Tuesday, April 11, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-12-2017 - Letter J

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.



Email: contactatozteam@gmail.com


Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter J:


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Adam said...

Academy Award Best Picture winners and nominees, letter J is for Julia.

A to Z Challenge - Julia

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Hi! Up to J in the #AtoZChallenge:

J is for Journaling

Sara said...

Statistics in Action - J is for Joint Probability

Stacy Uncorked said...

The Letter of the Day is J - for Jug and Jeroboam (say that 3x fast).

Home Winemaking – ‘J’ for Jeroboam and Jug! #AtoZChallenge

Marna Reed said...

J is for Jason! :)

Laura @ Literacious said...

J Is for Join The importance of joining state and national organizations as a leader!

Calensariel said...

Hey ya'll! Today's "Name That TV Show" is actually a twofer! Stop on by and see if you can guess!

Impromptu Promptlings
A to Z Challenge Letter J

Unknown said...

Visting Europe's largest bookstore today at Jermyn Street

Josefine from
Getting to the end

Tracey At Home said...

Theme is mostly made up holidays
Today is "Jumping Jellybeans" Or makeup your own clean profanity.

Niki said...

Niki here, blogging at A Texan's View of Upstate New York.
My themes this year is split: half posts about occupying my time while my husband was deployed last year, and the other half posts about different aspects of being a consultant for Usborne Books and More!
Today's post: Jewelry From Afghanistan

Carrie-Anne said...

Jocasta and Jason
Jewish Newark

djinnia said...


just one character today.

Donna B. McNicol said...

J: Joshua Tree, Jackson & Jerome
DB McNicol, author & traveler
Theme: Oh, the places we will go!

Lorilee Guenter said...

J is for Journal in which I talk about journal keeping and the creative life.

Laura Roberts @ Buttontapper Press said...

Joyful, Jubilant, Jaunty Jobs today at World's Coolest Jobs!

Doree Weller said...

My theme is the 26 Best Characters in Fiction. Today's post is about Joe from You by Caroline Kepnes.
Doree Weller

kiraelise said...

J is for Joy
Theme: What I see and feel
Kira Elise

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

http://marymontaguesikes.blogspot.com/2017/04/j-is-for-joyous-to-z-blogging-challenge.html "J" is for Joyous. Notes Along the Way, Mary Montague Sikes

Unknown said...

I'm writing a 26-part story using a different one word writing prompt each day.

I had to really think about this one.
Jewelry: A to Z Challenge 2017 Post #10

Jemima Pett said...

Today I ask you a J question:
Jemima Pett: Who is she, anyway?

Manisha said...

Manisha from The Nimble Mime
A to Z Theme: Flash Fiction

Letter J: Jealous

S. Lincecum said...

J is for James B. Artope: Marble Cutter & Stone Mason at the Southern Graves blog (Telling the Tales of Tombstones)

J is for John L. Lincecum. He Violated Quarantine Law. A post at the Lincecum Lineage family history and genealogy one-name study blog.

Kevin the Bold said...

This is for anyone who suffers from arthuritis.
Kevin the guinea pig talks Joint Support and other health issues.

Deb Atwood said...

Deb here writing about novels for young adults.
Today's post: J is for Justice

Anonymous said...

Hello, my post on the letter J is here:

A Joker's Life

Lori said...

J is for Why I Like Japanese-Style Poetry

Oliver said...

J is for judged-a life with social anxiety


cheryl lennox said...

J is for Journal Scarf

Birgit said...

Here we are for the letter J. Birgit for films plus more... http://createdbybb.blogspot.ca/2017/04/a-to-z-challenge-letter-j.html

Rutuja Bhagwat said...

J is for JocoVerve Store | Glimpse of my online store xo
Check it out here > LINK

Raesquiggles said...

@Raesquiggles Jedburgh Abbey - a border church

The Quiet Writer

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone!

Here are my posts for J...

music: j | john mayer
bitchfest: j | jimmy fallon

whatsandrathinks.com | twitter: @whatsandrathnks | pinterest: what sandra thinks

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

Back to my mysteries, with a profile of the main character, JJ MacGregor.
The Ninja Librarian’s Favorite Characters

Charan Deep Singh said...

My post today is on J : Joy. How joy is different from pleasure


Toni said...

Rocks to throw after you've written your hero up a tree.


MeenalSonal said...


@MeenalSonal AuraOfThoughts

Theme : Relationship

Unknown said...

Hello, my post for the day is J- Just Another Theory
It is a short story. Do read it.

Leetah Begallie said...

Theme: Graphic Design

J is for Justification: http://leetahbegallie.com/justification

Josie Two Shoes said...

Name/Blog: Josie Two Shoes
A to Z Theme: "Circle of Hope" - Stories about the women in a small Midwest town
Letter J: Jeanette's Story

Madhumita Phukan said...

J for 'That Jewel' : LINK

Anonymous said...

J is for Judging the Day
Theme: Writing advice and inspiration from the Story Dam community.

tabbyisnotacat said...

Jellybeans - one of my favorite Easter treats

Disha said...

My blog post for the day is about my travel tale to Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka. The link for the post is here LINK

Amaryllis Turman said...

The Opinionated Woman’s musings
Theme: Romance author names
Letter: J is for Joyce (T.S. Joyce)
Link: http://wp.me/p1P7gt-10e

Susie said...

J is for Jill http://sucie49.blogspot.com/2017/04/atozchallenge20-i-imagination.html

Libertas said...

Today on Talking It Out, we're talking the Jewish Center Threats. Something that has allowed to flourish under the current regime...

soccerspook said...

Vocab word - Juggernaut

Anjali Krishna said...


Stacey Minter said...

J is for Just The Way You Are


Claire Annette said...

Take a Field Trip to the Juvenile section in today's Library Love #atozchallenge post

<a href="http://afieldtriplife.com/j-is-for-juvenile-atozchallenge/>J is for Juvenilr</a>

Unknown said...

Name: Pikakshi and Nisha
Title of blogpost: Juggling Work and Books
Blog: Readers of the Night
A to Z Theme: Bookish Delights.
Letter J: Today we present some important tips on Juggling Work and Books since we enjoy reading alot but finding the time to do can always be tricky!
Link: http://www.readersofthenight.com/j-juggling-work-books/

Sumoflam said...

My J post has selfies from all over showing the joy of travel. Check it out. J is for Joy

At Milliways With a Pen said...

Today's story is from the world of one of the novels I'm semi working on right now: J is for Journey

Ann Bennett said...

Hey, It's Ann visiting from A to Z So Much to Choose From and
Science Ladybug

PJ said...

The quirky sounding Jemimaville.

J is for Jemimaville

The Notebook Blogairy said...

J is for JonBar Hinge

JEN Garrett said...

Is "Just" your crutch word, like it is mine?
J is for Just

Kaye Draper said...

Take a leap! J is for Jump!

Darcy said...

A to Z 2017 JOYFUL

Sue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie Atherton Allen said...

Come one, come all! Visit Stranded! A Serial Adventure Re-Using Illustrations from the Late-Victorian Strand Magazine in new adventures! J is for Just About to Escape and Just Heaven! J is for Just About to Escape and Just Heaven!

Sue said...

J is for Juno, Academy Award winner for Best Original Screenplay. Here's my review: Juno

Liz A. said...

At Laws of Gravity, the Justification middle schoolers use to try to get away with stuff...

Monica@theRiteofAging said...

J is for Just Barely...a quick blog post dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis flares. http://wp.me/p365Ah-2JD

the late phoenix said...


Unknown said...

#AtoZChallenge: Letter J

The gruesome story of Jael in the book of Judges: Jael's Peg

Anonymous said...

Amy Harke-Moore
A Rural Girl Writes
The Simple Life: Inspiration and Practical Living
J is for Jake: A Dog's Eulogy
Jake: A Dog's Eulogy

A Joyful Chaos said...

Peeking into my idea books again today .... J's from my Idea Book @ A Joyful Chaos

Rosie said...

Today I talk about some of my favorite books from my favorite author ... J ~ Jen Turano @ Little Bits of Lovely

Living in Crimson said...

Name: Carmen
Blog: Living in Crimson
Challenge Theme: One Way Ticket to America
Letter J is for Jobs
Link: https://livingincrimsonblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/12/a-to-z-challenge-letter-j-jobs/

Thank you for reading! :)

Aidyl Ewoh said...

J is for Jumbled Ideas

Pat Holloway said...

Pat Holloway, Theme - photography
J is for Junk and Journaling

debbie lynn said...

Jeremiah was a bullfrog...

Anonymous said...

J is for Jana, Joshua, Jason, John & Jupiter wherein I talk a lot about people with J names

susanbruck.com said...

The flower of the day--and part of my continuing quest to learn to use photoshop--

Lisa said...


Kate said...

"J" brings poetry inspired by Brand New's "Jesus Christ".

Alice Gerard said...

Title: Jasmine tea and all things delicious
link: LINK

stacybuckeye said...

J is for Jack Reacher

Maggie said...

Juveniles in Like

The Caramel Files :)

Patricia said...

The way I see it...J is for Junk

Noah Dietz said...

I thought that too. It's hidden on July Thunder, not sure how to do that one.
Song a Day
J is for J Cole

BobbieTales said...

The Golden Emperors declared themselves Dragons, allowing no one to speak the word of dragon. The Emperors, alas, dishonored the Celestial Dragons and pay the price.

Judy Rinehimer said...

J is for Journalism


Judy Rinehimer said...

J is for Journalism


Natalie said...

Hi! :)

I’m a writer, stepping outside my comfort zone and delving into crime writing. My theme is: Secret Diary Of A Serial Killer.

Here's my "J" post :) http://nataliewestgate.com/2017/04/johnny-secret-diary-of-a-serial-killer

Jak said...

My A to Z Entries at The Cryton Chronicles

I, Jak A to Z 2017: Jokes (Vlogging)
Generation Jak A to Z 2017: Jem (Music)
Dreams in the Shade of Ink A to Z 2017: Jericho (Flash Fiction/Poetry)
Meta MTG A to Z 2017: Journey Into Nyx (Magic: The Gathering)

The Cryton Chronicles on Facebook

Nandhini Chandrasekeran said...

J for (being) Judged #MotherhoodEmotions

Alicia Hawks said...

I'm doing sketches of characters from video games
J is for Jaina Proudmoore

Elizabeth McCleary said...

This flash fiction is even sillier than most. J is for Jar.

Story Crossroads - Rachel Hedman said...

The Story Crossroads Blog has J is for Jewels (Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds) for the Symbols in Stories from Around the World:

G said...

Are you a #JaneAusten fan, then you should not miss this on your next trip to #Bath Jane Austen Centre

Alexandra Heep said...

Adult Coloring - J is for Jumbo Pencils

Ishieta said...

J is for Journal Therapy :) one of my favorite things to do!

"*Ishieta @ Isheeria's*

AtoZofHealing - J is for Journal Therapy

I am also dabbling in some dark poetry (short) creativeness on: Link "

Anne Young said...

Running a bit behind. Continuing with places associated with my family history. I was somewhat surprised to learn that William Dana was imprisoned in a gaol / jail named colloquially after his father; Shrewsbury prison is still called "The Dana" today. J is for jail: Bankruptcy of William Pulteney Dana

Anne Young

Anne's family history

Paresh Godhwani said...

J for Jump


Kay Kauffman said...


paulbaldowski said...

Setting the mood for your games of Symbaroum makes all the difference, given the general tone of dark fantasy communicated through the background and imagery. If you add measures of horror to the game, setting the tone becomes even more important. --- J is for Jokes on The Iron Pact

Nortina Simmons said...

A little late, but here it is... J is for Jail (or justice system)
Theme: Planning for NaNoWriMo

Nancy said...

J is for God is just
AtoZ Theme: Who is God?
Blog: Filled to Empty

Thanks for stopping by!

Kay Kauffman said...

You can keep your snow - give me the sun. https://suddenlytheyalldied.com/2017/04/13/keep-your-snow/

Anonymous said...

Judging goes both ways: https://amommasview.wordpress.com/2017/04/14/judgemental-atozchallenge/

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

I guess I jettisoned a normal schedule along with the judgment....so I'm playing catch-up!


CRD said...

My 'J' post is a short story titled 'Judging Yasmin'. It shows how people in general are quick to pass judgment about other people and their behaviour.

Here it is -> J for JUDGING YASMIN

Lak said...

Today is about Journeys:

J is for Journey

Marie Rebelle said...

My J-post (adult content) - http://rebelsnotes.com/2017/04/jtaime/

Unknown said...

I'm not sure if I posted on the wrong date (wrong letter). So here is J again, JUST in case.

J is Just Juxtaposition
Theme: Components of Literature

Buttercup said...

J is for the Japanese Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Srujana said...

Name: Aura with Writing
Blog: Aura with Writing
Letter J: Juxtaposition. The wedding date was getting closer. Jane was as nervous as she was excited..
Link: Juxtaposition

Gail said...

J is for Journaling

Gail Park

Making Life an Art

Unknown said...

Main Blog: The Invisible Author

J: Just Who are You, Anyway? Building Your Author Brand

jgifederizo said...

I'm catching up! J for Joyce Kilmer: As Lovely as a Tree

Unknown said...

name: prabhat ks
blog title: ink of love in fire; design is my desire
link: https://prabhatks.wordpress.com/2017/04/14/jovial-journey/
theme or category: love
a quick description of post: (jovial journey) the word journey is what we live with everyday. everyday is a journey of many moments and love is one special part of our life's journey. i have tried to add the jovial feelings in the journey of our love life based on personal touch with it. read and enjoy. If you like it please share. Thank you.
#jovial #journey #atozchallenge #butterfly #blog #blogging #challenge #NaPoWriMo #inkyfire #love #prabhatks #promt #wordpress

Ila Varma said...


Ila Varma said...


Unknown said...

I fell a little behind, or a lot behind, still committed to seeing it thru! J is for Joy!

Rik said...


Theme: 26 Political Principles

To see my post please visit the following link:


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