Thursday, April 6, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-7-2017 - Letter F

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter F:


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Unknown said...

Karnika Kapoor said...

Hi, everyone!
Hope you are all haveing a great time blogging :)
read my today's post on forgiveness
Best Wishes!

Natasha said...

Hola! What the Fish! It's just 6 alphabets yet! But am I having a ball? You bet I am.
Another one from my treasure trove.


Travel Epiphanies:
Far far Away

moon said...

Hi all! My theme for the challenge is shades of love
F is for Friends Forever.

Deepa said...

#apom F for Favorite Spot  

Anonymous said...

Hey There Fellow A to Zers! Here is the latest installment of my ongoing fiction.
Name: Marquessa Matthews
Blog: Simply Marquessa
A to Z Theme: Hawaii
Letter F: Fruit "The Dole Whip turned out to be a soft serve pineapple ice cream that was absolutely orgasmic, a word that I hadn't used or experienced in ages..."

Tina Basu said...

Challenge is going F'ing great!!!
Frozen Banana Ice-Cream
Freedom in Life

J Lenni Dorner said...

My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 is an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.

F= Faze

J -- Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos: F is for Freezer @ Click's Clan

shalz75 said...

Read about some fun and unusual events on a journey which remain the highlight of that trip
Flower power

Beverley Baird said...

F is for Favourites and Fascinations - as I explore Amy Krouse Rosenthal's guided journal "Encyclopedia of Me"
visit here:

Unknown said...

F Post

Fate Contradicts.

lindamaycurry said...


The only Irish ancestors in the family - here they are!

kaykuala said...

Hank is here:
F for Fritter in the Quest to be Healthy


Deeksha Shetty said...

It's Day 6 and i could literally hear the Nashik Dhol (the Indian Drumroll) in my ears when i published my article today! ;) It's already nerve-wrecking! The theme of my posts is SHORT STORIES. Do read and enjoy!


BLOG URL : Vilaythi Desi Girl


Anmol Rawat said...

F is for Frozen
The legend says that if you die at the Pitfall Point, your soul is trapped there forever.

Anne Young said...

Continuing with places associated with my family history. I had always read about family members fighting on opposite sides in the English Civil War and I was interested to find it in the case of my forebears.
F is for Faringdon, Berkshire: Cavaliers and roundheads - the Pye family on opposite sides


Anne Young

Anne's family history

Unknown said...

In the run up to podcast Illegal Aliens our A-Z blog challenge covers TV series Roswell

Sue Bursztynski said...

Theme Spies and Spying, F is for FictioƱal Spies. Today I comment on a couple of YA spy novel series and a couple of spy shows of the 1960s. And here's the link. Enjoy! F is for Fictional Spies

ozzypip said...

The 6th block in my A to Z quilt is a one of a number of bird blocks from the quilting world Flight of Swallows
Philipa (Ozzypip)
Quilter and blogger
Blogging her way through an A to Z quilt
Ozzypip Quilts

Nilanjana Bose said...

Your HTML cannot be accepted: Reference "“http:" is not allowed: A

This is the message I'm getting when I try to paste a clickable link here, second time this is happening, not sure why?

Anyways, here's the F post -


Theme : Arabiana

Sandra Williamson said...

Snippets from the life of Martha Sarah Ellis.
F is for Fremantle

Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

Sandra Williamson said...

Hi Nilanjana, I had the same problem but a friend pointed out that I had an extra space in the syntax it occurred because I had been cutting and pasting the URL in to the message. I didn't see it because I was looking for a wrong letter rather than an extra (almost invisible) extra space. Just a thought.

Wendy of the Rock said...
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Wendy of the Rock said...
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Wendy of the Rock said...
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Wendy of the Rock said...

I'm really very sorry about the number of bloopers above, but I am having mega-trouble trying to get my link to work. I have followed the no success. I have a shiny new MacBook Pro and I am about to throw it out the window!
F - Fair is foul
Wendy of the Rock is OFF the Rock

Wendy of the Rock said...

when you click my links, you just get the message: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous said...

Today's word is a mouthful. LOL F is for FUNKENZWANGSVORSTELLUNG––flash fiction about a strange emotion and word that may or may not be real. You guess. ;)

JazzFeathers said...

Name: JazzFeathers (Sarah Zama)
Blog: The Old Shelter
A to Z Theme: 1940s Film Noir
Letter F: Femme Fatale. The 'other' of film noir

Wendy of the Rock said...

*F = Fair is foul*

still fail!

Sue Bursztynski said...

Wendy, I followed your Google Plus link and then clicked into your blog post, which is certainly there. Here's the link I got, if this is any help. It seems to work:

Perhaps the problem happens when you try the clickable link? It's so easy to get it wrong! For today, just use the URL as above. It's a nice post and I've commented.

Keith's Ramblings said...


We all need a giggle now and again and Amble Bay's the place to enjoy one! Today we are off to the Fish Inn for a drink!

The Fish Inn, Amble Bay

Carolyn Paul Branch said...

F is for Family

Shawna Atteberry said...

In today's blog I tell you about some of my favorite things.

Stephen Tremp said...

F is for Floating Skyscraper. Yep, you that right. Floating skyscrapers!!!

Shawna Atteberry said...

I tried to leave a comment on your site, but it's not showing. I love femme fatales!

Lady In Read said...


QP & EYE said...

Name: Linda Stewart
Blog: QP & Eye
A to Z Theme: Values
Letter F: Friendship
Link: Friendship

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

jaishwrites - F for?? Flash Fiction

Tupeak Hope said...

Tupeak Hope -- Blogging about chronic health issues, patient self-advocacy and empowerment.

Post: F is for Keep Fighting!

Anonymous said...

Letter F - Finally I am home

Anonymous said...

a florette from me :)

crgalvin said...

Theme: My memories of life on tthe farm in the 50s and 60s
Letter F Feathered foes and furry friends

Carmel | Earlier Years

Kalpana said...
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Kalpana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kalpana said...

Theme: Lexicon of Leaving
Family despite everything.
Letter F: <a href="“> Family #Lexicon of Leaving</a>

Parul said...

Think beyond your job, marriage and children. Find yourself.
F for Find yourself

Random Musings said...

April in Motivational Quotes - F
April in Motivational Quotes - #AtoZChallenge Day 6 - F

Shari Elder said...

Theme: Crafting Complex Villains
Letter F: Farquaad, Fairytale Scourge
Shari Elder Author: Life’s a Story, Write it Bold

Menaka Bharathi said...

F for Find - Your guide to growing your own organic vegetables is here

Julie said...

Name: Julie
Blog: Reading Life
Theme: Books, Books and More Books!
Letter F: Fantastic Fiction

Josie Two Shoes said...

Name/Blog: Josie Two Shoes
A to Z Theme: "Circle of Hope" - Stories about the women in a small Midwest town
Letter F: Fran's Story

Radhika said...

Good Morning Everyone!
Theme : Kaleidoscope of thoughts
Fairy Tales

Romi said...

Do you agree with me?
On my Way Home

Anonymous said...

F for Nana's Fab Fur Fashion.

A to Z Theme: Sharing Family History via #GenealogyPhotoADay
By Fran from TravelGenee Blog

Lancelot Quadras said...

Link - F is for Flibbertigibbet

Unknown said...

F for 'Blogging famous' and how you can be famous too!

Click here to read the post!

Abbie said...

The Abbie
Abbie’s Adventure Diaries
Theme: Lessons Learned At 30
F for Future Plans Are A Fail’

Anonymous said...


Ritika Tiwari said...

Final Study of Bathers at AsniĆØres by Georges Seurat

It was a bit difficult to choose today's painting but I finally did it!

Mrs. Estrada said...

Theme of Writerly Identity, Discovery and getting back into blogging.

F for Feline

Veronica @ Anything Veronica

Chicky Kadambari said...

My post for today @ A to Z of Happiness: Forgiveness

Unknown said...

Suffering from plot holes, bad dialog, and disobedient characters? The writing life got you down? Come have a laugh:

26 Things To Hate About Writing: F is for Fantasy Worlds

Unknown said...

I'm cross stitching a Buffy The Vampire Slayer alphabet for the challenge. F is for Faith. F is for Faith
Ros from Fangirl Stitches

Wolf of Words said...

Today I indulge me from third grade as I review Fantastic Mr. Fox on Wolf of Words. It is part of the Getting to Know Me initiative.

Chris Votey said...

Character Astrology Profiles

F - Ferret (Leo + Monkey)

Debbie D. said...

Latest Post: FOR THE GOOD TIMES: A special place

Unknown said...

F for Fun
100 words verse story every day.
My everyday banters in my tin(y)sel town

Saraallie said...

Blog: Sara Writes
Theme: All About Sara’s Baked Creations ~ My Obsession With Baking
Fancy Lace and Flowers Cake

Sayanti Deb said...

Name: Sayanti Deb
Blog: The Beauty Of Life
A to Z Theme: Exploring The Beauty Of Living.
Letter F: Forgiveness: 6 keys to forgive the misdeeds

Jamie said...

F Housework! #NationalNoHouseworkDay
(Post includes one beeped curse word.)

The holidays of April is my #AtoZchallenge Theme.

Anjali Krishna said...

The A to Z of some of my favourite things!

cutiebootie said...

F is for fingers and fondles

My blog has adult content.

Preethi Venugopala said...

Letter F is here: MAgnificent First Sentences and Paragraphs

Anonymous said...

My Lifeblood Songs
For What It's Worth
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

Bob Scotney said...

F for Ferryside

Bob Scotney said...

F for Ferry Side

Operation Awesome said...

F is for Falling in Love With Your Manuscript - Why an Emotional Connection is Vital #AtoZChallenge
The #AtoZChallenge 2017 Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

L.G. Keltner said...

L.G. Keltner
Writing Off the Edge
F is for Future

coach-daddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb Atwood said...

Deb from Pen In Her Hand blogging about Novels for Young Adults.
F is for FEED (but it may not be what you think). If you like novels for young adults, please drop by!

Laura Clipson said...

Here is my F post for my storytelling series:

F is for Flaws

coach-daddy said...
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Ipsita Banerjee said...

F for Fudge.

Ipsita Banerjee said...

F for Flacon

ElenaSquareEyes said...

Today on ElenaSquareEyes F is for Feminism 

coach-daddy said...
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Vinodini said...



coach-daddy said...

I shouldn't post about food at this hour. And yet ...

#AtoZChallenge: F is for Five Foods That Bring Me Comfort

Christine O Cheallaigh said...

Here is my entry for today. Can't wait to read everyone's entries for today!


Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

Name: Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar
Blog: A Few Drops Of Ink
Theme: Foreign words with no English Equivalent
Link: Faamiti and Forelsket: Exotic Words with no English Equivalent

ViolaFury said...

Hi! Mary Wallace here. Homeless Chronicles in Tampa. Letter F is for Fracas!

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

Hi ! I'm writing about the textile traditions of India. stop by for a glimpse into our gorgeous fabrics

Mary B said...

Name: Mary Burris
Blog: Jingle Jangle Jungle
Theme: #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits
#AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits - F is for... and #BOTB Results

Unknown said...

Cooking is love made #edible. MocktailMommy shares personal anecdote and a recipe for #atozchallenge#. Read the post at Fun With Cooking

Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Blog - Molly’s Canopy (family history/genealogy)
Theme - Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where my genealogy journey began.
Today’s post - F is for Freddie Feihofer: My T.V. debut


Molly’s Canopy

Tamara said...

Today's #AtoZChallenge fitness post is all about fun even though we're also talking about fats - good and bad ones.

Sophie Duncan said...

HI All, F already :)
Dragon Diaries - F is for Femke

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi all - today is F for Feral Goats part of the British Rare Breeds series

Sophie Duncan said...

I'm posting for my sis, Tasha, today as well:
The A to Z of Shapeshifters - F is for Face-Dancer & Fenrir Greyback

Suzy said...

Daily thoughts with a little poetry a little prose for the letter F
Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Find the Fun

Neha said...

A true story of a Feisty woman officer from India. The first indian woman officer Feisty

PJ said...

A visit to the Falls of Foyers which are beside Loch Ness.

F is for Falls of Foyers

archana said...

F i s for freedom ..redefined. Two pieces that caused me to rethink and redefine freedom..

Sara C. Snider said...

If you can find an elusive fern seed, you could become invisible!

Theme: Magical and Medicinal Herbs
Today’s Post: Fern

Bernadette Braganza said...

F for my Favourite songs

Iain Kelly said...

Name: Iain Kelly
Blog: IainKellyWriting

F is for Flower Part Six of my continuing detective story.

Michelle Wallace said...

In Darkness Be Light!
Writer In Transit

Gossip_Grl said...

I write an addiction blog. Today my F post is called, 52 Addicts: Stories through the Lens of a Camera. I hope you stop by to read about a talented local photographer who is telling our locals stories through her camera lens. Stories of hope, healing and recovery. Stories reminding us that people do recover from substance abuse addiction and go on to do some remarkable things in life.

Sharon Himsl said...

F for Fabiola

"Female Scientists Before Our Time"

Geethica said...

This relationship grows slowly and steadily. Read on my today's post on

Narinder Bhatia said...
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Narinder Bhatia said...

I am Narinder and my blog is titled "Create Your Best".
My sixth post of the A to Z challenge is on FOCUS. The link is F is for FOCUS

Anonymous said...

Father - the disciples' story

Sue from Sue's Trifles

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

Ever wonder how stars shine?

F is for Fusion, brought to you by the resident Citizen Scientist.

(Admit it--you think astronomy is nifty.)

Her Grace is also known for writing novels.

Unknown said...

F for Fragments
Here's the link:

Cathy Kennedy said...

What's this it's Friday so soon? Don't freak out, stop in for my latest Art Sketching Through the Alphabet post featuring the letter "F" for fence, frog, fox, and funny face. What "F" things should I sketch next?

Anna Tan said...

Here's The Princess and the Flamboyant Flamingo

And accompanying illustration

Mail Adventures said...

Name: Eva
Blog: Mail Adventures
#AtoZ Theme: Postcards
Letter F: Flags. What a variety!

Manisha said...

Manisha from The Nimble Mime
A to Z Theme: Flash Fiction

Letter F: First Steps

Jemima Pett said...

It's Friday Flash Fiction day on my blog. Enjoy!
Jemima's Fieldcraft flash fiction

Sumoflam said...

My F is for Falls (as in Waterfalls) F is For Falls

Rob Z Tobor said...

Rob Z Tobor

Franciscan Friars, The Fishermen and the Flamingo

Unknown said...

F for Freesias

SENCO Cat Herder said...

Hi there Fellow Friday F's :)
I'm writing short poems relating to my time as both teacher and pupil - today it is

Unknown said...

Today's usually strange tale is about a man with a shed full of secrets: Faceless

Clare said...

Blog: Clare Dugmore Writes
Theme: The A-Z of Romance
F is for Flirting

C.D. Gallant-King said...

A famous Canadian writer you've probably never heard of.

F - May Agnes Fleming

Jz said...

Random thoughts continue...
F is for Frame

Unknown said...

Hello Friends,
I am Sneha from Life as a Potpourri and this is my second year into #AtoZChallenge and am talking about my hometown the
Amazing Andamans And my 6th post is about the diverse Flora and Fauna of the Andaman Islands.
Happy blogging :)
~~ gal from the island ~~

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...

Hello! My F post has to do with Fear of Failure and possible Flood Fun.

AJ said...

M. Denise C. said...

Today it is actor
Hugh Fraser
who portrayed the Duke of Wellington the best!

Cheers, MDC

Alana said...

My childhood effort to grow marigolds in a New York City apartment.

Ila Varma said...

Unknown said...

F is for Freebies! Who doesn't like free LEGO?
True North Bricks - F is for Freebies

Wendy of the Rock said...

Thank you so much, Sue. I'm pretty low on the IT rank!
*F = Fair is foul*

Wendy of the Rock said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Rock & roll, peeps!
"F" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Darcy said...

A to Z 2017 FEARFUL

Donna Smith said...

A Maine Vanity Plate for F and a poem.

Weekends in Maine said...

Here is a link to my post for F from my blog Weekends in Maine. Thanks for visiting! F is for Flight Deck Brewing| We love (really love) our craft beer in Maine.

cheryl lennox said...

F is for Floral Quilt

Beth Lapin said...

Today, I keep FANTASY alive.

Beth Lapin

Unknown said...

Blog: If I Only Had A Time Machine
Theme: History lessons from
We Didn’t Start the Fire From A to Z: Foreign Debts

Lauren said...

As F has fallen on a Friday I'm combining my A to Z post with my regular Friday series of #FridayFive practicing gratitude which still fits in perfectly with my mental health theme! Check it out on Milly's Guide

Susan said...

Parent of young adults need to make sure they have the right...



Color Me Writing

Rutuja Bhagwat said...

F is for Friends & Foes | A post featuring my casual outfit and a bit of fun!
Check out the post here > LINK

Anita Sabat said...

Do you fear to fail?
Here's a short poem about- Why we shouldn't fear failure.
'Fear Of Failure' #AtoZChallenge

Claudia Bookwright said...

F is for Fences, a movie review.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

The Goddess of Fall, the Fip Empire, and Fifth Season

Sylvia said...

My post is all about food and my good and bad regarding food

Anne M Bray said...

Eye candy --
The F Shoe:
The F Truck:

KatyTrailCreations said...

Four Corners
Quilts and Quotes theme
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail CreationsLetterF

Denise said...

The list gets shorter every day. But I'm still here. Back in Belgium today.

Denise at My Life in Retirement Flanders Fields

Trudy said...

Theme: Food in Film, with today’s starring role: Fried Green Tomatoes

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Nick Wilford said...

Scattergun Scribblings
Black & White snippets: short scenes featuring characters, places and concepts from my forthcoming YA dystopian trilogy
F is for Fusterbury
It might not be pleasant, but they call it home.

The Plagued Parent said...

Letter F! Are we having fun yet.

FinnBadger said...

Blogging mail art from A to Z

Phillip | F is for Found Poetry (and Fauxhio)

Molly said...

Journaling: F = Five Year Journal

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Each day I’m doing a post of random topics based on homeschooling files I’m going through and decluttering.
Today’s topic: Forests, Foxes, and Frogs.

Unknown said...

My theme is Music: Favourite Artists - F is for F is for Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

Unknown said...

Writing Prompt!

Today's A-to-Z Post

Shwetha Krish said...


Do you Fathom?

Susanne Matthews said...

The letter F stands for Fire Angel. My first book is now my latest release.LINK

Lori said...

F is for Feasting and Fellowship

Heather M. Gardner said...

Challenge accepted. :)

The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Theme: Everything, Nothing & Stuff In-between
Letter: F is for Favorites!
Co-Host, 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Harvey Heilbrun said...

F is for Fear. What if you had no fear?

Tamara Narayan said...

Theme: Conspiracy Theories

F is for Fascist Takeover of the US

Sally said...

Laurel Garver said...

Theme: writing prompt-a-day
Great for story starts, expanding or deepening a story, or as a writing warm-up
F is for Fear
Laurel's Leaves

Anonymous said...

Talking about writing First drafts at Story Dam.

Jo Hawk said...

Happy Friday everyone! Today I have a story for the letter F is for Fascinating. Please stop by and let me know what you think.

Jo Hawk The Writer

Tinbugs said...

Friends, Memories, and Food. Cooking again at Travelling Spoons. Tinbugs from

Emily in Ecuador said...

My Life in Ecuador

Fireworks - Any time is the right time

Celebrations frequently include fireworks, any day of the year

Anonymous said...

Three fence photos.
My Virtual Vineyard

Birgit said...

Here I am, almost the end of week 1! Birgit, all about films plus a bit more...

Ann Bennett said...

Ah the passion is dying down or the Fatigue is setting in. I almost forgot to list my posts this Friday morning.
At comment 178, Letter E, here I come.
Hey, It's Ann visiting from A to Z So Much to Choose From and
Science Ladybug

Ann Bennett said...

I meant letter F, it's a copy and paste kind of thing. TGIF!

lissa said...

my F post: Fiction - a short story about a lost balloon

have a lovely day, everyone.

Girl Who Reads said...

Features writer Chris takes on the letter F with Far from Fresh - the Value of Derivitive Fiction at Girl Who Reads

Deeksha Shetty said...

The theme of my posts is SHORT STORIES. Do read and enjoy!


BLOG URL :Vilaythi Desi Girl


C.E. Flores said...

Name: CTdeF
Blog: Surviving Mexico Adventures and Disasters
A to Z Theme: A to Z reasons why La Yacata is the place to be WTSHTF (When the Sh*t hits the Fan)
Letter F : Disaster strikes! Fire! Move to La Yacata!

Celia Reaves said...

Another quick and fun haiku puzzle for the letter F. What's the word of the day? Come find out at WordWacker!

Jean Davis said...

Editing Fiction: Checking your Facts
Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer, A to Z: Editing Fiction

Laura @ Literacious said...

For is for Forward-Thinking Looking into the future with strategic planning!

Laura @ Literacious said...

"F" not For... Autocorrect!

Isa-Lee Wolf said...

Less lighthearted today. It's about fear.
A to Z Challenge: Fear>

Isa-Lee Wolf

A Bit 2 Read

S.K. Dubois said...

Even witches have aunties! Episode 6: Fashionably Late

Sorchia's Universe

Dena Pawling said...

Supreme Court cases that changed life in the US
F is for Firearms and Fingerprints

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

F is for Fais-do-do

Sharon E. Cathcart
Award-winning Author of Fiction Featuring Atypical Characters

Carolyn Astfalk said...

A toZ Challenge: F is for Fracking

Carolyn Astfalk
My Scribbler’s Heart

Marna Reed said...

The Underworld (and ancient Greece) hath no fury like the Furies.
F is for the Furies

A Tarkabarka Hƶlgy said...

This one pretty much speaks for itself.
Weird Things in Folktales - Poisonous white hair in eyebrow that causes death to the first person who sees it each day

cammies on the floor said...

I switch power exchange roles with my lovers but learned there are problems with that after a discussion LINK (AC)

Addison Albright said...

Name: Addison Albright
Blog: Stories That Make You Smile
A to Z Theme: ’Til Death Do Us Part
* * Today's A to Z Post * * → F is for Fiji

Sylvia Ney said...

My "F" post:

Mr Percy Pig said...

Percy here! We'd love it if you visited us to find out our favourite things.
Percy on Fingers

Madhumita Phukan said...

My F for 'That Fan of Mine' : LINK

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