Monday, May 8, 2017

Reflections of 2017 #AtoZChallenge

It's Time to Reflect!

Be sure to copy the Survivor Badge
to proudly display on your blog.

       Since the first Challenge in 2010 an annual tradition has been established for A to Z participants or followers to provide their thoughts on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge of the current year.  The time has come!  Now we want to hear what you have to say about the past month's blog Challenge.

       The premise is very basic.  Give us your opinion about how the 2017 Challenge went for you.  Provide your overall observations about the 2017 A to Z Challenge which can include your favorite blogs, outstanding blog posts you read during the month, your favorite posts from your own site, and whatever else might have been particularly rewarding to you.

        It's okay to include some bad with the good.  We want to know what you really thought about the 2017 April A to Z.  Let us know what you liked the most, but also what you liked the least.  And most importantly perhaps for this year, let us know how not having a Linky List worked (or didn't work for you).  Did you have any problems finding participant blogs in the A to Z Blog comments, the A to Z Facebook page, or elsewhere?

          Next year would you like to see the A to Z Challenge be conducted with the same social media strategy or would you prefer us to bring back a Linky List?   Or do you have some ideas that might work even better?

            Your Reflections Post can cover anything you'd like to say about the Challenge.  We are looking for your kudos and criticisms alike and even more importantly, we want to hear your suggestions for making future Challenges even better.

Ready, Set, Post!

           Some of you already have put up your Reflections at your sites.  Or you still might need to compile your reflections for the 2017 Challenge.  Whenever you have your link ready then spread the word just as you did for your April A to Z posts.  Please include your link in the comment section below, but don't forget announcing it on the A to Z Facebook page, Twitter (#atozReflections or #atozchallenge) and anywhere else you'd like to tell the world that you have your Reflections on the 2017 A to Z ready to be pondered.
           Be sure to check out as many of the other Reflections posts that you can to see how your observations compare with the other participants   And don't forget to grab the A to Z 2017 Survivor Badge to show off at your blog site!

Please Take the Survey

        Also co-host J. Lenni Dorner has put together a survey where you can tell us what you thought of this year’s challenge: what worked for you, what didn’t work for you, what you’d like to see, etc. It’s open until May 20, so you have a couple of weeks. Take the survey here.    This will also be of great help to us.


J Lenni Dorner said...

Here's my 2017 Reflection Post.
My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 was an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post was titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.

J -- Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Donna B. McNicol said...

lissa said...

With or without the linky list, you still do a lot of browsing so I don't mind either way.

~ here's my reflection post ~

have a lovely day everyone.

nashvillecats2 said...

I have already posted my Reflections on my blog. I would like to add I prefer it when there was a Linky List as I was unable to get a link to the blog site. I didn't get as many comments but to me taking part and completing the Challenge was more important.
My thanks go to all concerned in the running of the Challenge also those who did comment I thank you most sincerely.

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Reflections on writing a Choose Your Own Adventure (AC) for the A to Z Blog Challenge!

Shailaja V said...

This was my third time doing the challenge and I loved the lessons I learnt from it.

*Shailaja/The Moving Quill*

Theme: An Oxymoron in 100 words (Micro Fiction)
Category Writing (WR)

Unknown said...

Here is my 2017 Reflections post with answers. My theme was Components of Literature.

Thank you to everyone who dropped by and to the A to Z Team. It was wonderful to take part.

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Here is mine!
We are all weird sometimes - reflection post (WTF - Weird Things in Folktales)

Parul said...

I had a great time again this and here are my reflections -
And it's a wrap

Josie Two Shoes said...

I was pleasantly surprised at how well the new comment link system worked this year! Here's my thoughts on the 2017 A to Z... A to Z Reflections

Nilanjana Bose said...

I had a great time as always. Look forward already to the next. Thank you all co-hosts for the enormous amounts of work you do to keep this going and fun.

A-Z Reflections

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

My Reflections post is up @ Life & Faith in Caneyhead.

Toni said...

My Reflections. A to Z Challenge team, thank you so much for all your efforts.

Judy Rinehimer said...

I completed the survey and just posted my REFLECTIONS @

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the A-Z Blog Challenge hosts. You guys rock.
I have done the survey and posted my final A-Z post for this year.
A-Z Finale: 2017 Reflections
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

Mary B said...

#AtoZChallenge - Looks Like We Made It
#AtoZChallenge - Looks Like We Made It
#AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos: Reflections @ Click's Clan

Debbie D. said...

Fourth A to Z in a row! ☺ This year, my theme was #MusicalMemories

Karnika Kapoor said...

My second A-to-Z challenge wrapped up!
Reflections 2017
I had a great time blogging hope you all did too.
Thank you for the love and support. You all kept me going. :)
Best wishes!

Nick Wilford said...

A-Z Reflections
Thanks to all the Challenge organisers. I had a blast!

Anonymous said...

A to Z Challenge reflections post 2017

My theme was the Bible.

Sue from Sue's Trifles

Operation Awesome said...

Reflection Post
The Theme at Operation Awesome was the Publishing Journey.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - thanks for organising it again and for having had the bright idea in the first place ... perhaps see you next year ... cheers Hilary

Sophie Duncan said...

Thanks to everyone who took the time to organise the A to Z for us, you are great!
Here are my reflections

Sara C. Snider said...

Got my reflections post up. Overall, I think the comment system worked fine. Thanks for a great year, everyone!

A to Z Reflections 2017

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

This is my third year doing A to Z.

Normally I'm a Romance writer who blogs, but this year I chose a completely different theme; I went with hardcore Astronomy. Glad I did. I had fun, and my commenters did as well.

My reflection was a bit on the long side as I shared what worked for me, what didn't work for me, and as I highlighted some of the more memorable blogs I read.

A to Z Reflections, where I do not mention the word Astronomy.

P.S.: I missed the Linky List, and would like to see it come back, albeit in a less-deadlink form. Posting every day to this blog was a little overwhelming. But if I didn't post, nobody would know I had an entry up that day.

Mail Adventures said...

Blog: Mail Adventures
Theme: Postcards
Reflections post: Collateral Effects and Learnings

Jamie said...

Reflection post

My theme was the holidays of April.

JazzFeathers said...

My Reflection post ^_^

Keith's Ramblings said...

So that's it for another 10 months and 3 weeks! Didn't we have fun? I've just posted you all a letter from Amble Bay - we are missing you!

Amble Bay : Reflections and other things

Alana said...

Here are my thoughts after my 3rd A to Z. My theme was Traveling through Time and Space.

Unknown said...

Darkest Days

My best songs have come from the ashes of criticism. The songs that I feel are the tightest and most crafted are the ones that have been scrutinized and raked through by other songwriters. Artists who are my peers and who I trust will always give me their best advice because in analyzing others' work they are, in reality, analyzing their own.

CAAC said...

Hiya A2Zers! It was fabulous fun visiting y'all last month. We really need to do this throughout the year but I totally understand, so you're invited to bring your coffee (or tea) with you for read my reflections post. Have a funtastic week, dear friends and I'll see ya around the cyberblock! >^.^<

~Curious as a Cathy
Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Reflections

Wendy said...

Things didn't quite go to plan. Here's my link
A-Z Reflections Post

Wendy - self-confessed waffler, reader, crafter, Mother and Grandmother

Wendy's Waffle

Sylvia said...

Hello A to Z peeps :) I am so happy that I participated in this year's challenge again. Here is my reflection

moon said...

This was my first time participating in the A-Z challenge and i had a really wonderful April . Feels great to have "survived" . Congratulations and thanks to the Team A-Z for the terrific work with hosting such a fabulously flawless challenge.Congratulations to all the bloggers/writers who participated in the AtoZ April Blogging Challenge 2017 .
Have taken the survey.
Here's the link to my reflections post :

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...

Thank you to everyone who visited my blog. It was my first year with this particular blog, and I congratulate everyone who survived. My theme was "The Unknown Journey Ahead". Here's my reflection:

Jz said...

My not-so-random reflection:
A-Z Reflections

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Here's my reflections post: This year was my first doing the A to Z Challenge. I blogged on all things raising my girls (aged 7 and 4) to date. - Louise

Sue Bursztynski said...

Here are my reflections on my A-Z of spies and spying! Thank you to all those who visited my blog and commented during that time. Cheers! Sue Bursztynski

A To Z Challenge - Reflections

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Congratulations everyone and thanks for the visits/comments! Here are my Reflections on A to Z 2017.
Blog - Molly’s Canopy (family history/genealogy)
Theme - Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where my genealogy journey began.
Reflections on Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont Childhood

Emily in Ecuador said...

Congratulations everyone! This was my first year and my first time blogging regularly. I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to next year.
My Life In Ecuador
A to Z Reflections 2017

Unknown said...

Congratulations to everyone who took part and those of you who finished, I’m looking forward to visiting you all again next year! You can read my reflections post here:

lindamaycurry said...

Now we can sit back and read other people's A to Z. Maybe also start thinking about next year?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

My reflections are up -

Jean Davis said...

Congrats to everyone who finished the month! Onward to reflecting... Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer

Romi said...


SENCO Cat Herder said...

Here is my Reflections post and on the whole there are a lot of good points even though I hit a few snags along the way! A big thank you to ALL who took part - I had a really lovely time reading those posts!

Weekends in Maine said...

Here is a link to my reflections post from my blog Weekends in Maine. The final post of the challenge. We made it! #atozchallenge | Reflections of a two timer and what comes next.

Molly said...

I loved the challenge this year - and look forward to 2018! Thanks to all who made it possible.
Journaling: Challenge Wrap-Up

Anonymous said...

Here's how the challenge went for me and my thoughts on the lack of list. Reflections

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

Blog: Read All The Things!
Theme: Bookish memories
Post: A to Z Reflections. In which I tell you what I learned from 30 days of blogging.

Aj @ Read All The Things!

Noah Dietz said...

Woo, reflections time is my favorite part of this whole thing.
My theme included music, so dig it.

Song a Day
Reflections as a Daily Blog

Noah Dietz said...

Well my link broke, that's embarrassing. Here's the right one.

Random Musings said...

Here are my thoughts on this year's challenge
A to Z Challenge – My Thoughts and Reflections

Deborah Weber said...

My theme was pronia, peace and quiety all reflected through the lens of unusual, obscure, or simply delightful-to-me words.

Deborah Weber

Unknown said...

A to Z Reflections post

Unknown said...

A to Z 2017 Reflections Post...

pilch92 said...
my reflections on the a-z challenge post

C. D. Gallant-King said...

My theme was Weird Canadian Trivia and History.

Canada Trivia Reflections

Sue said...

Here's my A to Z Reflections Post for A Movie for Every Mood blog: A to Z Reflections Post

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said...

Here are my reflections of my A to Z experience:


Tamara Narayan said...

Theme: Conspiracy Theories

My A to Z Reflections Post

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

No reflection yet because I'm such a rebel that I've been going with a modified schedule. Today is actually U is for Urishibara in my A-Z of Relief Block Print Artists. So if you're sorry the challenge is over and wish there were still more posts to read, there are! I will reach Z on May 19!

Birgit said...

Here is my reflection post. Have a great day everyone! Birgit at

djinnia said...

here's my reflections link

Rodney's Saga said...

Looking for advice for 2018.
Taking The Easy Way, A To Z Reflections
Katherine at Rodney's Saga: Horses, Life, A Touch of Geek.

Sara said...

Reflecting on the A to Z of Statistics with shoutouts to some great blogs I discovered this month!

Janet said...

Scrapbooking my way through the concerts we've seen. Congrats to all who finished. Thanks to all who stopped by!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said... My thoughts on this and past Challenges. Notes Along the Way, Mary Montague Sikes

Lorilee Guenter said...

#AtoZ Reflection where I talk about what I learned during my first challenge.

Lorilee Guenter said...

forgot to add, I include a link to some of the blogs I found this month. I expect to add more to my list as I continue to follow up on posts I missed during April.

Pat Holloway said...

Pat Holloway photography theme
Reflections post

Kalpana said...

My reflections post for the April 2017 A to Z Challenge.
Reflecting #Lexicon of Leaving

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

In keeping with how the whole challenge went for me, I missed that this was the day, and will be posting my reflections tomorrow. But I'm putting my link here now, because.

P.S. I think the survey needs a place for us to comment and offer suggestions, as the questions don't exactly cover all the ways I felt.

shalz75 said...

I loved being a part of this challenge and am grateful to the many many peeps who graced my blog with their throughfulness. Thank you so much! I am humbled and delighted!

Reflections –My first and I loved it #atozchallenge

Trudy said...

I wasn't sure if I would like the daily linking this year, but it turns out it I liked it far better than the lengthy sign-up list. I appreciated the brief descriptions of the posts for the day and based on those descriptions, went to more blogs than I did in previous years.

The A to Z Challenge rocks, and here's why: Creativity Inside the Box

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Unknown said...

I am so glad i took the #atozchallenge and almost survived.
Reflection Post

I am Sneha from Life as a Potpourri and this was my second year into #AtoZChallenge and am talking about my hometown the Amazing Andamans

Libertas said...

We at Talking It Out managed to make it through. And here's out reflection as well as a brief explanation as to why we felt this blog was necessary this year.

Libertas said...

*our (oops)

Liz A. said...

I posted from A to Z at Laws of Gravity, but I consider this year a fail for me. Maybe next year?

Carrie-Anne said...

Secondary blog reflections
Main blog reflections

Unknown said...

My reflections post on how it was a bit rough, but still fun all the same
Andrea Lundgren

Arti said...

Shining the light on all the amazing bloggers I came across this April. Thank you guys.
Reflection Post

NTFB said...

Reflections Post -

KatyTrailCreations said...

Congrats to all and a huge Thank You to the Leaders of the Challenge as well as the visitors to my blog! Til next year.....
Quilts and Quotes theme
@randallbychance on Twitter from

Wolf of Words said...

We all survived! I reflected last week so I am already writing into the future.

Doree Weller said...

A to Z Reflections

Raesquiggles said...

@Raesquiggles Reflections
The Quiet Writer

PJ said...

Great challenge as always and will be seeing you next year.

Yes I did it again

Unknown said...

Here's our reflections for April's A to Z Challenge'

Vanessence7 said...

Vanessa @Vanessence

My "theme" was - A Thirty-Word Story, revealing one word of the story each day of the challenge.
#AtoZChallenge Reflections Post

Sandra Williamson said...

My reflection post for 2017 Snippets from the life of Martha Sarah Ellis. So happy to have made it!
A to Z Reflection Post

Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

Unknown said...

My end reflections

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Claire Annette said...

A Field Trip Life
Reflecting on a month of Library Love from A to Z

Akilah said...

Reflection post from a second-time participant:

Lillian said...

This year was my most enjoyable Challenge yet. I love this event. My theme was Art Nouveau. You can find my Reflection post here:

Roland Clarke said...

Lady In Read said...

Anonymous said...

Blog: Lynnelives, random, eclectic
Theme: Gardening, Lynne style

Natasha said...

Thank you Arlee, Lennie and all the organisers of AtoZ for a fantastic 2017 Challenge. And also all the bloggers for making it a great experience. Gratitude!


Travel Epiphanies:
Journey Down Memory Lane: AtoZ2017 Reflection Post

Unknown said...

Diabetes Destroyer Review

Being afflicted with illnesses is something we tend to accept as we age. But how tragic to see our children become ill due to disease... especially when the condition is avoidable. Type 2 diabetes is one of those conditions we can all work at to keep away from our children.

CLA Safflower Oil

Ishieta@Isheeria said...

Big Thanks to ATOZ folks and organizers!

"*Ishieta @ Isheeria's*

My Reflections Post "

Mandy said...

And done!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Some additional comments about the new way, brought on by what I've been reading in others posts. Honestly, if they didn't bother to hyperlink, I didn't bother to visit unless their post seemed very intriguing. I actually saved time and effort with the comments because I had an idea of what a post was about before I went to a blog. So, I only went to posts that interested me. Secondly, I saves time because unlike in previous years I did not end up at a blog before they posted or that was not really participating. Yes, scrolling through the comments takes longer, but over all time saved was immense for me. Several talked about motion, It is not all about motion. In data entry, yes. On assembly lines, maybe.

John Holton said...

My Reflections post is here.

John Holton said...

Yvonne's Reflections post

TheCyborgMom said...

A to Z Reflections 2017


Saraallie said...

SUCCESS! I Survived the Blogging from A to Z April 2017 Challenge!

Dena Pawling said...

I apparently posted my reflections link to the wrong post. So here it is again.

Supreme Court cases that changed life in the US

Deniz Bevan said...

I love looking back! Posting my reflections in today's post!

Anne M Bray said...

Here are mine.
Drawings and patterns of shoes:
Images of the back of trucks:

The new comment link format?
I REALLY REALLY preferred this year’s daily letter comment links over the previous intimidating Linky list. People were able to give theme descriptions along with their links and I found more blogs to read and follow that way. The legacy list is too long and too uninformative and I DON’T LIKE IT.

Lisa said...

I like the new format, too!
Reflections #AtoZchallenge

Pamela said...

A to Z 2017 Reflections Post

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I did it easily this and feel it is a useful activity with long term potential. I now itself decide my next year theme and shall start accumulating content in bits and pieces which I shall consolidate in April 2018.
Writing on Top Management Challenge Areas for A to Z Blogging Challenge - Reflection
Thank you A to Z team and all participants. Shall keep interacting. NRao

Tupeak Hope said...

Blogging about chronic health issues, patient self-advocacy & empowerment. Furthering this goal with a focus on patient engagement.
Reflections on My First AtoZChallenge
Tupeak Hope on Facebook

MeenalSonal said...

Reflections Post

@MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I waved cheerfully as the deadline for the reflections post went by, still gathering my thoughts to write a proper reflections post of my own. Here it is...
Reflecting on the #AtoZChallenge2017

Anmol Rawat said...

My Reflections post
Pardon me for being informal and self-praising ;) :D

Namratha said...

Reflections on AtoZChallenge: HERE

Charan Deep Singh said...

Well I completed the challenge. When I was doing the challenge I was going through some big changes in my life. So instead of reflections on Challenge, I have written a post on Reflection on Change
Self Respect

Linda Gardiner said...

I enjoyed blogging every day in April again this year for my second time. The new format without a list is fine with me. It was a bit more difficult to find who was blogging about what. But the hunt was interesting. I received many more comments this year. I also made a point to post on more blogs of others. My Reflections of the 2017 Challenge

An@mi said...

Hello blogger buddies, Anami is here.
Follow me on twitter -Just_Anami
Drop down on my blog BL0g@NaMi
My Reflection post.
Congratulations to all of us..

Roma Gupta Sinha said...

Girl Who Reads said...

Finally got around to my reflections post at Girl Who Reads.

Courtney said...

Reflections - thanks everyone.

Calensariel said...

After a few days in the hospital with pneumonia I have finally crawled back onto my blog to do my Reflections post. I was starting to fret! But here it is. And thanks to everyone for making this year so much fun. Loved the new format!

Impromptu Promptlings
April A to Z Challenge Reflections

SoulMom said...

A bit late, nevertheless here is my reflections post:

Thank you for making it happen.

Jak said...

My A to Z Entries at The Cryton Chronicles

I, Jak A to Z 2017 [Vlogging] Reflections (Vlogging)
Generation Jak A to Z 2017 [Jak's Jukebox] Reflections (Music)
Dreams in the Shade of Ink A to Z 2017 [Flash Fiction] Reflections (Flash Fiction/Poetry)
Meta MTG A to Z 2017 [Magic Mixer] Reflections (Magic: The Gathering)

The Cryton Chronicles on Facebook

Charan Deep Singh said...

Reflected on songs of my life.

Songs of Life

It is a follow up post on the theme I visited during the challenge. Read that post here.


FinnBadger said...

Mail Art A-Z | Phillip

nashvillecats2 said...

I really enjoyed the 2017 Challenge, I chose a musical theme and I made a few more friends. As one of the first to sign up for the first A to Z I still have friends and follow and vice versa from that challenge.