Monday, April 17, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-18-2017 - Letter O

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter O:


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Deepa said...

O for Orange Sky 

Tupeak Hope said...

Blogging about chronic health issues, patient self-advocacy and empowerment.
Tupeak Hope - Opiates in Pain Management

Novemberschild said...

Day 15 alphabet O

J Lenni Dorner said...

My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 is an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.
O=One and the Same

J -- Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Rob Z Tobor said...

Rob Z Tobor

O is for an Osprey and an Ocelot

Anne Young said...

Continuing with place names associated with my family history
O is for Oakleigh

Anne Young

Anne's family history

Unknown said...

A to Z of poetry

Oddquain - Rain

C.E. Flores said...

Name: CTdeF
Blog: Surviving Mexico Adventures and Disasters
A to Z Theme: A to Z reasons why La Yacata is the place to be WTSHTF (When the Sh*t hits the Fan)
Letter O: Oil shortages are no problem in La Yacata.

Andy Escaping said...

Outside, Inside, Upside Down: Moving On After Divorce Part III

Nilanjana Bose said...

O is for

Oum n Oman

Theme : Arabiana

Sue Bursztynski said...

Today's post on spies and spying is... O for Odysseus! King of Ithaca, creator of the Trojan Horse and...spy! O is for Odysseus

ozzypip said...

I'm making an A to Z quilt and today's block is another very common blockOhio Star

Philipa (Ozzypip)
Quilter and blogger
Blogging her way through an A to Z quilt
Ozzypip Quilts

moondustwriter said...

Ohhh I got behind. Sorry we've been off the beaten track. Caught up phew.
Hope everyone is doing well on this Monday of A to Zing.
@moondustwriter sharing a
A Piece of Uganda

Linda Stewart said...

Name: Linda Stewart
Blog: QP & Eye
A to Z Theme: Values
Letter O: Optimism

Anonymous said...

Today's strange feeling is something we probably can all relate to. LOL O is for Onism

Jemima Pett said...

O is for Ornithology - and a Tuesday haiku on that theme!
Jemima Pett, Author

Anonymous said...

an octameter from me today :)

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Each day I’m doing a post of random topics based on homeschooling files I’m going through and decluttering.

Today’s topics: Ocean Life, Oregon Trail, and Owls

John Davis Frain said...

Aaaiieeee! I keep forgetting to post. But I don't forget to write my own murder scene every day. It's great fun - for the reader, not so much for me. Come over for a visit, I'll wander back your way!

crgalvin said...

Theme: My memories of life on the farm in the 50s and 60s
Letter O Oranges in the orchard
Carmel | Earlier Years

Keith's Ramblings said...


It's another day in Amble Bay and you are attending a concert by the Amble Bay Orchestra with me!

Amble Bay's Orchestra

Random Musings said...

April in Motivational Quotes - O
April in Motivational Quotes - #AtoZChallenge Day 15 - O

kaykuala said...

Hank is here:
O for Nothing Outlandish


Romi said...

Describing my life in six words:
On my Way Home

Chris K. said...

O is for Owen Blackwood

Illegal Aliens podcast--discussing the TV series Roswell.

Beverley Baird said...

O is for OFF - as in turn-OFFs. I am using Amy Krouse Rosenthal's "Encyclopedia of Me" to journal daily.
It was fairly easy to write up this list of turn-OFFs. What are yours??

Shailaja V said...

*O for Organized: Shailaja/The Moving Quill*

Theme: An Oxymoron in 100 words (Micro Fiction)
Category Writing (WR)

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

Tonight we're going stargazing!

O is for Orion

Go out tonight just after Sunset and look for the constellation Orion. It will be sitting about ten degrees (one fist held at arms length) above the western horizon. See if you can find Orion's belt, and spot the red star Betelgeuse.

lindamaycurry said...

Read about William Robbie, the artist and see his Oil Painting in Fact or Fiction-Family Stories.

Julie said...

Name: Julie
Blog: Reading Life
Theme: Books, Books and More Books!
Letter O: One Thing

Menaka Bharathi said...

Visit Simple Indian Mom to know more about growing your own healthy organic vegetables
OutJump Nutrition

Jamie said...

Only Real Newspaper Columnists are Celebrated Today

The holidays of April is my theme.

Parul said...

Stand up for what's right and what you believe in.
O for Object

shalz75 said...

There is so much charm in the heritage of Palaces forts and princely estates

Once upon a time

shalz75 said...

There is so much charm in the heritage of Palaces forts and princely estates

Once upon a time

Anonymous said...

O is for Opinions - Brain Prosthesis and Mind Control

Chris Votey said...

Character Astrology Profiles

O - Octopus (Scorpio + Dog)

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

Oh! This one's a tough one to write.
Theme this year is the tradition of Indian textiles.
<a href=">Organdy & Organza </a>

Anonymous said...

Click here for Chapter O of my A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure (AC)! Comment to vote for the next choice and come back tomorrow for the reveal of the next installment in the novel: Runaway!

Anonymous said...

These first occupational choices are rich in childhood dreams and the wonder of imagination! O for Occupation

Lancelot Quadras said...

Name - Lancelot Quadras
Blog - One Mind, A Million Thoughts
Theme - Weird Words
Link - O is for Opsimath

Shari Elder said...

Theme: Crafting Complex Villains
Letter O: E Tu Obadiah
Shari Elder Author: Life’s a Story, Write it Bold

Radhika said...

Hi all,
Theme: Kaleidoscope of thoughts
Letter O- One

Kalpana said...

O is for Offspring
Offspring#Lexicon of Leaving

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

I have so many questions about this folktale.
Weird Things in Folktales - Oil sold to Iguana

Lady In Read said...

LadyInRead @ MyRandRSpace - Day 18 & the Letter O

Unknown said...

Blog: If I Only Had A Time Machine
Theme: History lessons from Billy Joel's
We Didn't Start The Fire Letter O

Unknown said...

Omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence — big words to describe a big God. But, what do they all mean? Use the poem below to remember these important attributes of God.

#AtoZChallenge: Letter O

Donna Smith said...

Maine vanity plate and a poem (and a video): OXPOWER
Donna Smith
Mainely Write

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos: O is for Optimism @ Click's Clan

Abbie said...

The Abbie
Abbie’s Adventure Diaries
Theme: Lessons Learned At 30

Saraallie said...

Blog: Sara Writes
Theme: All About Sara’s Baked Creations ~ My Obsession With Baking
Oops! The Melting Ice Cream Cake

Karnika Kapoor said...

Post: The origin of the Creator
Best Wishes!

Unknown said...

Writing still getting on your nerves? Need a laugh? Come by and get it off your chest!

26 Things To Hate About Writing: O is for Originality

coach-daddy said...

Now we're cooking. No, really. I'm cooking on this one.


O is for One Day From Payday Spicy Skillet Chicken

Wolf of Words said...

Today I try to break the bank with my review of Ocean's Thirteen review on the Wolf of Words. The post is also how I feel about gambling in general.

Sandra Williamson said...

Snippets from the life of Martha Sarah Ellis
O is for Offspring

Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

archana said...

hello ,Big O today is about Obstacles..all forms that come at you and an inspiring tale. Do stop by to check out my positivity focused blogs for the #atozchallenge.
O..for Overcoming Obstacles

Debbie D. said...

Latest Post: ONE: Memories of 1969 and 1971.

Natasha said...


Travel Epiphanies:
Ochre Sunsets & Ochre Sunrise

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

Name: Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar
Blog: A Few Drops Of Ink
Theme: Foreign words with no English Equivalent
Link: Ohrwurm: Exotic Words with no English Equivalent

L.G. Keltner said...

L.G. Keltner
Writing Off the Edge
O is for Oblivious and Maski Release Day

cutiebootie said...

O is for odd customer service

My blog has adult content.

Operation Awesome said...

Own Your Next Writing Session

The Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

Vanessence7 said...

Vanessa @Vanessence

My "theme" - A Thirty-Word Story, revealing one word of the story each day of the challenge.
#AtoZChallenge The Letter O

Christine O Cheallaigh said...

Here's my entry for today...


Sophie Duncan said...

Morning all!

Dragon Diaries - O is for Orvokki

Jo Hawk said...

Direct your feet to the sunny side of the street. Today O is for Optimistic. Look for a little bit of sunshine here: Jo Hawk The Writer

Blikachuka said...

I am blogging about books I read before I started the blog:
My A to Z:
Seasons of the heart

Unknown said...

Hi! I am Radhika and this is my entry for today.
On the day of proposal
Happy reading

Anonymous said...

My Lifeblood Songs
Old Days
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

JazzFeathers said...

Name: JazzFeathers (Sarah Zama)
Blog: The Old Shelter
A to Z Theme: 1940s Film Noir
Letter O: Obsession. The decepting way of finding one's stability

Nick Wilford said...

Black & White snippets: short scenes featuring characters, places and concepts from my forthcoming YA dystopian trilogy
O is for Olivia
Olivia and her three girls are called to an urgent appointment.

Mary B said...

Name: Mary Burris
Blog: Jingle Jangle Jungle
Theme: #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits
#AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits - O is for...

Anonymous said...

O is for Ox-eye daisies
Blog: Lynnelives randon, eclectic
theme: Gardening, Lynne style

Shirley Corder said...

Blog: Write to Inspire
Theme: Blogging
Build a Better Blog ~ #atozchallenge

Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

When you count your blessings, count your friends twice! it in a short read Oxygen For The Soul
Long live friendship!
Team MocktailMommies
"Collage Of Life

Sayanti Deb said...

Name: Sayanti Deb
Blog: The Beauty Of Life
A to Z Theme: Exploring The Beauty Of Living.
Letter O: Obsession: A comparative analysis between Obsession and Passion.

Ashmita from Chaoticsoulzzz said...

Post from Chaoticsoulzzz
Other Woman


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi everyone - have a good week ... cheers Hilary

Sara C. Snider said...

Theme: Magical and Medicinal Herbs
Today’s Post: Onion

Geethica said...

Read along with me the realistic and O-OPTIMISTIC journey

Sharon Himsl said...

O for Olympias

"Female Scientists Before Our Time"

Neha said...

When the old doesn't catch up with the new it is threatened to be obsolete or is termed obnoxious. My new post

Mail Adventures said...

Name: Eva
Blog: Mail Adventures
#AtoZ Theme: Postcards
Letter O: Obverse. Can you always be sure which side is it?

Unknown said...

In the cross stitched Buffy The Vampire Slayer alphabet, O is for Oz

ElenaSquareEyes said...

Today on my A-Z of my Favourite Things, O is for one of my favourite songs - On a Mission by Gabriella Climi.

Tamara said...

O is for (essential) oils

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

O is for Odo & Oz
Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

Suzy said...

Daily Thoughts - Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Open Doors

Iain Kelly said...

Name: Iain Kelly
Blog: Iain Kelly Writing

O is for Octopus The latest part of my continuing story.

Catch up here: Previous Installments

Unknown said...

Name: Ankita
Blog title: Lifestyle of a Professional
Link: Oprah Winfrey Quote
Theme: Inspirational Quotes

A quote by Oprah Winfrey about celebrating life...

Gossip_Grl said...

My post today is Back to the Beginning: The OxyContin Express

Narinder Bhatia said...

My name is Narinder and my blog is titled "Create Your Best"
My 15th post of the challenge O is for OPTIMISM

malraj said...

Letter O - Orenda

Unknown said...

Today we're going shopping on Oxford Street

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Cathy Kennedy said...

Ok, kittens & dawgs, we're on the letter "O". What do you think I sketched today? Come by Curious as a Cathy to check out Art Sketching Through the Alphabet "O" to see my daily challenge contribution!

Ipsita Banerjee said...

O here

Crackerberries said...

Customer Contact = Opportunity

Michelle Wallace said...

In Darkness Be Light!
Our task must be to free ourselves…
LINK: Writer In Transit

Jz said...

The random thoughts continue:
O is for Oblivious

Arti said...

Ordinary moments and a few ordinary pictures for you today.
Observing the ordinary

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Canadian history and trivia continues with the time Quebec lost its mind...

O - The October Crisis

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Flash Fiction with a behind-the-scenes look at how I wrote it.
One Step Closer

Nicki Mags said...

O is for Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...

Who craves the Ordinary? He does.

Unknown said...

O is for out-and-about in my LEGO themed post of the day!
True North Bricks - O is for Out-and-About

Unknown said...

O entry

AJ said...

M. Denise C. said...

Older Duke and Death

Beth Lapin said...

I am OPEN to transforming this moment.

Affirmations for a Good Life

An@mi said...

My name is Anami.
Follow me on twitter @just_anami
My blog BL0g@NaMi
O for Option

Anonymous said...


Sue from Sue's Trifles

Denise said...

Denise at My Life in Retirement Orval Abbey, Belgium

Linda Gardiner said...

Oh Man! This was a tough one. My phone took a swim yesterday so my go to camera is kaput. But I came up with a topic I love.
Oblique Strategies

Linda Gardiner said...
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Molly said...

Journaling: NO is for Organize

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Blog - Molly’s Canopy (family history/genealogy)
Theme - Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where my genealogy journey began.
O is for Out on the porch: An intangible essence


Molly’s Canopy

Kara Leigh Miller said...

O is for Opinions, reader opinions, also known as book reviews:

Susanne Matthews said...

O is for Ordinary as in ordinary day LINK

Tropical Colours said...

O is for Open Letter

Lori said...

O is for Omelettes, Etc.

Wendy of the Rock said...

Am posting from Eurostar en route to Belgium, hoping for wi-fi success.
O = Obsession, opposites,over... with a dash of Oscar Wilde.

Unknown said...

Today's unusually strange tale is about a young woman who always sticks out from the group and just wants to belong somewhere: Outsider

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Today's What if... Opportunity Knocks Again!?

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

What makes the One Oak so important to the Season Avatars?

SENCO Cat Herder said...

ONLY OPTION is to post today's Letter O :)

Anonymous said...

O is for Ocean. Let's go to the beach. A photo blog. My Virtual Vineyard

sage said...

O for Orion in our tour of heavenly bodies:

Shelley N Greene said...

Theme: Scrapbooking
O is for Origami -

KatyTrailCreations said...

OurVillageGreen for Letter O
Quilts and Quotes theme
@randallbychance on Twitter from

Oliver said...

O is for Oliver.
The story of how I chose my name when I came out as trans.

moon said...

O is for Over and out

Vinodini said...




S.K. Dubois said...

Subscribe to Sorchia's Universe to get every episode PLUS more stories by RONE nominated author. Episode 15: Old Crows and Offerings

Sorchia's Universe

Laurel Garver said...

Theme: Writing prompts, great for story starts, overcoming block and burnout, and as a warm up.
Laurel's Leaves: O = Optimism

pilch92 said...
o is for octopus, crocheted catnip toy

lissa said...

~ my O post - Can you write 3 sentences about yourself without 'O'?~

have a lovely day, everyone.

Usha said...

Photo Theme - O for Over Exposed Photo

Lisa said...

Metallica & Aerosmith & more!

"O" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Celia Reaves said...

Looking for some quick and fun puzzles? Match the haiku to the word of the day from science fiction and fantasy! visit me at WordWacker

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said...


Drop by my blog and check out my '92 Time Capsule!

O is for O’Connor & Oscar Awards

Girl Who Reads said...

Susan is telling you about an Outstanding suspense novel today at Girl Who Reads.

messymimi said...

My take on the subject of Outfits.

Laura @ Literacious said...

O is for Opportunities Looking for opportunities to advance your career and allow you to grow!

Carolyn Astfalk said...

From A to Z Blogging Challenge: O is for Orchard

Carolyn Astfalk
My Scribbler’s Heart

Trudy said...

Theme: Food in Film, with today’s starring role: Old 96er

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

Blog: Read All The Things!
Theme: Bookish memories
Post: O is for “Ones I Read Over And Over.” Which books do you like to reread?

Aj @ Read All The Things!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Challenge accepted. :)

The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Theme: Everything, Nothing & Stuff In-between
Letter: O is for Orange you glad I didn't say banana?!?!?!
Co-Host, 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Deborah Weber said...

Stop by for a dose of tranquility, peace, and pronoia

Addison Albright said...

Name: Addison Albright
Blog: Stories That Make You Smile
A to Z Theme: ’Til Death Do Us Part
* * Today's A to Z Post * * → O is for Older Couple

Sylvia Ney said...

My "O" post for Scotland:

Dena Pawling said...

Supreme Court cases that changed life in the US
O is for Obergefell

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

O is for Opéra Garnier

Sharon E. Cathcart
Award-winning Author of Fiction Featuring Atypical Characters

Anonymous said...

Talking about opening your creativity in writing and deviating from the plan. O is for Open Your Writing

Weekends in Maine said...

Here is a link to my post for O from my blog Weekends in Maine. Thanks for visiting! O is for October Fields | Finding my zen with clean burning soy candles.

Dean K Miller said...

An "O" poem for the day;

em said...

Zombie Flamingos, Welcome to James Bay: O is for Oswego

Aidyl Ewoh said...

As an Outsider, what information would you need to know before visiting the Royal City in Kios?

FinnBadger said...

Mail art from A to Z.

Phillip | O is for an Octopus named Hank He’s also Orange!

Melissa Ann said...

Melissa A to Z Challenge 2017: O Reading my Way through the alphabet

Bob Scotney said...

O is for Victoria and Albert's Osborne Hose

Also @bobesse.

Anne M Bray said...

O my! TwO things to lOOk at:

Giggling Fattie said...

Just a quick break down of the Order of the Phoenix

Andrew said...
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Unknown said...

I'm writing a 26-part story using a different one word writing prompt each day.

Fifteen posts in and going strong. I'm having so much fun writing this story.
Overlook: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #15

Andrew said...

Link: O is for 'Outreach' Program
bloggy: World of Sari
Avera gets an unwanted visitor while on lunch break at MacSweeny's.

cause you can only delete a post and retry when you screw up

Jacqui said...

Hey all--I'm up to O in my A to Z Literary Genres:

O is for Occult

J.S. Pailly said...

Today on Sciency Words: A to Z... organic chemistry: how an entire field of science got stuck with the wrong name.

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

EclaDragon said...


Unknown said...

Happy Tuesday y'all.
I using the letter "O" to stand on my soap box and share about something near and dear to my heart - "Orphans"
A Piece of Uganda

Tracey At Home said...
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Tracey At Home said...
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Anonymous said...

Don't think I remembered to post my letter O post so here goes.
Link: #AtoZChallenge O for Occupation Research
Name: Fran
Blog: TravelGenee
Theme: Sharing Family History via #GenealogyPhotoADay

Tracey At Home said...

My theme is mostly made up holidays.
Today's holiday is "Observe Your Neighborhood Day"
<a href="”>TraceyAtHome</a>

Maggie C said...

Daily 3- line poem (5-7-5, haiku form); first letter of each line same as the letter of the day.

O is for opossum
Maggie C
What Rhymes with Stanza

Tracey At Home said...

After four tries I am giving up on the clickable link today. Can't figure out what quote/slash space is wrong.

Unknown said...

My theme is Music: Favourite Artists - O is for Oasis

Tracey At Home said...
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Tracey At Home said...
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Toni said...

Theme: Rocks to throw at your hero once you've written him up a tree!

Is it too late to ask any of you how to create a link in a reply?

J.S. Pailly said...
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Gail said...

O is for Organic

Gail Park

Making Life an Art

cheryl lennox said...

I just keep thinking, "rhymes with orange"...

Deb Atwood said...
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Deb Atwood said...

Blogging about novels for young adults. O is for Orphan.

Sara said...

Today in Statistics in Action - O is for Ordinal Variables

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said... "O" is for Optimism. Notes Along the Way, Mary Montague Sikes

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Digging a little deeper for a character for today's post.
The Ninja Librarian’s Favorite Characters

John Davis Frain said...

An ONION as a murder weapon? Stop crying. It's a thing.

Andy said...

Today's #AtoZChallenge in China: Open-crotch pants worn by many Chinese toddlers!

Name: Andy
#AtoZChallenge theme: Chinese Adventure

Sue said...

O is for On the Waterfront, Academy Award winner for Best Original Screenplay. Here's my review: On the Waterfront

Raesquiggles said...

@Raesquiggles - Orders and rules - the monastic life
The Quiet Writer

Tamara Narayan said...

Theme: Conspiracy Theories

O is for Owl Worship

tabbyisnotacat said...

Today I gave some love to my old posts - Old Post Love

Dorky Mom Doodles said...

Today's post for my Things Kids Say theme talks about the boy's version of The Ten Commandments.

O is for Obey

Ipsita Banerjee said...

#Desserts with #oatmeal. The O post. @AprilA2Z #AtoZChallenge

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