know if you need any other changes!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Saraallie said...

So I made a slight error! I thought the blog category was supposed to be according to my theme for the A to Z. So my theme is more about food but my blog is about general lifestyle. I post food, lifestyle, and etc.
Is it okay or do I need to request a change?

Rebekah {nodeskrequired} said...

Thank you so much!

Jayden R. Vincente said...

That's up to you. I can change it if you'd like. If you post each day, you can choose a different category for your other posts.

Just let me know by commenting here or emailing me at

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Jayden R. Vincente said...

You're welcome!

Jayden R. Vincente said...

You're welcome!

Saraallie said...

Do you recommend I use my blog's genre or the theme? I will be posting only about my theme throughout April. So for April my blog will be all about my baking and cake decorating (edible art). Otherwise it's about everything in general. Please advise :)

Jayden R. Vincente said...

For your sign up, you may want to put the blog's genre and then in the theme at the end you can explain what you're doing for this A to Z.

If you fill out the daily forms, you can select a different category for every blog post if you wanted to!

Ultimately, there's no right or wrong way to do it. It's up to you!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Dihiwi said...

I think this is my 5th or 6th year participating, although I haven't always finished. This is one of my favorite things to do each year, and definitely a morale booster for writers/writing.
In my own words

Akshata Ram said...

Hi I just signed up and filled the google form for theme reveal and sign up- do I need to add my name in the google docs as well?

Sue McPeak said...

Please fix blog link for CollectInTexasGal #414 on sign up list. It should be....

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The Forms automatically put your information into the Google Sheets. You should see them there at the bottom!

Jayden R. Vincente said...


Happy Blogging,
Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Dr Genevive Angela said...

I just signed and happy about it, have not thought about a theme, will soon start working on a theme, this is my 5th time to participate, and looking forward to meet a lot of people, happy blogging !!

Anonymous said...

Done. It's my first year.

ghostmmnc said...

I may have missed it, but is there some way to do ping backs to a certain page here each day, or has that been changed to something else? Thanks!

scarlett79 said...

So I went to last year's theme reveal. But I found this year's so I'll give it a go one more time. I'm doing two AtoZ Challenges this year so that should be fun. Here's the links
This link will be to share my husband's amazing artwork. I hope you enjoy it...

Anonymous said...

How can I edit my theme?

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Send me an email at and I'll fix it for you!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host (adult content)

Priyanka said...

signed for my company blog. wanted to know if that's ok. how will i know if we are in or not

John Holton said...

We're doing things differently this year. Rather than have you do pingbacks, we've set up a daily form where you can enter all the information. The link for the form and the resulting spreadsheet will be in the daily post to this blog, so stay tuned!

The Joyous Living said...

hoping to be able to participate again this year...3rd time the charm ;) having pneumonia and some unknown autoimmune disease may make this year's particularly hard but maybe i can do some writing in advance! :)

Joy @ The Joyous Living

ghostmmnc said...

Thanks so much for the information, John!

Jayden R. Vincente said...

You are in automatically when you fill out the form.

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host

Abbie said...

Hey, could you please change my theme from 'Hilarity of the Situation' to 'Lessons Learned at 31'? Thanks so much! My blog name is Abbie's Adventure Diaries

Anna Tan said...

okokok. I finally signed up. We will see how it goes this year! *totally unplanned*

Ipsita Banerjee said...

I've signed up again. Put in two blogs but would like to delete one. Any way in which I can do that?

Sue Bursztynski said...

Do we post each day we write as we did last year?

ekta khetan said...

just signed in..looking forward to this. I will be covering some interesting stuff in lifestyle..stay tuned!

Priyanka said...

i want to change my theme to Author. pls hekp

Priyanka said...

where should i add the theme post

Jayden R. Vincente said...

If you tell me the title of your blog, I can change it for you.

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Challenge Co-Host (Adult Content)

Jayden R. Vincente said...

You can do that, but you don't have to. We have the Master List so you can just do that, or if you want to, you can also post on our daily lists. Some people will check only the Master List. Some people will check only the daily lists. Some will check both! So in the end, it's up to you.

Happy blogging!

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Challenge Co-Host (Adult Content)

Novabug said...

Returned for this year, cause I got to get my blogging back on track.

Priyanka said...

Anne M Bray said...

I'm hoping my website's major upgrade to a WP site (which will include where I'll be blogging A-Z trucks for the second year) will finish in time. If not, I won't be on "the list" but I'll do it anyway.
Also doing shoes, in the "art" category.

J.Q. Rose said...

Curious about the Master List. Is that link what we should use to direct blog readers to other bloggers? Or is it not exactly a blog hop style event? (My first year. can you tell??) Not sure how to filter or exactly how to use it yet, but I'l figure it out. Thanks for the opportunity to stretch our blogging muscles with this challenge!
JQ Rose

J.Q. Rose said...

I discovered the written instructions and video. I'll study up before April 1! But...I can't find a link to the master list now. sigh But I do see the daily sign ups to add my blog to that. I know how to do that!!! LOL.

Jayden R. Vincente said...

The link is above in the post:

Happy blogging!

Roma Gupta Sinha said...

So elated participating here for the third consecutive year, love you all :)

Gary Jefferies said...

First time I’ve looked into participating. I’m hoping to complete it too. Rather an ominous feeling which makes no sense as I’ve done NaNoWriMo successfully for the last two years! Hoping to link up with new people and have a blast at the same time....if I can figure out how it all work!

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

I needed to revive my blogging habit - what could be better than A to Z challenge?

KJ Scrim, Writer said...

This is my first year here and am excited. Like anything new, I'll probably fumble through it all, but that's OK. See you all on the other side! :-)

lindamaycurry said...

All fixed. Thanks so much.

Keith's Ramblings said...


Emily in Ecuador said...

Since the day I signed up on the master list and today, I have renamed my blog from My Life in Ecuador to Emily in Ecuador. Would it be possible for an admin to change the name in the master list?

Parinitha said...

Hi there,
Any way I can participate this year? The form is officially closed I see but can an exception be made?

Jayden R. Vincente said...

You can still sign up daily using the links at

Happy blogging!
Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host (Adult Content)

Jayden R. Vincente said...


Happy blogging!

Sue Bursztynski said...

Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't much care for the Google Docs list. I found it much easier last year to see in the comments who had posted and about what - and I got plenty of people visiting. Hardly anyone this year so far. Now I can't work it out from the spreadsheet, though I have added my posts each day - and today, alas, I can't seem to even scroll through the list. Help! (I have checked out your tutorials, but there was nothing that helped me, it was just the basics I could figure out without a tutorial). Can we have a bit more detail, please?

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Sorry to hear that you don't like the Docs list so far. We'll be doing a survey at the end of the month to get input. Feel free to share that there as well. I am personally finding the opposite.

I am not sure how to help you with the spreadsheet.

To get your post on the list, you use the google forms, which are all listed here:

To see the list, you can see them each day on the daily post we make down near the bottom.

If you can send us screenshots of your issue, we may be able to help you further.

Jayden R. Vincente
A to Z Co-host
Erotic Fiction Writer

Pearson Report said...

I agree with Sue - very difficult to navigate. I've tried it on my MacBook and my Surface 3 - both have serious issues with scrolling.

As I'm late to getting on the Master List this year (no worries, I'll live) I have checked out the list and fear I feel for Sue - it's not easy.
You might not have an issue with Docs - but I'll bet lots do. It will be interesting seeing the feedback you get.

Good luck, Sue! I'll drop by and check out your posts.

Cheers, Jenny :)

Jayden R. Vincente said...

I'd be happy to try to help you figure things out.

Before we released it, we tested the system on Firefox, Chrome, Edge, and Safari on both PCs and Macs and encountered no issues. If you can send us screen shots, we can either try to adjust the sheet accordingly or help you figure out how to use it better.

Also, remember that you can download your own version of the spreadsheets and then alter them any way that works for you.

Happy blogging!