Friday, February 9, 2018

The A to Z Blog Is Stirring!

It looks like we've gotten our blog domain issues fixed and previously existing links should be working fine.

Things are happening!

April is coming!

Get ready for the 9th annual April Challenge!

Watch for more information in an upcoming post as well as updates to the blog for 2018.



Nilanjana Bose said...

Superglad it's fixed!! Thank you for the update.

Susan Sanderson said...

After checking with Arlee Bird, I posted about the challenge on the More than Writers blog!

Unknown said...

WHat's this!

Martha Reynolds said...

I'm ready! Getting my blog posts ready this month!

Wendy said...

What was really weird was that the last 3 posts just reappeared in my reading list!

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Bring it on!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Excellent news! I'm eager to join in on the fun and am working on my posts now, my friend.:D

JazzFeathers said...

Oh good! I had feared this wasn't going to happen this year :-)

Sandra Williamson said...

I was bit worried but pleased to hear everything is back on track.

pilch92 said...

I am glad it is fixed.

Carrie-Anne said...

I wrote my A to Z posts for my main blog last month, but haven't started on my posts for my secondary blog yet. I'm glad to hear things are going ahead after all.

Lisa said...
