Monday, April 24, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-25-2017 - Letter U

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter U:


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 275 of 275
MeenalSonal said...

U for Unsaid Understanding

@MeenalSonal AuraOfThoughts

Theme : Relationship

Lak said...

Ugly is the other side of Beauty, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Only a few more installments in my ongoing story this month.
Unfinished: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #21

An@mi said...

Hello blogger buddies, Anami is here.
Follow me on twitter -Just_Anami
Drop down on my blog BL0g@NaMi
U for Understanding

Unknown said...

My story for the day, Unity & Diversity

Noah Dietz said...

We've got some music from U2 tied with my opinions in my post today, enjoy!

Song a Day
U is for U2

Charan Deep Singh said...

Usha Madam - My First Teacher

Wrote about my first teacher and a fond memory with her.

Anonymous said...

Amy Harke-Moore
A Rural Girl Writes
The Simple Life: Inspiration and Practical Living
U is for Unlikely Friends
Unlikely Friends

Niki said...

Niki here, blogging at A Texan's View of Upstate New York! My theme is split this year: half post about occupying my time while my husband was deployed last year, and half posts about different aspects of being an independent consultant for Usborne Books and More!
Today's post is about: Usborne Book Delivery Day!

Heather Erickson said...

My theme is cancer, and today, U is for Undifferentiated. LINK

Heather Erickson said...

My theme is cancer, and today, U is for Undifferentiated. LINK

Carrie-Anne said...

University of Montpellier
Urania and Uranus

Gossip_Grl said...

Sara said...

Today in Statistics in Action: U is for Univariate

Unknown said...

U is for Understatement
Theme: Components of Literature

PJ said...

We visited the north west for

Unknown said...

Name: Pikakshi and Nisha
Blog Title: Readers of the Night
A to Z Theme: Bookish Delights
Letter U: Underdogs of the Literary World

Adam said...

Academy Award Best Picture winners and nominees for letter U is Unforgiven.

A to Z Challenge - Unforgiven

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said... "U" is for Universe. Notes Along the Way, Mary Montague Sikes

Melanie Atherton Allen said...

T! In Stranded! My Adventurous A To Z, in which I re-use illustrations from the Late-Victorian Strand Magazine in new stories. Visit my blog to see a list of A to Z Fictioneers! And, if you are writing fiction (either in short story or serial form) for your A to Z, tell me, and I'll add you to my list! U is for Usually, Unable, Unspeakable, and Unlikely

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

It looks like I'm not the only one who forgets to stay caught up here - writing a novel at the same time is a bit much...but I aim to do better the rest of the week, and I will be doing Road Trip visits the rest of the year, because I haven't been doing nearly as much visiting as I want to.

But, for today, something unique....

Slices of an Unschooling Life
Indie Writer, Mom-in-Chief, and Joyful Learning Facilitator
Shan Jeniah's Lovely Chaos

Unknown said...

Along the Thames you find Upper Mall

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Sharon Himsl said...

U for Unusual

"Female Scientists Before Our Time"

messymimi said...

A Tuesday Coffee Chat about my Ultimate spring day.

Darcy said...


Marna Reed said...

U is for Uranus & (Grecian) Urns!

Lisa said...

U is for . . . .LINK

EclaDragon said...


Unknown said...

I dedicate today's U to Undies:

Dorky Mom Doodles said...

In my latest Things Kids Say post, I talk about things they've said that leaves me speechless. U is for Uh... on Dorky Mom Doodles.

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said...

'92 Time Capsule
U is for Unforgiven, Unforgettable, & Unplugged


Rosie said...

Today I shared a post about a terrificly fun game my little brother invented. U ~ Up and Down

Debbie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
debbie lynn said...

T and U combined

BobbieTales said...

#3- Saga of Tiger - Before Tiger can see the Heavenly Prince he dies, not knowing the SON of the Heavenly died early. Tiger is revive by three not so wise men.

em said...

Zombie Flamingos, Welcome to James Bay: U is for Huron...

Pat Holloway said...

Pat Holloway Theme is Photography
U is for Unbelievable

Patricia said...

The Way I See It...U is for User-friendly
Patricia'sPlace said...

Uva Ursi/Bearberry
My post for day is about Uva Ursi, a plant loved by bears and used to heal urinary tracts of people (maybe bears, too).

Anonymous said...

U is for Unfinished as in unfinished projects.

Kate said...

Tonight's poem is inspired by "Underwater" by Joshua Radin.

Natalie said...

I’m a writer, stepping outside my comfort zone and delving into crime writing. My theme is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer.

Here's my "U" post :)

Lady In Read said...

LadyInRead @ MyRandRSpace - Day 25 & TheLetterU

stacybuckeye said...

Unbroken, the book.

Elizabeth McCleary said...

More flash fiction fun. U is for Uncorked.

Marcy said...

Marcy blogs about Uinta Mountains at

Story Crossroads - Rachel Hedman said...

For the Story Crossroads Blog, U is for Underworld in Symbols of Stories from Around the World:

the late phoenix said...


Andrew said...

U is for Underwater Cavern
Vicky got called for another mission in the bottom of the Market. It doesn't go as expected. But then nothing ever seems to at MacSweeny's

Judy Rinehimer said...

Our decade of hot air balloon crewing is featured in today's "A to Z Blogger's Challenge" "U IS FOR UP, UP, AND AWAY"

Judy Rinehimer said...

Our decade of hot air balloon crewing is featured in today's "A to Z Blogger's Challenge" "U IS FOR UP, UP, AND AWAY"

SENCO Cat Herder said...

Joining the party a little late today!

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

The post for U - Top Management Challenges
Utility - Value to Customer

G said...

My entry for U - Uplifting orchestra at the Paddington Station

Madhumita Phukan said...

U for Unconditional love to my Half girl-friend

Alice Gerard said...

U is for unusual and unique words, such as uxorious.

Kay Kauffman said...

Paresh Godhwani said...

U for Unanimity

Disha said...

The post for the day is - Unending beauty of Kashmir. And, link to the post is - LINK

Jak said...

My A to Z Entries at The Cryton Chronicles

I, Jak A to Z 2017: Unpublished (Vlogging)
Generation Jak A to Z 2017: U2 (Music)
Dreams in the Shade of Ink A to Z 2017: Unwelcomed (Flash Fiction/Poetry)
Meta MTG A to Z 2017: Unglued (Magic: The Gathering)

The Cryton Chronicles on Facebook

Marabella said...

U is for Uless Norbling, shepherd. Get to know the voices in my head with these character interviews from my MARABELLA series. #AtoZchallenge #amwriting #fantasy Please leave a comment. I can't be sure they are even working.

Unknown said...

V is for Verisimilitude
Theme: Components of Literature

Unknown said...

name: prabhat ks
blog title: ink of love in fire; design is my desire
theme or category: love
a quick description of post: (unconditional umbrella)
you are the choice i rejoice to fly past the storms in its wildness. love is an unconditional umbrella to unite us in blissful brightness..... read ahead to know more of unconditional umbrella. if you like it please share. thank you.
#unconditional #umbrella #poet #girl #atozchallenge #truth #journey #blog #blogging #challenge #NaPoWriMo #inkyfire #love #prabhatks #promt #wordpress

Ash said...

Unspeakable Doll

Sumoflam said...

Continuing the A to Z Blogging Challenge, today is U for Unique Monsters

Marie Rebelle said...

My U-post (adult content) -

Ishieta@Isheeria said...

AtoZofHealing - U is for Usui Reiki

This is my favourite :)

I am also dabbling in some dark poetry (short) creativeness on: Link "

"*Ishieta @ Isheeria's*

Susie said...

U - Unbelievable

Shwetha Krish said...


jgifederizo said...

I am catching up. Sorry, guys. Here's my U: DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE...?

Rik said...


Theme: 26 Political Principles

To see my post please visit the following link:


CRD said...

My 'U' post is a poem / sentimental / philosophical write-up titled 'Unguarded'. It portrays the frame of mind of a man who had a glorious past, but who's life is now in shambles.

Click -> U for UNGUARDED

Toni said...

Do I need a note from my mom to be late on this post!

Srujana said...

Name: Aura with Writing
Blog: Aura with Writing
Letter U: Uber. Uber conversations are sometimes like a breath of fresh air, surprisingly enlightening and sometimes, even a life saver!
Link: Uber

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

A-Z of Relief Block Print Artists: U is for Urishibara

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