In my neck of the woods, it's the time of year when all the stores overflow with stationery, all of which is on sale. For parents and children, this is known as "back to school shopping."
For writers, this is known as "fueling for the addiction." (I'd tell you I'm kidding, but my wallet would disagree. Also, I have habit of sniffing... deeply inhaling... new notebooks. That scent is "the good stuff." Am I alone in this?)
Here's an A to Z stationery shopping list:
Bout of Books Read-a-thon — August 21-27.
The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon — September 11-24
- C is for — crayons
- D is for — dictonary
- E is for — erasers
- F is for — flashcards
- G is for — glue
- H is for — hundreds of index cards
- I is for — ink filled pens
- J is for — jump drive (USB flash drive, data stick, pen drive, memory unit, key chain drive and thumb drive)
- K is for — kicks (sneakers, tennis shoes)
- L is for — lined paper
- M is for — measuring devices (rulers, protractors)
- N is for — notebook, spiral bound
- O is for — object to carry books and such in (backpack)
- P is for — pencils
- Q is for — Quaker oatmeal, cereal, fast breakfast foods
- R is for — reward stickers
- S is for — stapler
- T is for — thesaurus
- U is for — utensils
- V is for — variety of three-ring binders
- W is for — wireless notebook
- X is for — Xbox lunchbox
- Y is for — yellow highlighter
- Z is for — zit remover

I admit this alphabetical list has strayed from stationery in places.
What words might you suggest for K, Q, U, X, or Z?
Have an idea for an A to Z post? Are you a past participant who would like to be featured? Let me know!
by J Lenni Dorner
Reference and Speculative Fiction Author
A to Z Challenge Co-Host
Operation Awesome Debut Author Spotlight Organizer

Q-Tips and a zippered pouch?? :) - I love the school supplies too even tho my babies have flown on and have babies of their own now. :)
We don't have kids and my wife still stocks up on that stuff.
Thankfully, I don't have to buy that stuff anymore. I'm betwixt and between - grown kids and no grandkids.
I'm a previous participant 3 or 4 years running with the exception of this year when I linked up one post (yes, I am admitting it - I was testing the AtoZ police). *grins*
I would love to be featured ~
Oh, and my blog is
I remember how I loved the clean, crisp feel, look and smell of new school supplies! And how carefully I handled them for the 1st half of the year!
Visit me at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!
Great post, I actually saw Christmas cards in the shop the other day.
Definitely I still do this :) (i am the kid in question!) stationary shopping is my feel-good activity. Add:paints, canvases, sketch pads, pens in different colours with different colored inks ... ☺️ I participated in my 1st AtoZ this year with 2 themes (on 2 blogs :since then focusing on 1 blog,
Learnt my lesson ) ��☺️��
Offcourse would love to be a part of AtoZ site and community
Xacto knife, quill pen. Love shopping at Office Depot and the like. Always have. I think I had more fun getting the kids school supplies than they did. Always came out with something for myself too! Second year A to Z'er and can't wait to do another!
I don't have children, I'm not teaching any more, I persist in buying too many notebooks and not filling them, so I have no reason to buy school supplies. But I want them, especially the huge box of Crayolas.
Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
Thank for your very good article...!
Went back-to-school shopping with my kindergarten teacher wife. Even the teachers buy supplies and she got a bunch of stuff. Another fun A to Z post! Thanks, J!
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Zippered pouch! Nice one.
Stationery never goes out of style.
Okay. I'll work on thinking up interview questions.
Yup, there's nothing like a new notebook.
I'm not sure who is mailing Christmas cards in August...
I did two themes on my blog one year. Double posting the whole month. That was crazy. I wouldn't do it again.
ps... e= write a= anchor
I sort of made my own quill pen at one point during my brief time at a public school... it didn't go over well.
Also an excellent scent! I've taken the tour in Easton.
You're welcome.
In PA, she'd get a tax exemption on buying those supplies. Do teachers get that same treatment out your way?
Glad you like the post. I'm hoping to keep doing at least one a month.
J, yeah, we try to remember to take every exemption that we can, but we probably forget a lot.
You are not alone, J Lenny! I also adore the smell of newly printed notebooks!
love this post I just recently bout a new notebook and several spirals (to use with my scrapbooking) stationary is the best!! Also love the A to Z Challenge did it for a couple years but looking to be back
Stationary shopping is one of the interesting shopping in our childhood, as we always look for a notebook having a colorful first page and we always search for a sticker in the notebook. Looking for a better pen.
Stationary shopping is the best shopping in the childhood days.
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