Monday, April 10, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-11-2017 - Letter I

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter I:


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Deepa said...

#apom I for Icecream
I for Icecream 

Unknown said...

A to Z of poetry

Inverted Refrain - Numb

Anita Sabat said...

Do you say to yourself,"I Am Important"?
Here's my Poem:
'I Am Important' #AtoZChallenge

nashvillecats2 said...

We are up to letter "I" and as yet have to find out HOW to leave a link.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Rob Z Tobor

I love eyes

Karnika Kapoor said...
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Nandhini Chandrasekeran said...

I for Insecurity #MotherhoodEmotions

Anne Young said...

Continuing with places associated with my family history I is for Ipswich: Hintlesham Hall and the Crespigny family

Anne Young

Anne's family history

Anne Young said...

Hi Yvonne see above , just above the letter I at the end of the post, there is a tutorial on how to create a clickable link. I followed the format and saved to Evernote where I cam update it daily. Regards Anne

Tupeak Hope said...

Tupeak Hope - Blogging about chronic health issues, patient self-advocacy & empowerment.

I is for Inspirational

C.E. Flores said...

Name: CTdeF
Blog: Surviving Mexico Adventures and Disasters
A to Z Theme: A to Z reasons why La Yacata is the place to be WTSHTF (When the Sh*t hits the Fan)
Letter I : Looming asteroid Impact? Come to La Yacata!

J Lenni Dorner said...

My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 is an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.

I= I Couldn’t Care Less

J -- Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Anmol Rawat said...

I is for In Lieu Of
Wasn't it all he had wanted her to be? A happy person, a good wife and a true lover in lieu of a sad woman.

kaykuala said...

Hank is here
I for Immersed in Activities in the Quest to be Healthy


Shawna Atteberry said...

Today this Irish-American girl writes about her favorite Irish saint: Brigid of Kildare.

Nilanjana Bose said...

I is for Image


Anonymous said...

Hey There Fellow A to Zers! Here is the latest installment of my ongoing fiction.
Name: Marquessa Matthews
Blog: Simply Marquessa
A to Z Theme: Hawaii
Letter I: Islandology "I had a crazy vision of telling him that I was dying and him running through the door or jumping off the balcony like I was infectious..."

Sandra Williamson said...

Snippets from the life of Martha Sarah Ellis
I is for Immigration

Sandra, Aspiring family historian, fellow participant in the #AtoZchallenge

Sandra's Ancestral Research Journal

Ritika Tiwari said...

Today's post is probably one of my favourite paintings - Irises by Vincent Van Gogh

My theme is Post Impressionist Art. 

Hope you like it :)

JazzFeathers said...

Name: JazzFeathers (Sarah Zama)
Blog: The Old Shelter
A to Z Theme: 1940s Film Noir
Letter I: Innuendo. Suggesting what which cannot be showed.

Unknown said...

Illegal Aliens covers TV show Roswell in anticipation of our upcoming podcast for this A to Z challenge

Rajlakshmi said...

Travel Tales - an interactive installation that lights up when you say I love you.
Travel tales

Yogasana said...

Wanna check out what Yoga Inversions look like.

Keith's Ramblings said...


We all need a giggle now and again and Amble Bay's the place to enjoy one! Today we meet Iris who grows beautiful flowers.

Iris the flower grower

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Each day I’m doing a post of random topics based on homeschooling files I’m going through and decluttering.

Today’s topics: Iguanas, Insects, and Iris Folding.

ozzypip said...

Today's block in my A to Z quilt is Interwoven Diamonds, a paper pieced block.
Interwoven Diamonds

Philipa (Ozzypip)
Quilter and blogger
Blogging her way through an A to Z quilt
Ozzypip Quilts

Random Musings said...

April in Motivational Quotes - I
April in Motivational Quotes - #AtoZChallenge Day 9 - I

Romi said...

I don't know about you, but...

On my Way Home
Describing my life in six words

Manisha said...

Manisha from The Nimble Mime
A to Z Theme: Flash Fiction

Letter I: Irony

Beverley Baird said...

I is for Instruments - using Amy Krouse Rosenthal's "Encyclopedia of Me" to journal daily
Check here:

Anonymous said...

My theme is Strange Feelings, weird and possibly made up words to describe things we feel every day.

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

Today M gave me the topic as well as the contents for I.

Sue Bursztynski said...

Today's post on spies and spying includes a few fascinating facts you might not have known ... And here's the link: I Is For Interesting Spy Bits And Pieces

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

Get your daily astronomy fix.

I is for Infrared, or how does one discover an invisible light? And how can an invisible light allow you to see through something opaque?

Unknown said...

Blog: If I Only Had A Time Machine
Theme: History lessons from Billy Joel's
We Didn't Start The Fire Letter I

Unknown said...

I'm cross stitching my way through a Buffy The Vampire Slayer alphabet. I is for Illyria
Ros from Fangirl Stitches

shalz75 said...

You have got to see them to believe them!!! I am writing all this month about my travels and funny/incredible incidents that cropped up and entertained us like anything!

Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
I is for innovation or Jugaad which we Indians are very famous for #atozchallenge

Parul said...

Most women feel like an imposter at their place of work. Why? Their lack of self-belief in their capabilities.
I for Imposter Syndrome

Jamie said...

I celebrate libraries and cheese

The holidays of April is my #AtoZchallenge Theme.

Karnika Kapoor said...

hope you are having a good time blogging.
My today's post is up!
Best Wishes!

Julie said...
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Julie said...

Name: Julie
Blog: Reading Life
Theme: Books, Books and More Books!
Letter I: Intruder

Chris Votey said...

Character Astrology Profiles

I - Iguana (Cancer + Rooster)

Unknown said...

The dangers of including Inside Jokes in your novel.

Andrea Lundgren
Into the Writerlea blog"

Anonymous said...

Click here for Chapter I of my A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure (AC)! Comment to vote for the next choice and come back tomorrow for the reveal of the next installment in the novel: Runaway!

Lancelot Quadras said...

Name - Lancelot Quadras
Blog - One Mind, A Million Thoughts
Theme - Weird Words

Radhika said...

Theme : Kaleidoscope of thoughts
Letter I - Irony of Life

Vinodini said...

Cycling towards Independence



Donna Smith said...

A Maine vanity plate and a poem to go with it.
Donna Smith
Mainely Write

Unknown said...

We all have our weaknesses which over the time period, become our strengths! Experience Indulgence in Music with our new article!
Happy indulging Tuesday to all!
Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Weird Things in Folktales - Interesting story dislodges frog from queen's nose
But... how did it get in there in the first place?

Anonymous said...

Wolf of Words said...

I am searching for something... or someone today with Ion Flow on Wolf of Words.

Unknown said...

Dear Donna,
Tried reaching your blog...but seems there is some issue with the link. Could not see your post. Regret that...Hope you will address it and soon we will have chance to read the article.
Warm Regards,
Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life

Unknown said...

Do you have a love/hate relationship with writing? Are you REALLY hating it today? Come have a laugh!

26 Things To Hate About Writing: I is for Inconsistencies

Anonymous said...

Tell me... what are your insecurities?INSECURITIES- WE ALL HAVE THEM #ATOZCHALLENGE

Debby said...

GENEALOGY - Our Irish Ancestors.

Irish Immigrants in America

Raivenne said...

A different view on artist and canvas

Unknown said...

Today's blog post is a fun post on using 'blogging' as an icebreaker!

Click here to read the post!

cutiebootie said...

I stands for injections

My blog has adult content.

QP & Eye said...

Blogger: Linda Stewart
A-Z Theme: Values
Letter I: Imperfection

Anonymous said...

I started yesterday and already caught up. Only one comment left so far which said my posts were "...calm and beautiful.." Very short posts. You can get through the lot pretty quick.. Just saying. Hope to meet you there and back on yours soon.
Theme is gardening, Lynne style.
Blog is Lynnelives random, eclectic.
I is for Ivy

Kalpana said...

I is for Individuality and for I, I, I - there's nothing wrong with that.
Individuality #Lexicon of Leaving

Anonymous said...

Letter I as in Ireland posted on

Debbie D. said...

Latest Post: I AM I SAID: A physical attraction

L.G. Keltner said...

L.G. Keltner
Writing Off the Edge
I is for Ivy

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos: I is for Independence @ Click's Clan

Lady In Read said...

LadyInRead@MyRandRSpace - For Day 11 of#UBC & #AtoZChallenge - My I Post

Operation Awesome said...

Ideas to Spark Your Next Story -- There is an alphabet of Writing Prompts today!

The Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

Anonymous said...

My Lifeblood Songs
(In the Arms of the) Angel
Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

Bob Scotney said... I for Ickworth House

Michelle Wallace said...

In Darkness Be Light!
LINK: Writer In Transit

Nick Wilford said...

Scattergun Scribblings
Black & White snippets: short scenes featuring characters, places and concepts from my forthcoming YA dystopian trilogy
I is for Inglefrith
A father holds onto hope of seeing his son again.

moon said...

I is for In his eyes

Sophie Duncan said...

Morning everyone :)
Dragon Diaries - I is for Ivka

Claire Annette said...

Come and meet a brave librarian who saved a library collection in Iraq as A Field Trip Life shares Library Love
I is for Iraq

Deb Atwood said...

Deb from Pen In Her Hand

Blogging about novels for young adults. I is for Inseparable

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi everyone - we're into Ice Age Art ... part of the British Rare Breeds series

Mary B said...

Name: Mary Burris
Blog: Jingle Jangle Jungle
Theme: #AtoZChallenge 1970's Billboard Hits

1970's Billboard Hits - I is for...

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

A flash fiction piece for today's letter. Enjoy.

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

Name: Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar
Blog: A Few Drops Of Ink
Theme: Foreign Words with No English Equivalent
Link: Iktsuarpok and Irusu: Exotic Words with no English Equivalent

Anonymous said...

Nearly half way through...
Link: #AtoZChallenge I for Instagram( - My 2016 Best 9 on Instagram.
Name: Fran
Blog: TravelGenee
Theme: Sharing Family History via #GenealogyPhotoADay

malraj said...

Letter I - Irusu

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Today I created this little skit with my willing daughter involving injections!
Absolutely Amazing Alliteration

Geethica said...

We all want this quality some or the other time in life. Yes, it is

Neha said...

A story of love. My new microtale or rhythmic tale about intrigue

Anna Tan said...

For the letter I, we have The Princess and the Infinite Inglenook plus a book launch giveaway.

Mail Adventures said...

Name: Eva
Blog: Mail Adventures
#AtoZ Theme: Postcards
Letter I: Illustrators. How do you imagine a smurfcow?

Mail Adventures said...
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Tamara said...

I is for Ice Hockey and Inspiration

Tamara said...
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Mail Adventures said...
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Mail Adventures said...
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Sara C. Snider said...

Theme: Magical and Medicinal Herbs
Today’s Post: Ivy

Sharon Himsl said...

I for Immortal Lady Bao

"Female Scientists Before Our Time"

Bob Scotney said...

The only way I can find to make links like mine work is to highlight the link, right click and then chose 'Go to ...'

AJ said...

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

We'er on I already - wow, time flies.
I is for IT & Ian
Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

Ipsita Banerjee said...

I post for desserts.

Iain Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Iain Kelly said...

Name: Iain Kelly
Blog: Iain Kelly Writing

I is for Igloo The next installment in my ongoing crime thriller.

Catch up here: Previous Installments

Natasha said...


Travel Epiphanies:
Intimidating Yes Imaginary No

Natasha said...


Travel Epiphanies:
Intimidating Yes Imaginary No

ElenaSquareEyes said...

Over on ElenaSquareEyes this morning I is for my favourite band - Imagine Dragons

Gossip_Grl said...

Today my post is about The Insanity of Loving a Heroin Addict

Arti said...

A photo essay of an island off the coast of Croatia. Hope you'll indulge:)
Island of Brac

Chicky Kadambari said...

People usually associate inspiration with the creative sorts - artists, musicians, writers, scientists. But inspiration isn't limited to only a select few. We all need inspiration to remain happy and productive.

In today's post I write about 6 ways in which inspiration leads to happiness, and how to find inspiration.

My post for today @ A to Z of Happiness: Inspiration

lindamaycurry said...

I is for Ilex and Ixia-pen names used by my grandmother in her published writing.

Ipsita Banerjee said...

Learn a new word: I for ipseity

Cathy Kennedy said...

Mew, fellow A2Zers! Join Curious as a Cathy with Art Sketching Through the Alphabet and today's alpha prompt the letter "I" (Iris). Happy a2zing! ;)

Suzy said...

Daily thoughts with a little poetry a little prose
Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Inaction

Karen Lynn said...

Name: Karen
Blog: Reprobate Typewriter
A not particularly serious attempt at a sense of humor.

I is for: Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles

Crackerberries said...

Good morning and Happy Tuesday "I" Day.

Sylvia said...

Today's blog post on The Creative Life is about being an introvert

Have a great day!!!

Narinder Bhatia said...

My Name is Narinder and my blog is titled "Create Your Best".
My ninth post of A to Z challenge is I is for INSPIRATION

Nicki Mags said...

My book choice today is I Think I Love You by Allison Pearson

Suzy said...

Hi Cathy, your link links back to this page.

Denise said...

Time out for some refreshment today.
Denise at My Life in Retirement Ice Cream

Namratha said...


Jz said...

More random thoughts.
I is for Inertia

Maggie said...

INFP is Me: I

Blikachuka said...

I am blogging about books I read before I started the blog:
My A to Z:
Green Monkey Dreams

Unknown said...

Illusion for life

Preethi Venugopala said...

Letter I: In Medias Res

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...

Good morning! My topic today - Independence

Pamela said...

I is for Inquiring Minds

Trudy said...

Theme: Food in Film, with today’s starring role: Ice Cream

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Cathy Kennedy said...

Whoopsy! Join Curiuos as a Cathy with Art Sketching Through the Alphabet and today's alpha-prompt the letter "I" (Iris)!

Unknown said...

I is for Islanders in my LEGO themed post of the day!
True North Brick - I is for Islanders

Tropical Colours said...

I is for I make m own rules

M. Denise C. said...

I is for:
India #DukeofWellington
Cheers, Denise

coach-daddy said...

What would go on your dream ice cream sundae? Come tell it.


I is for Ice Cream

Linda Gardiner said...

Iphoneography. Possibilities are limitless.

iPhone picture taking

Shirley Corder said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shirley Corder said...

Hi Everyone. Still following the theme: Build a Better Blog. Today's post is on <a href=">I is for Interesting Images. #AtoZchallenge.</a>

Shirley Corder said...

Sorry! Typo in link: I is for Interesting Images. #AtoZchallenge.

Beth Lapin said...

I am here to achieve my greatest self.

<a href=" for a Good Life</a>

Kara Leigh Miller said...

I = Indie Publishing: Is it for me? Post courtesy of author Kayla Bulster.

Claudia Bookwright said...

Initials (Only) -- Flash Fiction

Usha said...

Photography theme - I for ISO

-- Usha (Thru My Lens)

Emily in Ecuador said...

My Life in Ecuador

Iguanas at our bedroom window

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said...

Ericka from A Quiet Girl's Musings...

'92 Time Capsule

I is for I’m, I’ll, & I

Katy said...

I is for I. A quote from the Movie The Princess Diaries.

Ishieta@Isheeria said...

I is for incense & how they can be used for healing our lives and spaces.

"*Ishieta @ Isheeria's*

AtoZofHealing - I is for Incense

I am also dabbling in some dark poetry (short) creativeness on: Link "

messymimi said...

A bit of odd advice on If i could go back...

Molly said...

Journaling: I is for Intuition

Unknown said...

My theme is Music: Favourite Artists - I is for INXS

Shelley N Greene said...

Theme: Scrapbooking
Name: Shelley N. Greene
Blog: The Comparative Narrative
Letter: I is for IMPRESSIONS (Stamps & Inks)-

cheryl lennox said...

Ice Dyed Fabric

Susan said...

Ask about what's going on in the life of your young adult child:



Color Me Writing

MsDarkstar said...

Name: MsDarkstar (AC)
Blog: Darkstarian Discourse
Letter I: I is STILL for Insomnia

Wendy of the Rock said...
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Wendy of the Rock said...

Did it again...
Got a little side-tracked on this.

Wendy of the Rock said...
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KatyTrailCreations said...

Stephanie Finnell
Quilts and Quotes theme
@randallbychance on Twitter from

Wendy of the Rock said...

Me too, Yvonne. I have had three people help me, and tried several times using the formula given.. all to no avail.
Epic fail from Wendy of the Rock!
I= Insects ( with a tenuous link to Cary Grant

The Plagued Parent said...

I is for... Well, you'll have to read it to find out what it is for...

Unknown said...

Today's unusually strange tale is about exactly what it says in the title: Irritation.

In its own unique way, of course. :)

C.D. Gallant-King said...

The Weird History of Canada continues with this odd tidbit:

I - The Independent Republic of Manitobah

FinnBadger said...

Mail art from A to Z.

Phillip | I is for IUOMA

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

A-Z of Relief Block Printmakers, I is for Iwami

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Learn about surname conventions and rank in my fantasy Season Avatars series: LINK

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I should add that I is for Ivana, part of a character's surname.

Susanne Matthews said...

Good day. Today I talk about I for Imagination LINK

sage said...

Today, we're looking for Indus (but not sure we'll find it, especially those living in the northern latitude

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Today’s What if...? What if you could see your imagination?

Beth Lapin said...

Affirmations for a Good Life

Lisa said...

Rockin' on....
"I" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Celia Reaves said...

It's another haiku puzzle today for the letter I. Can you figure it out? For a quick, easy, fun bit of poetry, stop over at WordWacker.

Girl Who Reads said...

We are traveling to Ireland today, well at least in the pages of a book. Today's I is An Irish Author, Irish-Set Stories, and an Ireland Travel Guide at Girl Who Reads.

Unknown said...

I is for Intent

S.K. Dubois said...

A cold end to a great party: Episode 9: Icy Curse Links to previous episodes and links to more A-Z Challenge fiction.
Sorchia's Universe

Isa-Lee Wolf said...

The name is Ida. Aunty Ida.

We're already at I!

A to Z Challenge: The Name is Ida. Aunty Ida

Isa-Lee Wolf

A Bit 2 Read

Jo Hawk said...

On to the letter the letter I and a story about the search. I is for Inspired. Find it here: Jo Hawk The Writer

Oliver said...

I for Irlen syndrome and how I now see the world 3D and colourful and less painful

Jean Davis said...

Editing Fiction: Introductions
Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer, A to Z: Editing Fiction

Anne M Bray said...

I Candy:
Truck --
Shoe --

SENCO Cat Herder said...

Very short poems on the topic of teaching and being a pupil. I is for Idiot - c'est moi?

Shari Elder said...

Theme: Crafting Complex Villains
Letter I: Mrs. Iselin wants you to play solitaire
Shari Elder Author: Life’s a Story, Write it Bold

Sharon E. Cathcart said...

I is for Independent Authors

Sharon E. Cathcart
Award-winning Author of Fiction Featuring Atypical Characters

Carolyn Astfalk said...
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Addison Albright said...

Name: Addison Albright
Blog: Stories That Make You Smile
A to Z Theme: ’Til Death Do Us Part
* * Today's A to Z Post * * → I is for Island

Carolyn Astfalk said...

Bloggin from A to Z Challenge: I is for iPod Playlist

Carolyn Astfalk
My Scribbler’s Heart

Shwetha Krish said...

Blog: Shoepenlens

Is reality an illusion?
Is reality an illusion?

Anonymous said...

I is for Isochilus major orchid

lissa said...

~ my I post - Illustration~ - art done in illustrator with a little help from photoshop

have a lovely day.

Weekends in Maine said...

Here is a link to my post for I from my blog Weekends in Maine. Thanks for visiting! I is for Islandport Press | Stories connected to New England

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

Blog - Molly’s Canopy (family history/genealogy)
Theme - Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where my genealogy journey began.
I is for Ice skating on the pond


Molly’s Canopy

Lak said...

Something about India, in lighter vein!

Giggling Fattie said...

A little bit of a heavy topic today - The Inquisitorial Squad

Laurel Garver said...

Theme: writing prompt a day, great for story starts, deepening your fiction, or as a warm up
I is for Indignation
Laurel's Leaves

cammies on the floor said...

Military men have a hard time thinking about what makes them tick, from my experience in relationships with them LINK (AC)

em said...

Zombie Flamingos, Welcome to James Bay: I is for I Love Heather Street!

Sylvia Ney said...

My "I" post for Scotland:

Lori said...

I is for Imagination

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

Blog: Read All The Things!
Theme: Bookish memories
Post: I is for “If Dogs Could Talk” When in doubt, post pictures of your pets.

Aj @ Read All The Things!

Dena Pawling said...

Supreme Court cases that changed life in the US
I is for Inequality

Anonymous said...

Raising Boys: Is Everything an Weapon

Anami said...

Anami said...

What's the reason of our miseries..
Let's find out..

I for Image

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