Tuesday, April 25, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-26-2017 - Letter V

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.



Email: contactatozteam@gmail.com


Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter V:


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 277 of 277
Liz A. said...

At Laws of Gravity, another subbing story. A student wanted me to play the video longer. He learned I don't do Video Bargaining.

Carrie-Anne said...

Nine Roman deities (all V names)
Vailsburg, Newark

Madhumita Phukan said...

V for Verbal Handcuff

J.S. Pailly said...

Today on Sciency Words: A to Z, we're playing with volatile chemicals!

Sciency Words: Volatile

Shawna Atteberry said...

Now life has settled down I'm back to the challenge. Today V is for the two wonderful organizations I volunteer for.

Anonymous said...

Hello, here's my post on the letter V:

The Vegetable Queen

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

http://marymontaguesikes.blogspot.com/2017/04/v-is-for-victory-to-z-blogging.html "V" is for Victory. Notes Along the Way, Mary Montague Sikes

Nandhini Chandrasekeran said...

V for Vaccination – Immunization schedule of mothers #AtoZChallenge #MotherhoodEmotions

Manisha said...

Manisha from The Nimble Mime
A to Z Theme: Flash Fiction

Letter V: Victory

Unknown said...

my story, V- Value Education

TheCyborgMom said...

My theme this year is Hot Men :) No worries...it's all PG

#HotMan Vampires


Charan Deep Singh said...

VCR and Video Tapes

The blog about head days of VCRs and watching video tapes at home

Kevin the Bold said...

V is for Vets!
Kevin's favourite things

Jemima Pett said...

Interviewing Victor - the innkeeper in the Princelings of the East
Jemima does letter V

Doree Weller said...

My theme this month: 26 of the Best Characters in Fiction
Today's post: V is for Victoria

Disha said...

V for Victory over pain. The link to the post is - LINK

Anonymous said...

Amy Harke-Moore
A Rural Girl Writes
The Simple Life: Inspiration and Practical Living
V is for Volunteers: A Silly Rhyme
Volunteers: A Silly Rhyme

Dorky Mom Doodles said...

We're one big, dorky Star Wars family. V is for Vader on Dorky Mom Doodles.

PJ said...

As there are so many great ones in the Scottish Highlands I've gone with V is for view

BobbieTales said...

Tiger with Shaman powers comes into Korean looking for the Heavenly Prince. Tiger rules as a cruel tyrant. Cousin Rabbit tricks Uncle Tiger.

Anonymous said...

V is for Vampires in Vegas Come on, you know that sounds fun.

Darcy said...

A to Z 2017 VOID

scarlett79 said...

'V' Video Goal Review Judge... https://elan-creations.me/2017/04/26/atozchallengev-is-for-video-goal-judge/

scarlett79 said...

Can anyone explain to me how I get my link to be a clickable link...Pleeazzzze <3

Unknown said...

Another street by the Thames Victoria Embankment

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Melanie Atherton Allen said...

V! In Stranded! My Adventurous A To Z, in which I re-use illustrations from the Late-Victorian Strand Magazine in new stories. Visit my blog to see a list of A to Z Fictioneers! And, if you are writing fiction (either in short story or serial form) for your A to Z, tell me, and I'll add you to my list! V is for Visions, Venturing, and Vigorous

Leetah Begallie said...

Theme: Graphic Design

V is for Design Violations: http://leetahbegallie.com/v-design-violations

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

Look at this! Here I am, before midnight, with today's post!

OK, I'm still not doing so well at answering comments or getting around to visit folks - but I'm determined to finish strong!

For today, though - some variety!


Slices of an Unschooling Life
Indie Writer, Mom-in-Chief, and Joyful Learning Facilitator
Shan Jeniah's Lovely Chaos

Melanie Atherton Allen said...

Here is an explanation
I know it is a little hard to follow at first, but here is what to do:
1. Copy this: <a href="URL of your post">LINK</a> into a document
2. Delete the text between the quotation marks; replace it with your url, including the http stuff. Make sure the url is surrounded by quotation marks.
3. Delete LINK; replace it with the text you want people to see
4. copy the whole mess
5. paste it here!
I think that ought to do it.

Marabella said...

Character interview and restaurant review in one. https://marabellaspeaks.blogspot.com #AtoZchallenge #fantasy #amwriting

EclaDragon said...


susanbruck.com said...

Violet flower
My post and illustration for today is of the lovely violet.

the late phoenix said...



lissa said...

here's a link to an A-Z post - it list four links on how to make hyperlinks : click here

Operation Awesome said...

V is for Valuable Gifts for Writers #AtoZChallenge
The #AtoZChallenge 2017 Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

Get your hands on some Valuable gifts for writers, including a critique package from Operation Awesome!


Kate said...

For the letter "V" I wrote a poem inspired by Zack Hemsey's "Vengeance".

Niki said...

Niki here, blogging at A Texan's View of Upstate New York! My theme is split this year: half post about occupying my time while my husband was deployed last year, and half posts about different aspects of being an independent consultant for Usborne Books and More!
Today's post is about: VIP Facebook Group

Living in Crimson said...

Name: Carmen
Blog: Living in Crimson
Challenge Theme: One Way Ticket to America
Letter V is for Voting
Link: https://livingincrimsonblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/26/a-to-z-challenge-letter-v-voting/

Thank you for reading! :)

debbie lynn said...

A Vexing Day

Marcy said...

Macy blogs about VHS at http://marcyhowes.blogspot.com/2017/04/a-to-z-challenge-vhs.html

Deb Atwood said...

Blogging about novels for young adults. V is for Vicissitues, discussing The Virgin Suicides.

Natalie said...

I’m a writer, stepping outside my comfort zone and delving into crime writing. My theme is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer.

Here's my "V" post :) http://nataliewestgate.com/2017/04/victim-secret-diary-of-a-serial-killer

Judy Rinehimer said...

Learn about VALLEY FEVER... My "V" posting in the #AtoZChallenge -- http://coolrvers.blogspot.com/2017/04/v-is-for-valley-fever-atozchallenge.html

Stacy Uncorked said...

#HomeWinemaking - The letter of the day is "V" for Verjus #AtoZChallenge

Home Winemaking – ‘V’ for Verjus #AtoZChallenge

Lisa said...

Can you believe it? V is for . . .LINK

Adam said...

Academy Award Best Picture nominees and winners, letter V for Viva Villa!

A to Z Challenge - Viva Villa!

Patricia said...

The Way I See It...V is for Volume and Velocity

Alice Gerard said...

V is for vision. A teacher's vision. This is her story.

Jak said...

My A to Z Entries at The Cryton Chronicles

I, Jak A to Z 2017: Video Games (Vlogging)
Generation Jak A to Z 2017: The Verve Pipe (Music)
Dreams in the Shade of Ink A to Z 2017: Vision (Flash Fiction/Poetry)
Meta MTG A to Z 2017: Vanguard (Magic: The Gathering)

The Cryton Chronicles on Facebook

Lak said...

V for Vaporub
Today it is about things familiar and comforting!

Story Crossroads - Rachel Hedman said...

For the Story Crossroads Blog, V is for Vulture in Symbols in Stories from Around the World: https://storycrossroads.com/2017/04/26/v-is-for-vulture-a-to-z-blog-challenge/

Andrew said...

V is for Volcano Vendor
Kyle reviews an application to sell a new item at the MacSweeny's Maniacal Material Market.

Calensariel said...

Man! I'm draggin' butt bad here! But did finally get my V up! Do stop by if you get a chance and see if you can "Name That TV Show!"

Impromptu Promptlings
A to Z Challenge Letter V

Chicky Kadambari said...

Do you ever feel restless and frustrated, but you can't put a finger on why? Do you ever feel "scattered" in all directions at once? Or that you have a little too much on your plate? How do you sort things through then? Do you know what your personal values are?

Today's post is about "How Our Values Affect Our Happiness".

My post for today @ A to Z of Happiness: Values

Suzy said...

A variety of thoughts in poetry and prose
Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Variety of thoughts

Suzy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hello there... Come along as I take you through the Volcanoes of Andaman Islands

Liz said...

V for vulnerable!
Hugs all around!

Paresh Godhwani said...

V for Vendors


Unknown said...

V: Valley of Dry Bones

#AtoZChallenge: Letter V

Anonymous said...

V is for Vision: https://amommasview.wordpress.com/2017/04/28/wanderlust-atozchallenge/

malraj said...

Letter V -Vellichor

Jane Turley said...

V is for Vanity V is for Vanity

Sara said...

Today in Statistics in Action: V is for Venn Diagram

Ash said...

Victorias Castle

Unknown said...

name: prabhat ks
blog title: ink of love in fire; design is my desire
link: https://prabhatks.wordpress.com/2017/04/29/voiceless-volcano/
theme or category: love
a quick description of post: (voiceless volcano) speechless hunger is yearning to burn and feel the friction. a voiceless volcano is singing of lava in earthquake condition. read and enjoy. if you like it please share. Thank you.
#voiceless #volcano #atozchallenge #voice #blog #blogging #journey #challenge #NaPoWriMo #inkyfire #love #prabhatks #promt #wordpress

Marie Rebelle said...

My V-post (adult content) - http://rebelsnotes.com/2017/04/vagina/

Ishieta@Isheeria said...

AtoZofHealing - V is for Vastu Shastra

I am also dabbling in some dark poetry (short) creativeness on: Link "

"*Ishieta @ Isheeria's*

Susie said...

http://sucie49.blogspot.com/2017/04/atozchallenge20v-victory-in-sight.html V-Victory

Sumoflam said...

Continuing the blogging A to Z Challenge,V is for Vistas. Some nice photos of vistas from all over

Shwetha Krish said...


Rik said...


Theme: 26 Political Principles

To see my post please visit the following link:


Toni said...


V for Valiant Valerie and Vladimir

Srujana said...

Name: Aura with Writing
Blog: Aura with Writing
Letter V: Visualization. Visualization is a great way to improve the path to success and to make it easier to achieve our aspirations and goals. It has the power to subconsciously make us stronger and more inclined towards achieving what we strive for...
Link: Visualization

CRD said...

My 'V' post is a poem titled 'Voila Gypsy Girl'. It is about the charms of a certain gypsy girl.


jgifederizo said...

Catching up. Never say die!!! V is for VLOGGING

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

A-Z of Relief Block Print Artists: V is for Van der Vossen
V is also for Very late...

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