Thursday, April 27, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-28-2017 - Letter X

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter X:


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Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Each day I’m doing a post of random topics based on homeschooling files I’m going through and decluttering.

Today’s topics: Xylophones and X-Rays.

Deepa said...

#apom A Peice of my life
X for X shaped lights 

Morgan Cartwright said...

Xenagogy -- what's xenagogy?!

X Words

Tupeak Hope said...

Blogging about chronic health issues, patient self-advocacy & empowerment.
X-Rays - They Don't Show Everything
Find us on Facebook

Dihiwi said...

Cats make the most eXcellent alarm clocks, don't you think? Here's a Throwback Thursday post from 2016 that bears re-mentioning.

J Lenni Dorner said...

My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 is an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.
X= eXact Revenge

J -- Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos: X is for Xander @ Click's Clan

Anne Young said...

Continuing to look at places associated with my family history
X is for destruction of a piratical fleet in Xiānggǎng (Hong Kong)

Anne Young

Anne's family history

moon said...

Theme: shades of love
X is for xylopia of love

Nilanjana Bose said...

X is for

um...erm...Ashra n 'Xplorers

Theme : Arabiana

Rob Z Tobor said...

Rob Z Tobor

A quick word from our sponsor

lindamaycurry said...

<a href="”>TEN</a>

The link just won't work today!!! Read about how a ten year old had to face tragedy in Fact or Fiction-Family Stories

lindamaycurry said...

Got it to work. See above.

Linda said...

Name: Linda Stewart
Blogs at QP & EYE
A-Z Theme: Values
Letter X: Xanadu

crgalvin said...

Theme: My memories of life on the farm in the 50s and 60s
Letter X Some eXtras for X
Carmel | Earlier Years

Sue Bursztynski said...

Read a few spy bits that didn't make into my main posts! X is for eXtras

Sandra Williamson said...

Snippets from the life of Martha Sarah Ellis.
A to Z Challenge - X marks the spot

Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

Unknown said...

X is for Xenophobia and the ramifications it has for our protagonists on Roswell at Illegal Aliens;

Anonymous said...

My theme is Strange Feelings, words to describe things we feel every day, but those words may not be real. You guess. ;) X is for Xeno

Keith's Ramblings said...


Today I'd like you to meet Amble Bay's champion boxer, Mark Xavier.

Amble Bay's very own Mark Xavier!

Anonymous said...

Click here for Chapter X of my A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure (AC)! Comment to vote for the next choice and come back tomorrow for the reveal of the next installment in the novel: Runaway!

Mandy said...

Celebrating New Year's eve in another country…

Kalpana said...

Xenophobia in divorce?
Xenophobia #Lexicon of Leaving

Pat Holloway said...

Pat Holloway theme is photography
X is for Xavier Mission

Parul said...

A simple trick that works for me.
X for Xs and dots

Claire Annette said...

Today on Library Love we find that X marks the spot.

X marks the spot

Shari Elder said...

Theme: Crafting Complex Villains
Letter X: Xena, A Villain Redeemed?
Shari Elder Author: Life’s a Story, Write it Bold

Romi said...

Describing my life in six words
On my Way Home

Julie said...

Name: Julie
Blog: Reading Life
Theme: Books, Books and More Books!
Letter X: An Xt Called Stanley

Radhika said...

Hi all,
Theme: Kaleidoscope of thoughts
Letter X - The letter X itself!

S.K. Dubois said...

Witches like the spring, too. Episode 24: Xenogenesis
Sorchia's Universe

Karnika Kapoor said...

Hi everyone,
I wrote about The Neanderthal Man In my today's post.
Best wishes!

Josie Two Shoes said...

"Circle of Hope" - A serial story involving 26 women in a small Midwest town
X is for Xenia

shalz75 said...

Read my Peregrination Chronicles of travel tales laden with exhuberance and excitement!!!

Love of hotels

Lancelot Quadras said...

Name - Lancelot Quadras
Blog - One Mind, A Million Thoughts
Theme - Weird Words
Link - X is for Xeransis

shalz75 said...

Read all about various poetry forms via @Sanchie


Jamie said...

XoXo Kiss Your Mate Day

The holidays of April is my theme.

Donna Smith said...

A Maine license plate and a poem - Excellent

Donna Smith
Mainely Write

Unknown said...

Ever felt that pressing need to do something exciting?? Mocktailmommies take you on a dream tour where it all comes true!!!
Xciting Things That Never Happen
Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life

Noah Dietz said...

Today's music is sad af, but you can enjoy it anyway.

Song a Day
X is for Xasthur

Saraallie said...

Blog: Sara Writes
Theme: All About Sara’s Baked Creations ~ My Obsession With Baking
XoXo! The Lovey Dovey Cookie Tray

Anonymous said...

have a great day! :)

Wolf of Words said...

For today, I decided to continue a story I started earlier this month because I really liked the potential of it. It also fits my theme of "Getting to Know Me" but in a literary allusion way. Anyway, today it is X Marks The Spot on today's Wolf of Words.

Chris Votey said...

Character Astrology Profiles

X - Xerinae (Taurus + Rat)

Debbie D. said...

Latest Post: XIBABA: Caramba! Que Pasa?>

Anonymous said...

Hello Fellow A to Zers! Here is the latest installment of my ongoing fiction.
Name: Marquessa Matthews
Blog: Simply Marquessa
A to Z Theme: Hawaii
Letter X: eXcuses : "White walls, no splashes of color, white decor...I longed for the lush green and blue colors of Hawaii. And Galen..."

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

I'm continuing on my treasure hunt around my house.

cutiebootie said...

X is for Xerox and other brand names that have become either nouns or verbs

My blog has adult content.

Unknown said...

In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X is for Xander

Elizabeth McCleary said...

X is always hard, but I figured out an X relating to my water theme.
X is for Xeric.

Shirley Corder said...

Morning all!
THEME: Build a Better Blog
TODAY'S POST: X is for What's Your Blog's EXciting X Factor? #atozchallenge

L.G. Keltner said...

L.G. Keltner
Writing Off the Edge
X is for X-Ray

Shirley Corder said...

Morning all!
THEME: Build a Better Blog
TODAY'S POST: X is for What's Your Blog's EXciting X Factor? #atozchallenge

Vanessence7 said...

Vanessa @Vanessence

My "theme" - A Thirty-Word Story, revealing one word of the story each day of the challenge.
#AtoZChallenge The Letter X

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

X the challenging one ...

Ipsita Banerjee said...

X for the Xtras. In desserts here:

ElenaSquareEyes said...

Today on my A-Z of Favourite Things, X is for X-Men - my gateway into everything superhero and comic book.

Novemberschild said...

JazzFeathers said...

Name: JazzFeathers (Sarah Zama)
Blog: The Old Shelter
A to Z Theme: 1940s Film Noir
Letter X: Xenos. The universal theme of film noir

Jo Hawk said...

Does this top ten list describe you? Today X is for Xenophile.
Read it here: Jo Hawk The Writer

Anonymous said...

My Lifeblood Songs
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

Name: Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar
Blog: A Few Drops of Ink
Theme: Foreign Words with no English Equivalent
Link: Xenomania: Exotic Words with no English Equivalent

Geethica said...

Go on and read my today's post on being

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

X in an A to Z challenge? Not a problem for astronomers.

X is for X-ray.

Yes, astronomers have X-ray goggles. It's the best way to view hot bodies.

Ipsita Banerjee said...

My poem with X.

Mary B said...

Blog: Jingle Jangle Jungle
Theme: #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits
#AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits - X is for...

Unknown said...

X entry

coach-daddy said...

X ain't easy.


X is for Xenogenous

Nick Wilford said...

Black & White snippets: short scenes featuring characters, places and concepts from my forthcoming YA dystopian trilogy
X is for eXaminer Tharl
Tharl contemplates possibly the most challenging case of his career.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Perspectives: X-Rated at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Unknown said...

Name: David Jesson
Blog: A back of the envelope calculation
AtoZ theme: Materials Science underpinning fiction.
Today's post - X - X

Natasha said...

I take you to my hometown, a city where Nawabs ruled and royal culture spilled over like a cascading water fall


Travel Epiphanies:
Xenial City of Nawabs

Sophie Duncan said...

Dragon Diaries - X is for Xena

Sharon Himsl said...

X for Xiaoniangzi

"Female Scientists Before Our Time"

Lady In Read said...

the X that taXed my brain - LadyInRead @ MyRandRSpace - Day 28 & X...

Michelle Wallace said...

In Darkness Be Light!
LINK: Writer In Transit

Tamara said...

X is for Borg's X-ertion Scale

Iain Kelly said...

Name: Iain Kelly
Blog: Iain Kelly Writing

X is for X-Ray Exciting times as Detective Sand chases the killer...

Read the ongoing story from the start here: Previous Episodes

Operation Awesome said...

Xenogeneic-like Ways to Use Other Genres To Improve Your Story
The Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

Neha Tambe said...

A story of a xenial woman and her impact on others in this mini story

Gossip_Grl said...

Unknown said...

Blog: If I Only Had A Time Machine
Theme: History lessons from
We Didn’t Start the Fire From A to Z: Malcolm X

Sara C. Snider said...

Had to use the Chinese name for this next herb. But one does what one must in the A to Z Challenge! ;)

Theme: Magical and Medicinal Herbs
Today’s Post: Xue Jie

kaykuala said...

Hank is here:
X for Xenoestrogens


Preethi Venugopala said...

Letter X: X-Ray Vision for Editing

Vinodini said...




Blikachuka said...

I am blogging about books I read before I started the blog:
My A to Z:

Narinder Bhatia said...

My name is Narinder and my blog is titled "Create Your Best"
My 24th post of the challenge is X is for "X-FACTOR"

Mail Adventures said...

Name: Eva
Blog: Mail Adventures
#AtoZ Theme: Postcards
Letter X: Xangô. However, it didn't arrive from Brazil...

Arti said...

Cross stitches and a Xmas stocking rescued me in the nick of time.
X shaped stitches and a Xmas stocking

Crackerberries said...

Happy TGIF! X is so hard for me. Is it for you guys too? X Marks the Spot

Darcy said...


Jemima Pett said...

A little flash fiction rerun for you today:
X Marks the Spot

Having launched Willoughby the Narrator yesterday - this will be at the start of Book 8!

Kevin the Bold said...

We're cheating slightly today. Guinea pigs are allowed. It says in the rules if you look in the very very small print.
X for eXtras

Jz said...

The random thoughts begin to wind down with:
X is for X-Acto

FinnBadger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FinnBadger said...

Mail art from A to Z.

Phillip | X is for Xanthophytes | And they’re on XL mail

messymimi said...

Check out Xena on Feline Friday!

Unknown said...

X is for Xena in my LEGO themed post of the day!
True North Bricks - X is for Xena

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

X is for Xavin & Xerxes
Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

Beth Lapin said...

I (E)XUDE confidence.

Affirmations for a Good Life

Denise said...

Denise at My Life in Retirement X-Rated Amsterdam

Rodney's Saga said...

Foto Friday Fail, X Version
In which I admit defeat.
Katherine at Rodney's Saga: Horses, Life, A Touch of Geek.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

There's more than meets the eye where it comes to music instruments in the Labyrinth...
The Importance of Xylophones in the Echo Labyrinth

Raesquiggles said...

@Raesquiggles - X - the crossing point - St Pauls Cathedral
The Quiet Writer

AJ said...

sage said...

The letter X

Marion Westerling said...

X is for X-ray...truly

Bob Scotney said...

Exmoor House - well there's and X n it.

Anonymous said...

X is for Crossing X-ing. En Photo My Virtual Vineyard

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harvey Heilbrun said...

X - Need an x-ray? Hold that thought. What if X-rays also showed emotions and thoughts?

Susan said...

Using the code to display my blog links no longer seems to be working for me; not sure why. But today's post is about taking care of yourself through eXercise, and you can find it here:

Color Me Writing

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I'm using algebraic X to stand for the unknowns in the final book of my Season Avatars series. Comment for a chance to win the entire series!

A Joyful Chaos said...

Today I shared a little about my feelings on eXaggerated Amish reality shows. X ~ eXaggerated @ A Joyful Chaos

Girl Who Reads said...

Don't be Xenophobic! I have a guide to reading international authors today at Girl Who Reads.

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Blog - Molly’s Canopy (family history/genealogy)
Theme - Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where my genealogy journey began.
X is for X-mas Eve: Santa casts a spell

Dean K Miller said...

saved by the poet with an "x" at the end of her name!

Holding Daisies, Counting Stars said...

X is for Example, because its the only way I know how to help.

KatyTrailCreations said...

Path Through the Woods for X
Quilts and Quotes theme
@randallbychance on Twitter from

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said...

Only 3 days left to soak up as much '92 nostalgia as you can stand!

'92 Time Capsule

X is for Malcolm X & X-Men


Susanne Matthews said...

X is for Xaghra's revenge and new to you author Geoff Nelder LINK

Molly said...

Journaling: X is for eXercise

Shelley N Greene said...

Happy Friday!
Theme: Scrapbooking

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Do NOT try this at home.
Weird Things in Folktales - Red pepper for the slow ass

Celia Reaves said...

We're in the home stretch now! Stop by WordwWacker to see today's puzzle haiku. They're quick and fun!

Aidyl Ewoh said...

X is for Xerxes

Emily in Ecuador said...

My Life In Ecuador
Xanthophobia, Xenoepist, Xyzlacatosis

Three word suggestions from Merriam-Webster's open dictionary.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

More weird Canadian history you probably didn't want to know about...

X - Brother XII, Canada's Own Crazy Cultist!

lissa said...

~ my X post -questions you may or not may not want to answer ~

have a lovely day, everyone.

Trudy said...

Theme: Food in Film, with today’s starring role: Xiaolongbao

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Jean Davis said...

Editing Fiction: The Story of Xander
Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer, A to Z: Editing Fiction

Weekends in Maine said...

Here is a link to my post for X from my blog Weekends in Maine. Thanks for visiting! X is for Xtreme Conditions | STABILicers Maxx make winter hiking a breeze.

bookworm said...

XO and some lovely flower pictures today.

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...


Lori said...

X is for Xochitl, Nahuatl, and the Evolution of English.

Addison Albright said...

Name: Addison Albright
Blog: Stories That Make You Smile
A to Z Theme: ’Til Death Do Us Part
* * Today's A to Z Post * * → X is for eXit

Wendy of the Rock said...

X = Xerosis to the -Xtreme
It's a bit of a stretch...and shrink

Laurel Garver said...

Theme: writing prompts to help you beat block and burnout, start stories and stretch creatively
Laurel's Leaves: X = eXcited
(I was stretching creatively to go the phonetic route for my "starting consonant sound")

Anonymous said...

Cathy Kennedy said...

Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "X" (X-ray & Xena) by Curious as a Cathy!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Challenge accepted. :)

The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Theme: Everything, Nothing & Stuff In-between
Letter: X is for Not What You Think! [Hint: Gnome in the WILD!]
Co-Host, 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

X is for Xylophone

Sharon E. Cathcart
Award-winning Author of Fiction Featuring Atypical Characters

Unknown said...

My theme is Music: Favourite Artists - X is for Xavier Rudd

Sylvia Ney said...

My "X" post for Scotland:

Storyteller said...

Letter x: 'X'

SlimExpectations said...

X for ? :)

Giggling Fattie said...

I'm pretty sure that any Harry Potter fan can guess the subject of discussion for X! If you're stumped, hop on over and check it out

Unknown said...

26 Things To Hate About Writing: X is for Xeriscaping

Tamara Narayan said...

Theme: Conspiracy Theories

X is for the X-37B Space Plane

Isa-Lee Wolf said...

This year I didn't cheat for X!

A to Z Challenge: Xanthous and Xyloid

Isa-Lee Wolf

A Bit 2 Read

Dena Pawling said...

Supreme Court cases that changed life in the US
X is for Death

Sara said...

Today in Statistics in Action: X is for X (Independent or Predictor Variable)

Carolyn Astfalk said...

From A to Z Blogging Challenge: X is for Xmas

(Okay, so it's not X, it's the Greek Chi. Humor me.)

Carolyn Astfalk
My Scribbler’s Heart

Anne M Bray said...

The X factor in

pilch92 said...
catnip xmas tree for cats

Stacy Uncorked said...

#HomeWinemaking - X Marks the Spot? #AtoZChallenge with the letter "X"!

Home Winemaking – ‘X’ for…. X Marks the Spot? #AtoZChallenge

Laura @ Literacious said...

X is for eXcited Sharing your excitement at work with your colleagues!

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

Blog: Read All The Things!
Theme: Bookish memories
Post: X is for “Xenophobia.” Books to combat xenophobia.

Aj @ Read All The Things!

em said...

Zombie Flamingos, Welcome to James Bay: X is for Luxton

Unknown said...

X marks four roads in my post today.One of those roads I am traversing (this week) to find ways (and funds) to help the Acholi and South Sudenese refugee children in northerrn Uganda.
A Piece of Uganda

cheryl lennox said...


Unknown said...

I'm writing a 26-part story using a different one word writing prompt each day.

I'm kind of proud of my ability to work this word in and still make sense with the rest of the story.
Xenolith: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #24

Deborah Weber said...

Stop by for a dose of tranquility, peace, and pronoia
Deborah Weber

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Probably the most difficult letter, but I hope I nailed it:

X is for Xenofiction

scarlett79 said...

#atozchallenge 'X' is for Xciting ;)

Maggie C said...

Daily 3- line poem (5-7-5, haiku form); first letter of each line same as the letter of the day.

X is for Xylophone
Maggie C
What Rhymes with Stanza

Unknown said...

Had to cheat slightly for this Charing X Road

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Tracey At Home said...

My theme is mostly made up holidays. Today is "Play a Xylophone Day"

tabbyisnotacat said...

Make An X

Donna B. McNicol said...

DB McNicol | Oh, the places we will go! | Xtraordinary, Xtreme, Xciting, Xhausting | 9-11 10th Anniversary Memorial Ride

Charan Deep Singh said...

I wrote about getting xeroxed in my engineering. About shameless copying of notes.


C.E. Flores said...

toXic cloud heading your way? Head to La Yacata!

Andrew said...

X is for Xylosma Invasion
It's not going to be a good day when the trees start attacking.

Birgit said...

It is the X day! Birgit talks Movies and trivia

shirley dietz said...

April is almost over! What are we going to do on Monday to keep our blogs going? Today's favorite thing having to do with X is DELETE Don't be afraid to click the link!

EclaDragon said...

Character Types: Xenophobe

Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press said...

eXceptional, eXcellent, eXciting Jobs today at World's Coolest Jobs!

Anonymous said...

Xenophobia – the Canaanite woman’s story

Sue from Sue's Trifles

Libertas said...

X was easier for us at Talking It Out than it normally would be. Xenophobia. Exactly something we need to talk about.

Unknown said...

X is for Xenia
Theme: Components of Literature

Andy said...

Today's #AtoZChallenge: We visit the oldest Catholic church in Beijing that's also situated in one of the ancient gates of Beijing's imperial city, the Xuanwumen Church.

Name: Andy
#AtoZChallenge theme: Chinese Adventure

Chris Ryan said...

X is for Xcode Training
This is a hard one for "Macintosh Friday." Not a lot of applications/tips that start with the letter X.

J.S. Pailly said...

Today on Sciency Words: A to Z... once upon a time, there was a planet named Xena (with a moon named Gabrielle).

Sciency Words: Xena

The Plagued Parent said...

Let's solve for X

Nancy Beach said...

God is like an x-ray
Theme: Who is God?
Filled to Empty

MeenalSonal said...

X for Xerox Copy

MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

Sayanti Deb said...

Name: Sayanti Deb
Blog: The Beauty Of Life
A to Z Theme: Exploring The Beauty Of Living.
Letter X: X factor

Heather Erickson said...

My theme this month is cancer. Today, X is for x-ray. LINK

Lorilee Guenter said...

X is for Xray and Xerography in which I discuss changing technology and its impact on the creative life. With a bonus family history tidbit in the form of a radiogram.

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

X is for Excitement. Only two posts more the complete the A to Z 2017 challenge.
My post for the day - Xerophilous Organization
Xerophilous Organization - Surviving the Business Cycles

Sue said...

X is for Ex Machina, nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards. Here's my review: Ex Machina

Doree Weller said...

Theme: 26 of the Best Characters in fiction
Today's post:
X is for Weapon X (aka Wolverine)

Madhumita Phukan said...

X for 'Xerox Copy' :

Anonymous said...

Hello, here's my post on the letter X:


djinnia said...

Lisa said...

Ready to get eXtreme? (Don't judge - there's an X!)
"X" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Ash said...

X-citing Moment

Namratha said...

Celebrating 'Women & their work' all April @NamySaysSo Xtraordinary: A Blind IFS Officer

Marna Reed said...

X is for Xenia!

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