Saturday, April 29, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-30-2017 - Letter Z

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter Z:

Did you finish the Challenge?



1 – 200 of 274   Newer›   Newest»
Deepa said...

#APOM A Peice of My Life
Z for Zen

AJ said...

J Lenni Dorner said...

Congratulations to everyone who made it to Z!

My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 is an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.
Z= Zeal of Zebras

J -- Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos: Z is for Zygote @ Click's Clan

Rob Z Tobor said...

Rob Z Tobor
Why I did not finish the A to Z

Unknown said...

Black and white stripes of the Zebra Crossing can teach you a life's lesson or two! Find out how... with this concluding article for the #AtoZChallenge!
Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life

Tupeak Hope said...

Blogging about chronic health issues, patient self-advocacy & empowerment.
Zebras not horses
Find us on Facebook

Unknown said...

We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the organizers and fellow bloggers for this wonderful journey called #AtoZChallenge! Special thanks to Ms Gayatri Gadre Be Young Forever for introducing us to this challenge and helping us at various stages!

Anne Young said...

I enjoyed the journey visiting places associated with my family's history. I enjoyed reading other people's blogs too. Z is for Zehlendorf

Anne Young

Anne's family history

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Each day I’m doing a post of random topics based on homeschooling files I’m going through and decluttering.

Today’s topic: Zoos.

It was so much fun visiting many new blogs during this challenge; and learning a lot from people all over the world.

I'm so thankful for every person who came to visit my blog and left a comment. Your time and thoughtfulness is appreciated.

nashvillecats2 said...

Congrats to all who have made this challenge a GREAT one.
Have read some amazing facts, poems and post.
Thank you all.


G said...

Windmills & Cheese factory, Join me for a trip to Zaanse Schans, Netherlands

Unknown said...

We conclude our Roswell-themed A to Z Challenge with Z is for Zan;

Linda Stewart said...

Name: Linda Stewart
Blogs at QP & EYE
A-Z Theme: Values
Letter Z: Z - It's a Mirage

crgalvin said...

Theme: My memories of life on the farm in the 50s and 60s
Letter Z Zero, nought nothing

Wendy of the Rock said...

Totally zonked... over and out

lindamaycurry said...

Are we related to an astronaut or is it just a family myth? Fact or Fiction-Family Stories.

Marabella said...

Z is a difficult letter.'s something different.

Marie Rebelle said...

My Z-post (adult content) -

ozzypip said...

With the front of my A to Z quilt complete yesterday Zenith has to go onto the back.

Philipa (Ozzypip)
Quilter and blogger
Blogging her way through an A to Z quilt
Ozzypip Quilts

Keith's Ramblings said...


A fond farewell from the good folk of Amble Bay.

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response and hundreds of encouraging comments I received during the challenge. I can't believe it happened! See you in 2018 if not before.

Your last full day in Amble Bay

Dihiwi said...

I posted my last A to Z Challenge blog - Zee end! Since the challenge is ending, I talk about a few things that I'm looking forward to in May and beyond.

Keith's Ramblings said...


Your last full day in Amble Bay CORRECT LINK!

TheCyborgMom said...

My theme this year is Hot Men :)

#HotMan Zombie Killers


Keith's Ramblings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

And the final post for A to Z of poetry:

Zanila Rhyme - Friendship

Keith's Ramblings said...


CORRECT LINK It's farewell to Amble Bay

Sandra Williamson said...

Snippets from the life of Martha Sarah Ellis.
Z is for Zero - no more 2017 A to Z Challenges left to do!

Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

Julie said...

Name: Julie
Blog: Reading Life
Theme: Books, Books and More Books!
Letter Z: Zicree

Unknown said...

Zacchaeus was known for his short stature, but he had a big story to tell about his encounter with Jesus. Read about it below in the last post for the #AtoZChallenge.

#AtoZChallenge: Letter Z

C.E. Flores said...

Living in La Yacata will keep you from becoming a Zombie!

BobbieTales said...

Tiger hears drumming, along the path comes a young man, who looks exactly like the Heavenly Prince. Tiger leaves his cave and dances behind the man.

BobbieTales said...

To read the stories go to my wattpad site.

Shari Elder said...

Theme: Crafting Complex Villains
Letter Z: Hand me a Tissue, Zenzi
Shari Elder Author: Life’s a Story, Write it Bold

Blikachuka said...

I am blogging about books I read before I started the blog:
My A to Z:

Denise said...

Denise at My Life in Retirement Zuiderkerk Church, Amsterdam

Anonymous said...

it has been a lovely experience :)

Tamara Narayan said...

Theme: Conspiracy Theories

Z is for the Zika virus

moon said...

Hi all! It has been an amazingly exciting month, full of creative fun and learning. I thank the A to Z team for all the fun moments that i have had in this wonderful challenge . My best wishes to all my co-participants . May we continue to be inspired , and inspire each other.
My theme : shades of love
Z is for Zephyr

Tropical Colours said...

I want to end my challenge with a realization.
It's not a "Z" post but I want to thank atoz blog and everyone who I've met through this challenge!

A blog that matters

Chris Votey said...

Character Astrology Profiles

Z - Zebra (Pisces + Pig)

Anonymous said...

Woo! Made it to Z. My theme is Strange Feelings, possibly made up words to describe things we feel every day. Z is for Zielschmerz

the late phoenix said...


Unknown said...

Well, we made it!! Congratulations everyone on hitting the finish line. Here's my final post:

Kim Richardson

Ramblings of K

Anonymous said...


Shailaja V said...

And that's a wrap :) So happy to have completed another A to Z :)

Z is for Zero.

*Shailaja/The Moving Quill*

Theme: An Oxymoron in 100 words (Micro Fiction)
Category Writing (WR)

Jamie said...

Yes I can be honest about Zipper day

My theme is the holidays of April

Josie Two Shoes said...

Z is for Zadie - the conclusion to my A-Z serial story "Circle of Hope"

shalz75 said...

Alright, we are at the finish line. A big pat on the back to all of us. Its been such a pleasurable journey for me with all of you. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!! Cheers

Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
Z is for Zen in the Glen #atozchallenge

Donna Smith said...

The last vanity plate from the Maine collection and its poem!

Donna Smith
Mainely Write

Romi said...

Describing my life in six words
On my Way Home

Wolf of Words said...

ZZZzzz...huh... what? *rubs eyes* Is it time for the last day of the challenge already? *yawns* Come read about sleep at the Wolf of Words.

Noah Dietz said...

Boom, last day. Congrats to all that made it this far!

Song a Day
Z is for ZAYN

Karnika Kapoor said...

Wow! we did it!
Last post for this year's challenge. Hope you all had a great time blogging. I sure did.
For the last post I wrote on zodiac sign.
Best wishes!

Debbie D. said...

WE DID IT! ☺ Congratulations to all!!
Latest Post: ZORBA THE GREEK: How a lifelong obsession began!

Weekends in Maine said...

Here is a link to my post for Z from my blog Weekends in Maine. The final post of the challenge. We made it! Z is for Zeitgeist Factory | Using concrete in unexpected ways.

Sue Bursztynski said...

Crook, con artist, charmer ... And WWII double agent! Z Is For Agent Zigzag

cutiebootie said...

Z is for petting penis zoo

My blog has adult content.

Operation Awesome said...

Z is for Zzzz
The Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

KatyTrailCreations said...

Zenobia's Puzzle
Quilts and Quotes theme
@randallbychance on Twitter from

Vanessence7 said...

Vanessa @Vanessence

My "theme" - A Thirty-Word Story, revealing one word of the story each day of the challenge.
#AtoZChallenge The Letter Z

Sue Bursztynski said...

And finally, my reflections on Spies And Spying! A To Z Challenge - Reflections

Anonymous said...

Hello, here's my post on the letter Z. It's been a great challenge and enjoyed doing this even if I'm tired.


Shirley Corder said...

Theme: Build a Better Blog
Today's Post: Add Zing and Zeal as you Build a Better Blog #atozchallenge
It's been a great month. Thanks to all who have contributed. A few added chapters and illustrations and I have an e-Book ready to publish!

Anonymous said...

Link: #AtoZChallenge Z for San Diego Zoo.
Name: Fran
Blog: TravelGenee
Theme: Sharing Family History via #GenealogyPhotoADay

Calensariel said...

Well folks, it's been fun playing with you! I hope you'll stop by one more time and see if you can "Name That TV Show!"

Impromptu Promptlings
A to Z Challenge Letter Z

Anonymous said...

Hello Fellow A to Zers! Here is the last installment of my ongoing fiction. It's been quite a challenge!
Name: Marquessa Matthews
Blog: Simply Marquessa
A to Z Theme: Hawaii
Letter Z: Zori : "I dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom to throw up. When I had nothing left in me, I closed my eyes and lay my cheek against the cold bathroom floor where I lay for an eternity..."

Lancelot Quadras said...

Name - Lancelot Quadras
Blog - One Mind A Million Thoughts
Theme - Weird Words
Link - Zendik

Libertas said...

Yes, Talking It Out has made it to the end. Woo-hoo!
One last post we're calling Zaftig for the body positivity movement.

Geethica said...

At last I am here,

Anonymous said...

Thank you, A-Z Blog Challenge Hosts!
My Lifeblood Songs
Zorba's Dance
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

Radhika said...

Hi all,
Theme: Kaleidoscope of thoughts
Letter Z -

Mary B said...

Blog: Jingle Jangle Jungle
Theme: #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits
#AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits - Z is for...

Narinder Bhatia said...

My name is Narinder and my blog is titled "Create Your Best"
My 26th and last post of the challenge is Z is for ZEAL

Unknown said...

Z is for Zoomorphism
Theme: Components of Literature

Fun month!

Saraallie said...

Blog: Sara Writes
Theme: All About Sara’s Baked Creations ~ My Obsession With Baking
Zesty Lemon Yogurt Ring

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi everyone ... zat's it ...

Claire Annette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claire Annette said...

Drop by a Field Trip Life to catch some Zzzzzz's for the final post of this year's A to Z Challenge
<a href=">Zzzz</a>

Unknown said...

It's over! How do you feel about writing now?

26 Things To Hate About Writing: Z is for Zero Days

Kalpana said...

We've done it - we've reached Z. I'm going to miss it.
Zero #Lexicon of Leaving

Michelle Wallace said...

In Darkness Be Light!
Writer In Transit

...and that's a wrap!

Anonymous said...

Z is for Zen or Zany
Blog: Lynnelives, random, eclectic
Theme: Gardening, Lynne style

Huge thanks to the founder and co-hosts.
Well done to all who gave it a go, particular thanks to those who popped by and kept me going.
We're here! It's been a lovely AtoZ year. Different yes, for me, better for it.
Hope to see you again on reflections day.

Mail Adventures said...

Name: Eva Blog: Mail Adventures #AtoZ Theme: Postcards Letter Z: Zebra & Zarah. Do you prefer mail adventures or zebras?

Unknown said...

Name: David Jesson
Blog: A back of the envelope calculation
AtoZ theme: Materials Science underpinning fiction.
Today's post - Z - Zhaligheer: The Shining One

Yogasana said...

A zentangle to end the challenge

rajlakshmi said...

The beautiful roads of Mount Wilson
Travel Tales

Lady In Read said...

We are at Z!!!LadyInRead @ MyRandRSpace - Day 30 & ZingingZ.

Sophie Duncan said...

We made it!!!! :D
Dragon Diaries - Z is for Zlata

Iain Kelly said...

Name: Iain Kelly
Blog: Iain Kelly Writing

Z is for Zebra The concluding part of the crime thriller story.

Read the full story from the start here: Previous Installments

Congratulations to everyone who took part and completed the challenge. It's been a blast. Thank you to everyone who took the time to stop by and read my effort. Look forward to seeing you for the 2018 challenge!

Nick Wilford said...

Black & White snippets: short scenes featuring characters, places and concepts from my forthcoming YA dystopian trilogy
Z is for Zimpano
The prospect of a new beginning - but there's a slight snag.
What a month! Thanks to everyone who stopped by my posts. It's been a pleasure. :)

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

Z is for Zenobia, Zygon & Richard Zeeman
Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

SENCO Cat Herder said...

Once again it has been a fantastic ride. Thank you so much to all who visited and a very special thanks to the A-Z crew for making it all happen :) Hope to see you all back here for 2018!
Short poems on the topic of being a student/pupil as well as a teacher in school.

ElenaSquareEyes said...

Today on final day of my A-Z of Favourite Things, Z is for my favourite composer - Hans Zimmer.

Nicki Mags said...

My first time joining and I loved it :-)
Z is for Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury.

JazzFeathers said...

Name: JazzFeathers (Sarah Zama)
Blog: The Old Shelter
A to Z Theme: 1940s Film Noir
Letter Z: Zeitgeist. Was film noir a reflextion of the 1940s historical and sociological circumstances, or is it semething more universal?

And so, this is the end of the 2017 AtoZChallenge. I really really enjoyed the experience. I learned a lot of new things and conneted with so many awesome people. That's what the challenge is all abotu for me ^_^

Natasha said...

And we are saying our Buh-byes. Its been a great ride amigos! See you around.


Travel Epiphanies:
Zesty and Zany Life

Linda Gardiner said...

Had a blast again this year. Thanks to all who took the time to look & comment! Z is for Zester Zest

Tamara said...

Z is for "Will Zumba for Zucchini Bread"

Preethi Venugopala said...

What a fun ride this was! Discovered new blogs and writers. Wrote evey day for a month. Minimum 400 words per post.
Here is my Z post :)
Letter Z: Zodiac Signs and Writers

sage said...

I made it to the end... Z is for Zodiac

Suzy said...

Daily thoughts - Zeal in everything

Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Zeal

Beth Lapin said...

Today, I live my life with ZEST

Affirmations for a Good Life

An@mi said...

Hello blogger buddies, Anami is here.
Follow me on twitter -Just_Anami
Drop down on my blog BL0g@NaMi
Z for Zenith

Gossip_Grl said...

Vinodini said...




Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

A look at what it takes to be calm and collected while working towards your dream.
A Writer's Zen

Darcy said...

A to Z 2017 ZEN

Kevin the Bold said...

Our last favourite thing is Zebra Stripes...
Kevin and Percy say goodbye

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said...

Today's the day! We've reached the finish line! Woo-hoo! Woot! Woot!

Z is for ZooTV & Zubas
'92 Time Capsule

Z is for ZooTV & Zubas

Christine O Cheallaigh said...

Here's my entry for today... This has been lots of fun, I look forward to doing this again next year!


coach-daddy said...

Let's end with Zen (found in building chances)


Z is for the Zen in Building Chances

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

The last post for Z
Zeal - Earnestness to Serve and Survive
Thank you All A to Z connected to A to Z. Hope to be in touch with you in the days to come.

FinnBadger said...

Mail art from A to Z.

Phillip | Z is for Zines

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Congratulations everyone -- we did it !! And thanks to all of you who visited and commented during A to Z -- hope we can keep this going all year!
Blog - Molly’s Canopy (family history/genealogy)
Theme - Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where my genealogy journey began.
Z is for Zooming off to Endwell

Trudy said...

Theme: Food in Film, with today’s starring role: Zagnut

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Bob Scotney said...

Not the end I had expected. Z for Zimbabwe House

Unknown said...

Blog: If I Only Had A Time Machine
Theme: History lessons from
We Didn’t Start the Fire From A to Z: Letter Z

Jz said...

I'd say the random thoughts end, but in truth, I'm always random.
This challenge, however, ends... with Z is for Zydeco

Storyteller said...

#atozchallenge Letter Z: ZENITH

Girl Who Reads said...

We finish up the A to Z Challenge with Zilch! Ways to Read for Free

archana said...

Phew.. first timer here. My Z post up! Thanks for sharing some love via comments.
My theme has evolved into spirituality all around us in stories, books and movies!
Z for Zen tday. Do visit and keep coming!

Z for Zen

Emily in Ecuador said...

My Life In Ecuador
Zoo - I live in one!

Lori said...

I did it! I did it, I did it! Whoa! Z is for Ba-Zinga!"

Neha Tambe said...

A short story about rediscovering the Zest for Life

Carolyn Astfalk said...

Blogging from A to Z Challenge: Z is for Zero Sum Game

Carolyn Astfalk
My Scribbler’s Heart

Anonymous said...

Cheers - to the Z. My Virtual Vineyard

Dean K Miller said...

Last but not least:

Sayanti Deb said...

Name: Sayanti Deb
Blog: The Beauty Of Life
A to Z Theme: Exploring The Beauty Of Living.
Letter Z: Zest

lissa said...

~ my Z post - Zodiac ~ do you believe in signs?

There's still time for my two giveaways:

(1) critique/design something /write guest post for your blog or a free book - your choice

(2) art giveaway

have a lovely day, everyone.

Donna B. McNicol said...

DB McNicol | Oh, the places we will go! | Zippo & Zion

Susanne Matthews said...

Z is Zulu Why? LINK

Ipsita Banerjee said...

The Z post Phew!

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...

Thank you, everyone who visited my blog. For my last post, I Zero In.

Unknown said...

Z is for Zombies in my last LEGO themed post of this challenge! Thanks to everyone who has stopped by, it's been fun!
True North Bricks - Z is for Zombies

Ipsita Banerjee said...

The poem here. Z Congratulations to all who made it so far!

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Let's zoom in to the final post in my What if...? series: What if we could zoom-in with just our eyes?

Alana said...

Spring, stop Zooming by. Congrats to all who completed A to Z.

Marion Westerling said...


Unknown said...

I can't believe we're done already! That's crazy!
At least I stuck to the schedule this time round...only one missed day! And I finish on time! Woohoo!

The last letter's a tough one, but I pulled a little something together. Today's unusually strange tale is my attempt at a 'theme', loosely tying all the previous stories together:Zoology

Congratulations to everyone that took this journey! I hope you had fun writing (and reading). Until next year...if not sooner!

Deborah Weber said...

Stop by for a dose of tranquility, peace, and pronoia
Deborah Weber

Addison Albright said...

Name: Addison Albright
Blog: Stories That Make You Smile
A to Z Theme: ’Til Death Do Us Part
* * Today's A to Z Post * * → Z is for Zipped

J.S. Pailly said...

For the final post of Sciency Words: A to Z... zoosemiotics is the scientific study of animal communications.

Sciency Words: Zoosemiotics

lissa said...

you forgot a quotation mark at the end of your post link, fyi -- here's your link:


Cathy Kennedy said...

Zip zap just like that the end of the A2Z challenge is here, folks! It's been a zingy ride and I hope y'all will join Curious as a Cathy for her last installment of Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "Z" (Zebra). But...I'll be connecting for the reflections post on May 8th. :D

Anmol Rawat said...

Z is for Zapped In
When they began on their 13th adventure at a catacomb in Paris, they did not know that they will be zapped in a horrifying curse.

Molly said...

I sure enjoyed sharing my passion for Journaling with all of you! I look forward to participating in this fun, creative event next year!
Journaling: Z is for Zzzz

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

For something I did completely on impulse, this has turned out to be a lot of fun. I already have next year's challenged mapped out! Thanks to all who have dropped by my blog.

Z is for Zydeco

Sharon E. Cathcart
Award-winning Author of Fiction Featuring Atypical Characters

Giggling Fattie said...

The last day has arrived!! My Harry Potter theme comes to an end with a few zany fandom posts that I have collected while researching all the other letters.

Come back tomorrow for a reflection post!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Perspectives: Zamzar at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Shwetha Krish said...

Beauty of Nothingness

Nancy Beach said...

G - God is zealous
Theme: Who is God?
Filled to Empty

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Finally, which literary genre is Z:

Z is for Zombie fiction

Isa-Lee Wolf said...

We made it! All the way Z! Nice work, everyone :)

A to Z Challenge: Zip

Isa-Lee Wolf

A Bit 2 Read

Tracey At Home said...

My theme is mostly made up holidays. Today is "Last word in the dictionary day"

Heather M. Gardner said...

Challenge accepted. :)

The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Theme: Everything, Nothing & Stuff In-between
Letter: Z is for The End. :)
Co-Host, 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

Blog: Read All The Things!
Theme: Bookish memories
Post: Z is for “Zzzzz.” Books that kept me up past bedtime. Congratulations everyone! We finished it!

Aj @ Read All The Things!

Stacy Uncorked said...

That went by way too fast! I'm still lost in the shuffle...time to catch up! ;)

Wrapping up the #AtoZChallenge with Z - Zymology, Zest and Zinfandel!

Home Winemaking – ‘Z’ for Zymology, Zest and Zinfandel! Wrapping up the #AtoZChallenge

djinnia said...

Last day. Congrats to all!

Lisa said...

Cngrats to all finishers!
I have more of a "hairy" band on the post today.... :D
"Z" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Sylvia Ney said...

My "Z" post for Scotland:

Anonymous said...

Click here for Chapter Z of my A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure (AC)! Comment to vote for the next choice and come back tomorrow for the reveal of the next installment in the novel: Runaway!

Arti said...

Zagreb was supposed to be the center of attention, BUT... life happened...
Z is for Zagreb and Zindagi

Shelley N Greene said...

Theme: Scrapbooking
Here it is, Z-end! Z is for ZONES

Charan Deep Singh said...

My last post of the challenge about pronunciation issues


Maggie C said...

Daily 3- line poem (5-7-5, haiku form); first letter of each line same as the letter of the day.

Z is for zealous zestful zebra
Maggie C
What Rhymes with Stanza

Unknown said...

The final installment of my 26 part story. I managed to do a beginning, middle, and end in just over 22,000 words.
Zap: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #26

If you want to start at the begining, here's a link to A's post.
Angel: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #1

Ash said...

Zebra of my House

Crackerberries said...

YEAH I made it! Can't wait till next year! Hope everyone enjoyed the ride!

Jemima Pett said...

Oh crumbs, I nearly forgot...
Jemima reveals Zanzibar's Rings (Viridian Series #3)

cheryl lennox said...

Zipper, and we are done!

Anonymous said...

Zechariah’s story

Sue from Sue's Trifles

Nandhini Chandrasekeran said...

Z for Zygotic Moments – Pages from my pregnancy photo book #AtoZChallenge #motherhoodEmotions

Anonymous said...

prisoner Zero (Doctor Who cross stitch)

And another A to Z challenge completed!

Rodney's Saga said...

Letter Art: Zebra Stripes
Using A to Z for Sunday inspiration.
Katherine at Rodney's Saga: Horses, Life, A Touch of Geek.

MeenalSonal said...

Z for ZEAL

MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

Theme: Relationship

L.G. Keltner said...

L.G. Keltner
Writing Off the Edge
Z is for Zoom

Laura @ Literacious said...

Z is for Zealous Sharing my zeal colleagues and supervisors

Dena Pawling said...

Supreme Court cases that changed life in the US
Z is for Zelman

Sue said...

Z is for Zero Dark Thirty, nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards. Here's my review: Zero Dark Thirty

Namratha said...

Celebrating 'Women & their work' all April @NamySaysSo Zumba & Beyond: Meet Ramya Gowda

Manisha said...

Manisha from The Nimble Mime
A to Z Theme: Flash Fiction

Letter Z: Zest

Jean Davis said...

Editing Fiction - The End
Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer, A to Z: Editing Fiction

The Plagued Parent said...

Z is for Zombies. Guess that about does it. Until next year...

Pat Holloway said...

Pat Holloway Theme is Photography
Z is for Zora Arkus-Dontof, Champion of the Corvette

Niki said...

Niki here, blogging at A Texan's View of Upstate New York! My theme is split this year: half post about occupying my time while my husband was deployed last year, and half posts about different aspects of being an independent consultant for Usborne Books and More! I made it to the end without missing a day!
Today's post is about: Zoo Trips With Melani

Novemberschild said...

Linda Hill said...

My upcoming Gothic paranormal romance novel was inspired by a song. If you haven't heard of the Japanese band, Buck-Tick, this will make you a fan: listen, watch, enjoy.

Doree Weller said...

Theme: 26 of the best characters in fiction
Today's post: Z is for Zsadist

Celia Reaves said...

Here's your LAST CHANCE to sol the A to Z haiku puzzle. Can you figure it out? Stop by WordWacker and find out!

Laurel Garver said...

Final writing prompt of the series Laurel's Leaves: Z = Zealous

Carrie-Anne said...

Zethos and Zeuxippe
Zionism and “Zog Nit Keyn Mol”

Unknown said...

And empty Z-post

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Raesquiggles said...

@Raesquiggles - ZigZag, the finer details of cathedral architecture
The Quiet Writer

Chris Ryan said...

Lots of Fun... Finishing strong with Zig Ziglar :

Unknown said...

Zebra Factor

Lisa said...

I can't believe I finished - yay!!!! Z is for . . . .LINK

Heather Erickson said...

Yay! I made it to the end. :) This month I blogged from A to Z about Cancer. My final post is on the Z Factor: Faith and Cancer. LINK

Trisha Faye said...

A fun series of books to end up our 'Z' day. Zodiac Rising series by Margaret Lake

Deb Atwood said...

Blogging about novels for young adults. Z is for Zugzwang.

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