Friday, April 14, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-15-2017 - Letter M

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter M:


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 289 of 289
Anonymous said...

Amy Harke-Moore
A Rural Girl Writes
The Simple Life: Inspiration and Practical Living
M is for Midwest Love
Midwest Love

Lady In Read said...

mmmmango LadyInRead@MyRandRSpace - For Day 15 of#UBC & #AtoZChallenge - My M Post

Leetah Begallie said...

Theme: Graphic Design

M is for the iMac Magic Mouse 2:

PJ said...

The fabulously sounding Maggieknockater.

M is for Maggieknockater

Donna B. McNicol said...

M: Montana & Mexico
DB McNicol, author & traveler
Theme: Oh, the places we will go!

Living in Crimson said...

Name: Carmen
Blog: Living in Crimson
Challenge Theme: One Way Ticket to America
Letter M is for Moon

Thank you for reading! :)

Marcy said...

Marcy is blogging about Manti and Mannheim Steamroller at

Noah Dietz said...

Me song post for today is Meshuggah, enjoy!

Song a Day
M is for Meshuggah

Susie said...

M is for Mind over Matter.

Pat Holloway said...

Pat Holloway, Theme is Photography
M is for Mt. Rushmore, May Apples, Manatee springs Fla and Mitchell Corn Palace

Anonymous said...

Click here for Chapter M of my A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure (AC)! Comment to vote for the next choice and come back tomorrow for the reveal of the next installment in the novel: Runaway!

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

M for Manufacturing Management Challenges
Manufacturing Management - Digital Manufacturing Challenge

tabbyisnotacat said...

Hungarian word that we often use at home - Macska

EclaDragon said...


soccerspook said...

Mood Music - a music appreciation post

A Joyful Chaos said...

Peeking inside my idea book again today. M ~ M's from my Idea Book ~ A Joyful Chaos

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

This time my experience in A to Z is good. I could spend less time in creating my blog posts. The response to the posts is very good compared to the last time. I am also able to read new material and update my knowledge of the topics. Mu cumulative page views for all posts of the challenge is 4338. Very close to my target of 5000 page views. AtoZChallenge Blogging 2017 - Cumulative Page Views - NRao
Thanks to A to Z team. Arlee to Zealous Participants.

Judy Rinehimer said...

M is for Mountain Lions

Unknown said...

Main Blog: The Invisible Author

M: Make Money on your Blog without Placing a Single Ad

Rosie said...

Here's my 'M' post.

M ~ Muesli @ Little Bits of Lovely

stacybuckeye said...

Me Before You- book versus movie

Patricia said...

The Way I See It...M is for Marbles

Unknown said...

#AtoZChallenge: Letter M

Read about Melchizedek, a little known Old Testament king, who foreshadowed the coming Christ.

Unknown said...

I'm writing a 26-part story using a different one word writing prompt each day.

Woot! I made it half way!
Mistake: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #13

Adam said...

Academy Award Best Picture winners and nominees, M is for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, the great Frank Capra classic.

A to Z Challenge - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Heidi said...

M is for Morningness or the lack thereof...... Heidi at, Decibel Memos (Perspectives absent of sound)

the late phoenix said...


Anonymous said...

Me is for Me Come meet me.

Linda Hill said...

Please come and enjoy my funny little story, The Measurement of Moo, which is written purely in stream of consciousness.

Unknown said...

Name: Ankita
Blog title: Lifestyle of a professional
Link: Maya Angelou Quote
Theme: Inspirational Quotes

A Maya Angelou quote about what we remember about people.. said...

My post for today is about the May Apple, a quiet little forest flower, with a new illustration.

Melanie Atherton Allen said...

Come one, come all! Visit Stranded! A Serial Adventure Re-Using Illustrations from the Late-Victorian Strand Magazine in new stories! M is for Miserably, Months Later, and May

Elizabeth McCleary said...

M is for Mist

Anne Young said...

Continuing my family history blog M is for Arrival in Melbourne of the Persian in 1854

Anne Young

Anne's family history

Dorky Mom Doodles said...

The kid has some thoughts on marriage in my "Things Kids Say" theme.

M is for Marriage

Kate said...

Tonight, I am sharing inspiration and love for a local Minneapolis artist, Dessa: Poetry inspired by "Matches to Paper Dolls" .

Akilah said...

Name: Akilah
Blog: The Englishist
A to Z Theme: Gratitude
Letter M: Making a To-Do List—er, Grid (“And when it's all too much, there's only one thing that helps me. Making a to-do list.”)

Natalie said...

Hi! :)

I’m a writer, stepping outside my comfort zone and delving into crime writing. My theme is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer.

Here's my "M" post :)

Janet said...
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Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

M is for McCartney. Come see how I am using scrapbooking pages to highlight the concerts we've been to.

Sara C. Snider said...

Almost forgot to post here!

Theme: Magical and Medicinal Herbs
Today’s Post: Mallow

Story Crossroads - Rachel Hedman said...

For the Story Crossroads Blog, M is for Moon in the Symbols in Stories from Around the World:

Anjali Krishna said...

The A to Z of my favorite things! I am lagging behind and hence have decided to combine three posts in one.

Calensariel said...

Runnin' a little late on this one, but hope you'll stop by and see if you can "Name That TV Show!"

Impromptu Promptlings
A to Z Challenge Letter M

Andrew said...

Link: M is for Monster Truck
Theme: MacSweeny's Maniacal Material Market.
Things may have not gone as planned for our three intrepid heros.
Blog: World of Sari

Jak said...

My A to Z Entries at The Cryton Chronicles

I, Jak A to Z 2017: MDA Muscle Walk 2017 (Vlogging)
Generation Jak A to Z 2017: Matthew Good Band (Music)
Dreams in the Shade of Ink A to Z 2017: The Message (Flash Fiction/Poetry)
Meta MTG A to Z 2017: Modern Masters (Magic: The Gathering)

The Cryton Chronicles on Facebook

Nicki Mags said...

M is for My Family & Other Animals by Gerald Durrell

Chicky Kadambari said...

Mindfulness is a centuries old therapeutic technique, used for focusing our awareness on the present moment... on our thoughts, feelings, actions and bodily sensations RIGHT NOW, so that we don't get distracted by our environment and the inherently flighty nature of our mind.

In today's post, I write about 5 Ways In Which Mindfulness Leads To Happiness.

My post for today @ A to Z of Happiness: Mindfulness

Ash said...

M for the Memorable Medals


Lak said...

Hey everyone, I've been travelling, doing my best to keep up! Here is today's post, M is for Mirage!

M for Mirage

Kaye Draper said...

REAL love isn't lazy or permissive. Love yourself More!

Chris K. said...

M is for Maria DeLuca

Illegal Aliens podcast--discussing the TV series Roswell.

lissa said...

your link doesn't work, fyi

Libertas said...

Hate the ACA? Or think it doesn't go far enough? Have you considered Medicare for All? From Talking It Out.

Liz A. said...

For Saturdays I just post pictures on Laws of Gravity. This time, I included a couple short Instagram videos as well. Last Sunday was a Market Day.

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

I'm doing a treasure hunt of my house and telling the history of where they came from. Today a medical cart from the 60s-ish.

debbie lynn said...


scarlett79 said...

This is what Sundays are for 'M'

Gail said...

M is for the Book of Mormon



Gail Park

Making Life an Art

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I've a hunch I missed this one, since I was busy Saturday morning, and exhausted Saturday night. Here it is anyway. Maybe I get bonus points for being the very last to post here.
The Ninja Librarian’s Favorite Characters

Anonymous said...

M is Marvelous-Norwescon

BobbieTales said...

Sita to be born as a human earthly woman and help Rama a human man to destroy the 10-headed twenty-arm daemon Ravana - from the RAMAYANA in short brief story.

Unknown said...

In the Buffy The Vampire Slayer alphabet, M is for Lindsey McDonald

Anonymous said...

Believe in miracles:

paulbaldowski said...

Out of the unimaginable blackness beyond the gangrenous glare of that cold flame, out of the Tartarean leagues ... unheard, and unsuspected, there flopped rhythmically a horde of tame, trained, hybrid winged things ... - M is for Mounts on The Iron Pact

G said...

Did you think visiting museums is boring? Museums in London changed my perspective.

Lisa said...

Ozzy & Alice & AC/DC, oh my!
"M" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Anmol Rawat said...

M is for Mine
Will Selena love him even after knowing the truth Sam has been holding from her? "I want you to be mine," he says, but will she be?

Marabella said...

M is for Matherly, cabin boy on the Scarlett Mermaid. Another character interview from my MARABELLA series at #AtoZchallemge #amwriting #fantasy

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

I'm rather late on this one too...I have them all scheduled, but my Accomplice is starting a small business, and I'm his administrator (plus new computer, new phones, and all the juggling that goes with that, plus drafting a novel!)

I hope to do much better this week!

Slices of an Unschooling Life
Indie Writer, Mom-in-Chief, and Joyful Learning Facilitator
Shan Jeniah's Lovely Chaos

Nancy said...

M is for God is our maker

A to Z Theme: Who is God

Blog: Filled to Empty

Jane Turley said...

A Humorous approach to a tricky subject in M for Mechanophilia a The Witty Ways of a Wayward Woman M is for Mechanophilia

Darcy said...

A to Z 2017 MOURNING

Unknown said...

Catching up on the challenge with M for Magic and another episode of the Fantasy story of Monique and Mordekai.
Andrea Lundgren

Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press said...

Melodic, Multitalented, Magnificent Jobs at World's Coolest Jobs!

Sumoflam said...

Still trying to catch up on the A to Z Challenge. M is for Mountains

Unknown said...

name: prabhat ks
blog title: ink of love in fire; design is my desire
theme or category: love
a quick description of post: (myriad-mellow) this poem is about a girl who i feel has a myriad personality and is very mellow in her world. i tried to express her in my way i have known her and is a good friend of mine. If you like it please share. Thank you.
#myriad #mellow #poet #girl #atozchallenge #cloud #friend #blog #blogging #challenge
#NaPoWriMo #inkyfire #love #prabhatks #promt #wordpress

Maggie said...

Mister to Miss

Unknown said...

M is for Maranta leuconeura & Marcgravia sp.

Unknown said...

Poetry By Jade (AC)
I'm writing a month-long narrative poem called "A Love Affair, From A to Z"...
A Love Affair, From A to Z: "M" - Mapping Her Heart

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

A-Z of Relief Block Print Artists: M is for Mbatha

CRD said...

My 'M' post is a poem titled 'Mosaic You'.

It is about a guy who tries to help the girl he secretly loves bounce back from her tragedy, but ends up feeling upset himself.

Here it is -> M for MOSAIC YOU

Kay Kauffman said...

storyteller said...

a-to-z challenge letter M

Srujana said...

Name: Aura with Writing
Blog: Aura with Writing
Letter M: Multitasking. Nita was trying to pay attention to the lecture while she was busy texting....
Link: Multitasking

Shwetha Krish said...

I am late but nevertheless I am back at it...


Amaryllis Turman said...

The Opinionated Woman’s musings
Theme: Romance author names
Letter: M is for Margaret (Margaret Taylor)

Rik said...


Theme: 26 Political Principles

To see my post please visit the following link:


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