Hi! Jayden, here, your new co-host for the A to Z Challenge! I've already interacted with many of you via email and comments adjusting your sign ups for the Master List. I just wanted to take a moment to give you all a few reminders about our new systems.
- The last day to add your link to the Master List is March 31st. Check out our post for more details on how to sign up if you haven't yet.
- You can add your links daily for more exposure, but it's totally optional. A full list of all daily forms can be found here, or you can follow the A to Z Challenge Blog for daily posts that include the form link and the daily list link.
- If you need your information fixed on the Master List, please let me know in comment or email (jrvincente@gmail.com), but I will not be fixing daily lists.
- A handful of people participate only by sharing links on Facebook or Twitter. It means far less exposure for you and your blog.
- We highly recommend including " #AtoZChallenge " in your post titles and social media links.
- Each daily link will close 48 hours after it opens.
- The reason we did both lists is to accommodate
- participants who like the daily lists (which won't have many broken link)
- participants who don't mind a few broken links, but want one Master List
- The MASTER LIST also allows us to count how many people joined the challenge (approximately)
- Some benefits of the Google Sheet are that it's searchable, sortable, and filterable! The post linked above has instructions on how to do those things.
- The Master List should include a link to your blog (Example: http://a-to-zchallenge.com/). The daily lists should include direct links to specific posts. (Example: http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/2018/03/master-list-sign-ups.html)
- The Theme Reveal is now closed. You can check out direct links to theme reveals here, and take that as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with Google Sheets!

My blog isn't showing on the theme reveal google page. Did I do something wrong?
Have fun co-hosting, Jayden. It's a blast.
Thank you! I was just wondering if there was something I was supposed to do, and what it might be. I signed up on the Master List, and did my Reveal, but was wondering if I needed to sign up daily. I will review this!
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~
Thank you, Jayden. Daily form sounds cool! I have always added my links to the Facebook thread only. But as you mentioned, only few people do that. The forms will be a great way to find and read a good number of bloggers. Thanks and Happy A to Z :)
Hi, I missed adding my theme reveal post. Does that act as a deterrent of sorts. I was away travelling and for some reason was told 30th March was the last date.
My bad. Do I still write a theme reveal post. How does this work now? My second year at A-Z...
Could you link the master list here and on the daily link page as well? That'll help us use either or, as the day's mood brings :)
Many thanks!
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