Sunday, March 19, 2017

#AtoZChallenge The Great and Powerful A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!

Every year since 2013, it has been a tradition for A to Z participants to reveal their Challenge themes ahead of time - on a day we lovingly titled The Great And Powerful Theme Reveal! With less than two weeks left before the Challenge begins, that day - IS TODAY!

One of the most burning questions participants ask themselves every year is: "Should I have a theme?" Themes are not mandatory, but definitely fun. They let your visitors know what to expect, create excitement and anticipation, and help you write posts that line neatly up from A to Z.

Four years ago A to Z participant Mina Lobo started the Theme Reveal, and we thought it was such a great idea that we made it tradition. It is now our very own, grand and festive way of rolling out our themes together!

As you probably already know, this year we are doing the Challenge without a Linky list. This means that people will be posting the links to their posts each day here on the blog, as well as on social media (see the details here!). Today is your chance to practice! Post your link to your theme reveal in the Comments, and visit others who have commented before you!

Most important of all: Have fun with your theme! We know we will!


1 – 200 of 343   Newer›   Newest»
AJ Vosse said...

Whooppee... I've begun the process today. I'll be doing a full reveal in the next day or two. Let the fun begin!

Shalini said...

Participating in the challenge with my travel and food blogs. The theme reveal is out!
Sawasdee Thailand at Kohl Eyed Me
Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

Debbie D. said...

Looking forward to this! My #AtoZReveal post goes live at 12:01 am (00:01) EDT.
Click HERE to view it after that time. Also, there's a grid page with all blog posts HERE. Happy A to Z-ing, everyone! ☺

Martha Reynolds said...

Can't wait!

Jean Davis said...

Getting a jump on this reveal before work takes over tomorrow. I look forward to seeing everyone's themes.
Discarded Darlings

Nilanjana Bose said...

Here’s my Theme Reveal!

The A-Z excitement begins - looking forward to the reading.

Happy A-Zing everyone!

Best wishes,
Theme : Arabiana

Josie Two Shoes said...

It's time for the Great A to Z Theme Reveal! Drop by to find out more about the short stories I'll be writing in April!
Josie Two Shoes: Theme Reveal

J Lenni Dorner said...

My THEME for the #AtoZchallenge 2017 is a speculative #FlashFiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.

PJ said...

My theme this year is the beautiful Scottish Highlands where I've been living for the last 15 months.

Liz A. said...

Okay, here goes... Theme Reveal for Laws of Gravity. Although, this won't go live until tomorrow morning. (I write my blog posts in advance, and Monday I won't be able to get online until the afternoon.)

Operation Awesome said...

As our THEME for #AtoZChallenge 2017, Operation Awesome is taking you through the Publishing Journey.

Natasha said...

Ahoy Amigos! My theme for #AtoZChallenge 2017 are a series of travel epiphanies and revelations that I experiences during my myriad journeys. So here goes:

Leni do let me know if the link doesn't work. Gracias :)

Natasha said...

Experienced** Excuse the typo

Natasha said...

Ahoy Amigos! My theme for #AtoZChallenge 2017 are a series of travel epiphanies and revelations that I experienced during my myriad journeys. So here goes:

Leni, Heather: do let me know if the link doesn't work. Re-posting it again, just in case. Gracias :)

Anonymous said...

I have two blogs I'll be participating on. StoryDam where our community is posting writing inspiration and my writing blog flash fiction about weird feelings.

~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

Keith's Ramblings said...

How exciting! Just two weeks to go. Onnce again I'll be writing FLASH FICTION with stories comprising no more than 200 words

Keith's Ramblings - My theme for 2017!

Denise said...

Well, I'm all set with most of the posts written. Can't wait to see what everyone else is doing.
My Life in Retirement - My Benelux Adventure

Weekends in Maine said...

Sorry, looks like my link was posted wrong the first time through - good thing the challenge hasn't started. Clearly, I have some kinks to work out :) My theme for this year's a to z challenge is #AtoZChallenge | The Great And Powerful Theme Reveal - Made in Maine
Looking forward to visiting other bloggers during the challenge!

Jamie said...

There's a holiday everyday. My blog is going to explore the April ones, while trying to tie them to the alphabet. Will I manage? Stay tuned!

Chandni said...

Hey !
My second time and I'll be writing about two things I love to write about the most - women and movies .

Drop by at my blog for my theme reveal post here

kaykuala said...

Hank's theme this year is more to do with the person's wish to be on top of the world. Not a health freak - but being in a Healthy environment staying healthy and well (this is Hank's blog, but more will be explained in later postings)


Random Musings said...

Excited to get started! Pop on over to see my theme for this year Theme Reveal

Anonymous said...

Yes! Let's rock and roll!. My theme reveal for the 2017 A to Z Challenge is "Living To Die", which will be comprised of 26 fiction posts based on "Kate". my main character who finds out that her time on earth is running out.

Feel free to read the preview at:

Anonymous said...

Yes - let's get rock and roll! My theme reveal for the 2017 A to Z Challenge is "Living to Die", which will be 26 fiction posts based on "Kate", my main character who learns that her time on earth is running out.

@simplymarquessa from
Living To Die

Parul said...

This is my year three and yes, I have thought of a theme.
Stories from everyday life Will be up on my blog and I am looking forward to yet another exciting season.

Jayden R. Vincente said...

Hello! I am here for my second time debuting my new novel Runaway: An A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure. You -my wonderful blog readers- will get to make the choices! Check out my blog for the first installment and make the choice for A here!

pilch92 said...

Here is the link to my reveal post- I will be crocheting cat toys all month.

Anonymous said...

Memories and music! I'm liking the sound of that already!

John Davis Frain said...

The Great & Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal:

Beginning April 1, I'm writing John's Death Scene using a murder weapon in each entry that begins with the letter of the day. Will April 1 be Arrow? Arsenic? Air conditioner? Advil? Axe? Tune in to find out:

Good times. See y'all in April!

Operation Awesome said...

That sounds hilarious! Can't wait to read.

Operation Awesome said...

I voted! Sounds like a fun concept.

Operation Awesome said...

I love learning about new holidays! Cool idea!

Medha said...

Hi folks. Here I am with my #ThemeReveal post for the much awaited #AtoZChallenge which I am daring to take up for the first time. This is also an opportunity for you to grow your inner positivity along with me since my theme for 2017 is #SANGUINE- A JOURNEY TOWARDS BUILDING INNER SELF. I will blog about 26 aspects on growing inner positivity in 26 blog posts each starting with an alphabet and hence #AtoZ which will start from April 1st. Join me.


Medha Nagur

A to Z challenge to Sanguine- Journey towards building inner positivity

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

This year, my theme is once again storytelling- and folklore-related: WTF - Weird Things in Folktales
Most of it is already scheduled. It has been all kinds of hilarious to research...

Unknown said...

Hello! Participating the second time and here is the link to my theme reveal post :

Chantale E. said...

Hello everyone!! you can check out my theme reveal here:

Romi said...

I'm looking forward to the challenge.

On my Way Home

sugar N spice cookies said...

Looking forward to a bigger and better AtoZ Blogging Challenge 2017
Theme Reveal #AtoZchallenge

Unknown said...

Writing is all joy and sunshine and roses, right?


This year, my theme will explore (with tongue firmly planted in cheek) some of my major writing woes and frustrations. Are you a victim of plot holes? Unruly characters? Unfinished manuscripts? Stilted dialog? Bad reviews? I feel your pain! Come on down and enjoy:

26 Things To Hate About Writing

Anonymous said...

Okay! March 20th has arrived where I live and here's my theme reveal post:

Looking forward to playing along with everyone and finding new blogs - Louise

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Voltaire wrote: “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” What does that have to do with my A to Z posts? Come find out --

L.G. Keltner said...

Here's mine!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Here we go!

Deepa said...

*drum rolls*
The theme for my A to Z 2017 is

Name: Mrs. DASh
Theme:A piece of me

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

This is my 5th year doing this Challenge and I look forward to completing it successfully. I'm also going to try and finish my posts in March, so I have more time to read others' posts and make new friends.

My theme for this year's Challenge is Words. I will be blogging about words from other languages that express something elusive and have no equivalent in English, words that should be included in the English language.

Cynthia at A Few Drops Of Ink

Leanne said...

Looking forward to reading heaps of blogs over April. My Theme this year is Midlife is Fabulous - and it covers life in general being fabulous too. Hope you'll stop by.
Leanne |

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

I'm rather scatterbrained today. So please forgive me, if I leave yet another comment with the exact page link this time.

Cynthia at A Few Drops Of Ink

Ishieta@Isheeria said...

Joining for the 1st time, super excited.
Hope you all like my theme :)

LINK to Theme Reveal

Deepa said...

Hi All this is my first Ato Z and I am excited. Here is my theme reveal.

Mary B said...

On the blog:

#AtoZchallenge Theme Reveal - Be sure to check it out!

#AtoZchallenge Theme Reveal

Click said...

I'm almost ready to go, I've even started writing my A to Z posts.

This year's theme is about my recent IVF cycle.

Letters to my Embyos @ Click's Clan

Michelle Wallace said...

The Great & Powerful A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal!
Since social media and news in recent times has been filled with so much hate and negativity, drop by for your daily dose of inspiration!
Read all about it in my theme reveal post!
Writer In Transit

Unknown said...

#atozchallenge Theme Reveal. Hope this works!

Theme Reveal: Dirty Little Secrets

JazzFeathers said...

I'm so excited, the Theme Reveal is here!
And this is mine :-)

1940s Film Noir

Sophie Duncan said...

Hello everyone!

I have 2 theme reveals to make, one for me and one for my sister, who is on holiday celebrating her 20th Wedding Anniversary :)

So, here goes mine :)
Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles Theme Reveal: Dragon Diaries

Sophie Duncan said...

And now my for sister, Tasha's theme reveal:
Tasha's Thinkings Theme Reveal: The A to Z of Shapeshifers

Suzy said...

Looking forward to April. This year my theme is Daily Thoughts.

Suzy at Someday Somewhere - Theme Reveal

Carrie-Anne said...

My secondary blog's reveal is up, but the main blog's reveal won't be up for a few more hours.

Onomastics Outside the Box

Sara C. Snider said...

OK, here goes. My theme reveal:

Magical and Medicinal Properties of Plants and Herbs

jgifederizo said...

Alright, here's my A-to-Z Theme Reveal for this year.

Let's do this!!!

Martha Reynolds said...

My sixth year! Here's my theme reveal blog post 🎶🎶🎶

Gossip_Grl said...

My Theme For April will be about Addiction, Recovery and Hope

Modern Gypsy said...

My theme for April: The Artists Toolbox - more details here:

Modern Gypsy said...

My theme for April The Artists Toolbox

Ritika Tiwari said...

This is my first year in the challenge and I am super excited. My theme is Post Impressionist Art (PS - Its much less boring than it sounds)

Ready. Set. Go AtoZChallenge 2017 - Theme Reveal

Preethi Venugopala said...

Here is my theme: A-Z Journey of Writing a Novel

Kalpana said...

Divorceddoodler's theme for the 2017 Challenge is the Lexicon of Leaving

Anonymous said...

Sue's Trifles is the only blog I am doing the challenge on this year

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Looking forward to this :)

Nick Wilford said...

Excited to participate and check out the other themes! Mine this year is snippets of characters, places and concepts from my upcoming trilogy:

Cathy Kennedy said...

Hello fellow A2Zers! My April theme is Art Sketching Through the Alphabet which you can read about on Curious as a Cathy! I hope y'all will decide to join me next month! Have a purrfect day!

Jemima Pett said...

And here's my link:
Good luck to everyone in the #atozchallenge this year!

Jemima Pett said...

Do you know many guinea pigs who blog? Please join Percy and Kevin as they tell you about their A to Z of favourite things this year.

love, Percy

(and thank you Mummy, cos we really have no idea how to link up these things.)

Anna Tan said...

Princessessssssss <3
Yeah, I'm back to doing fiction.

shalz75 said...

I am a first timer on the AtoZ and very nervous about it all! Hope my theme reveal rocks like everyone else's. Cheers to all and all the very best of luck! Lets rock April 2017!!

Alana said...

This is my third A to Z. This year, my theme is "Traveling Through Time and Space". Let's travel!

Pooja Priyamvada said...

My first ever #AtoZChallenge was attempted by me when I was grieving the death of my father and the posts became therapeutic to not just me but so many who have known loss and death from close quarters, so much so that even today I receive feedback on some of those posts.
The second one in 2016 was #LifeLessons as I struggled with so many personal issues and tried to find insights from whatever life had served me.
This year will be my third consecutive year on the #AtoZChallenge, and I am again in a whirl as the Sufis call it. This year my theme is SHORT POEMS FOR INSPIRATIONAL WRITERS, dedicated to those who have inspired me as a reader and a writer to whom I owe whatever little wisdom, peace or solace I have.
To whom this blog owes its origins, its life and its awards.

Unknown said...

I'm a newbie here, but certainly up for the challenge! My theme is "inspired by LEGO".

Shari Elder said...

Here we go. My theme reveal is Crafting Complex Villains

Raesquiggles said...

Good luck everyone. Here's my theme.
Theme reveal

The Widow Badass said...

Going with a theme for the first time with this year's challenge! Wish me luck as I tackle the A-Z of Preparing for a Badass Retirement.

Beth Lapin said...

Affirmations for a Good Life

Pamela said...

Rejoining the A to Z after a two-year break - my theme reveal is up at on my Lifestyle blog.

Geethica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Geethica said...
The theme of my blog is MOTIVATION

Dobson said...

Howdy y'all! I have been struggling to hold back my theme reveal for the last eleven days. If any of you have been looking at the #atozchallnge hash tag on Twitter you will know my ship has plenty of leaks. But only targeted ones. Come on over to the Fiction Playground and read about my theme. You can find it here:

C.D. Gallant-King said...

This is my third go around. File this one under HUMOUR and HISTORY:

Stories I Found in the Closet

Radhika said...

My first A to Z challenge and am super excited about it. My theme is going to be Kaleidoscope of thoughts.
Theme Reveal

S.K. Dubois said...

Greetings!! I'm writing a fantasy/Gothic story for the challenge this year. So if I had to categorize it--PARANORMAL and LITERATURE. For more info, go here> Sorchia's A to Z theme Reveal
Sorchia's Universe

Illegal Aliens podcast said...

Looking forward to the challenge! Welcome and theme reveal

Esha said...

My second time here on A-Z and I'm excitedly looking forward to reading and connecting with so many new and old-timers on this one. Hope to see as many of you as possible over April. Good Luck everyone :) Here is the link to my theme reveal post :

Chris Votey said...

This is my 3rd year doing AtoZ, and this year I am doing it based on my upcoming Writing help book, "Character Astrology Profiles". Each day will featured a different profile, named for an animal.

Madness of a Modern Writer AotZ Theme Reveal

Chris Votey said...

Don't think my link worked.

Molly's Canopy said...

Second year of AtoZ for Molly's Canopy family history blog. This year's theme is "Whispering Chimneys: My Altamont childhood...where the genealogy journey began." Check it out here Good luck everyone!

Mail Adventures said...

My blog is about... all things postal. So, for the first time I am participating in the A to Z Challenge, the posts will be mainly about postcards. Some I will kept short, some will be more elaborated, and containing my usual mail adventures.

Shweta said...

Hello folks,

This is my very first A to Z challenge. I can't wait for April. Here's my theme reveal post.

Arlee Bird said...

So far from what I'm seeing here and other places, I think we're getting a successful list of participants!

Finally have my theme reveal up at: Tossing It Out: It's About Time

Arlee Bird

Bill said...

Let's rock some poetry. Here's the link:

Sylvia said...

yay! So excited that the A to Z challenge will be here soon! Here is my theme reveal at The Creative Life

Have a great challenge everyone!

Noah Dietz said...

Woop woop, gonna be a good year! My theme is artists descending in alphabetical order based on first name or band name.

Song a Day
2k17 Theme Reveal

Melissa Ann said...

A fun and interesting new way to participate. I am not 100% sure I will remember to do this every day but I am up for the challenge. :)

Maggie said...

Hi everyone! I'm so excited for the start of the challenge! Good luck to all participants and I hope to visit as many of you as I can! :D
My reveal post:

Lori said...

Trying again to post here. My theme:

Dena Pawling said...

My first year was legal definitions. My second year was military definitions. This year I'm going back to a legal theme.

Anonymous said...

My third year's theme for April A to Z will be plants! More specifically I will be highlighting different plants which can be used within a vivarium or as a houseplant.


Fallon said...

Here's my theme reveal for 2017. I'm looking forward to sharing these characters' story as this year's challenge.

Deborah Weber said...

Looking forward to another year of fun. I'm writing about peace and pronoia.

Tamara Narayan said...

This will be my fifth year!

2017 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

Confession: I've never used the html code in a comment, so just in case:

Yolanda Renée said...

Still working on the signature thing. For some reason I can't get it to work, but I think this did. At least I hope so! :)
A to Z Reveal 2017
Defending the Pen

djinnia said...

Coming really, really late to the party this year. I hope I finish.

Tamara Narayan said...

Let's try this signature thingy one more time:

2017 A to Z Blog Challenge Theme Reveal

Novemberschild said...

Hello everyone!
This is my 2nd year at ATOZ and my theme is MICRO POETRY

Here comes my theme post -

Anne E.G. Nydam said...

This is my first year taking part, and I'll be featuring relief block printmakers.

Mom said...

My 3rd year! My rather odd collage artwork will be my theme.

Sylvia Ney said...

My theme reveal is up!

Giggling Fattie said...

2nd year and better prepared!

Bob Scotney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Evelyne Holingue said...

For the third year in a row I will be participating to the A to Z Challenge. My theme reveal is: French Writers From A to Z. I will provide a list of contemporary French writers and will blog either in French or English, depending on the writers. You can find the theme info here:
I'm looking forward to reading interesting posts in April.
Good luck, everyone!

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Year 2 for me. Trying something different this time. My Theme is What if...?

Harvey Heilbrun

John Davis Frain said...

If Wile E. Coyote can handle it three times in thirty minutes, I should be fine once a day. Especially with Sundays to recuperate!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to be participating for a second year in a row, and the theme on my dragon art blog this year is Dragons in Our Fandoms!

I hope you stop by to check out my theme reveal, and good luck to everyone!

Jamie Lyn Weigt | Writing Dragons Blog

John Davis Frain said...

Just posted my Great & Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal -- Find it here:

But for a sneak preview... I'm writing John's Death Scene using a murder weapon in each entry that begins with the letter of the day. Will April 1 be Arrow? Arsenic? Air conditioner? Advil? Axe? Tune in to find out.

Fun times. See y'all in April at

John Davis Frain said...

Love it! That could be a writing prompt theme for the entire year. Looking forward to the month.

Josie Two Shoes said...

You know I'll be by to check out your stories each day, you are an awesome story writer! :-)

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I'm excited to participate for my first year. My theme reveal:

Literary Genres from A to Z

Josie Two Shoes said...

Now that sounds like a fun idea... and your furkids will love it! :-)

Josie Two Shoes said...

I always love your A to Z posts each year, I'll be following! :-)

Tamara said...

Whoa, so many blogs and topics, so little time!
Hi, I'm Tamara aka Swiss part-time working (hockey) mom, and I'll be talking about fitness, weight loss and clean food:

Stacy Uncorked said...

First time ever participating - hope I do A-Z justice! Here's my great theme reveal:

A to Z Challenge: The Great Theme Reveal!

Hope to see you there! :)

Anne M Bray said...

I tried posting the html code twice, FAIL.
So here is the URL:
My A-Z this year is part of an art project -- I'll show you the butt ends of trucks in a pretty digital watercolor format.

Calensariel said...

How old were you between 1951 and 1971? How much TV did you watch? Let's find out with NAME THAT TV SHOW! I hope you'll stop by and play!

Impromptu Promptlings

(Just in case the link doesn't work:

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to my theme reveal, which is short fiction pieces for each letter of the alphabet!

diedre Knight said...

So many participants already – Good! I wasn’t “planning on going solo” ;-)

Lines of Inspiration:

Janet said...

Oh my! How fun this is going to be! My theme is Scrapbooking our concerts. Hope you enjoy!
Me in March

cleemckenzie said...

I've already seen several great themes that I'll enjoy!

John Davis Frain said...

Oh, this sounds like a winning combination. Count me in!

Han Jansz. van Meegeren said...

Last year I did Johannes Vermeer from Delft, this year I will take you to my home town Delft in The Netherlands. I hope you will like it as much as I do.

The Librarian Witch said...

yay! very exciting indeed!

You can see my theme reveal HERE
It's a very magical theme for me!

If you stop by to have alook please leave a quick comment so I can check on your theme reveal to!

Donna B. McNicol said...

my theme reveal

Kristin said...

The focus of my blog is genealogy and family history. This is my 5th year participating in A to Z. This year I will be sharing the life of my 2x great uncle Thomas (Ray) Allen. Finding Eliza

Trudy said...

Hi, my name is Trudy. I am a food addict... and a connoisseur of tasteful films. Thus my theme: Food in Film

I look forward to your delicious comments.

Trudy @ Reel Focus

Trudy said...

After hours of trying to get the links to work, it still doesn't! So here's the address:

Theme Reveal Post:

Blog address:

Sara said...

Here's my theme reveal post!

The Librarian Witch said...

This sounds like a delectable theme!! Definitely checking this out now!

Believe In Fairy Stories

Alex said...

Trying this again this year! I'll be doing paintings this time and my theme is Monochrome. alex schuler

The Librarian Witch said...

DRAGONS!!!! yesssss!!!

Unknown said...

Hello Friends,
I am Sneha from Life as a Potpourri and this is my second year into #AtoZChallenge. I welcome you all to visit my blog and this years theme i have chosen as
Amazing Andamans
Wishing you all the best!!
Happy blogging :)

Sumoflam said...

Once again thrilled to participate in the 2017 A to Z Challenge. My Theme Reveal is Sumoflam's 2017 A to Z Theme Reveal Going with the Wanderlust theme. Come along for the adventure!

The Librarian Witch said...

Theme is Folklore and Fairy Tales

Anonymous said...

Good luck everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

My theme for this year: One Word Writing Prompts
A to Z Blogging Challenge: The Theme Reveal 2017

Laura Roberts said...

My theme is revealed on my usual blog (, as well as the new one I'm starting just for this challenge: World's Coolest Jobs!

Gail said...

This year it's Thing One, and Thing 2 and thing 3....all the "things" I've tried over the years..


Gail Park

Making Life an Art

Narayana Rao K.V.S.S. said...

I declare: My theme is A to Z of Top Management Activities, Functions and Challenges - A to Z Blogging 2017 Challenge Theme

Birgit said...

I hope people are not bored by now but here is my link...

Pratikshya said...

Here's mine:

Anonymous said... is My Sentimental Soundtrack...
McGuffy's Reader: 2017 Theme RevealMcGuffy's Reader

Anonymous said...

I am still learning.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

This year, I'll be blogging about my fantasy Season Avatars series:

Vinay Leo R. said...

8th time I'm participating, and still fondly remember the first time I took part! :-) Glad to be back.

My theme revealed here:

Anonymous said... Here's my link to my post reveal

Sushmita Malakar said...

Because it's that time of the year again! #AtoZChallenge

S. Lincecum said...

I'll be following! Love the subject, and I currently know way less than I want. ;-)

S. Lincecum said...

Fascinating subject! I'll be following.

Carrie-Anne said...

My main blog:

Welcome to My Magick Theatre

The Solitary Writer said...

This is the time of the year that my blog breathes once again as April 2017 challenge is the fuel to my blog.

Hypocrisy of Indians - The Solitary Writer's April A to Z Challenge 2017

upasna said...

I will be sharing my journey of seeking a Life where less equals more. A-Z of becoming a Minimalist.

Heather M. Gardner said...

You didn't leave us a link. Just cut/paste it from your URL bar to your this...


Notes In a Book said...

Looking forward to the challenge. My theme reveal post is now live on the blog.

NotesinaBook - Theme Reveal Blogpost

Heather M. Gardner said...

This link works just fine.

Molly of Molly's Canopy said...

I didn't know we'd be revealing our age, too :-) Will try to stop by during the challenge.

Anonymous said...

This my first time participating in A - Z, and I excited about it. Here is the link to my post reveal: ThemeReveal

Anonymous said...

Oops. Thanks. I think I messed it up.

Lu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crystal Swan said...

I am so excited! I am a newbie on the blogging block and this is my first year. Splendid Fruition Theme Reveal

Julie said...

My second time around and I'm very excited! My theme is Books, Books, Books! And it's all about my favorite topic =)


Lu said...

I tried again...

Hi Here is the address to my theme reveal post. I have tried linking and it is just not happening for me at the moment. Hopefully will get it sorted by the time the A - Z goes live. Of course if it has worked ignore the above.. lol!! Well done eveyone xxx What Id Hoped For

Lu said...

Apart from the Spelling Mistake.. "Id" should be IS - It worked - Whoop!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this works.
The Impatiens Chronicles: A Tale of Fantasy Writers' Touch Me Nots I'll be covering 26 episodes of a story that demonstrates writing things to avoid, discussing killing off characters, quests, romance, and more.
Andrea Lundgren
Into the Writerlea Blog

Anonymous said...

Back for another year! #4 !!
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations

John Holton said...

My theme: words that start with the letter and end with the next letter.

John Holton
A to Z Challenge Co-Host
The Sound Of One Hand Typing

Anonymous said...

My theme this year is The Characters of P.A.W.S. - my fantasy series.

Unknown said...

This is my second year of doing the challenge and this year I'm going with:

Materials in Speculative Fiction

Being a consideration of the materials science and engineering behind magic swords, spaceship propulsion systems and the like. Hope to you see around in April.

Aj @ Read All The Things! said...

This is my first time participating! My theme is bookish memories. I’m going to talk about how reading and book blogging have impacted my life. Here’s a link to my post: Theme Reveal

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Here's a clickable link to the Blog entry: What if...?

Marie A said...

The 2017 A-Z Blogging Theme at "The Articulate Image" will be Photos That Inspire Emotions. Please visit the theme reveal blog post at The Artiulate Image

Abbie said...

Hey all! This is my 3rd year of A to Z. This year's theme is Lessons Learned At 30 and they are going to be hilarious!

Ann Bennett said...

Entering as comment 190. There are no telling how many contenders there are for this coveted position. So I could be 192, give or take a comment or two.
I have two theme reveals.

For Hey, It's Ann from So Much to Choose From

A big hello, It's the Science Lady at Science Ladybug

NTFB said...

Theme Reveal Post:

Karen Lynn said...

I'm doing my theme reveal at my blog,

Anonymous said...

It seems that my first try hasn't worked, so I try again (as I failed trying with google, wordpress and URL I go for anonymous this time. Sorry about that) to comment here and tell you my theme:

Countries of the world


S. Lincecum said...

Great subject! I'll be following.

S. Lincecum said...

I never shy away from the book topic, so I'll be following! :-)

Harvey Heilbrun said...

I have always been fascinated by dragons in literature. I look forward to adding dragon art to my interests.

Harvey Heilbrun said...

Looking forward to your posts.

Unknown said...

It's my first time doing the A to Z Challenge! So excited! I'll be doing aspects/emotions of a writing life at

Harvey Heilbrun said...

I'll make sure I save "Time" to read your entries. It definitely sounds interesting.

Toni said...

Author, Nora Roberts said, "A good writer chases the hero up a tree and then throws rocks at her."

My theme: 26 Rocks To Throw At A Hero-Up-A-Tree!

Susan said...

Happy to be participating again this year! My theme is "parenting young adult children." Looking forward to meeting old and new friends! Here's the link to today's post:

Sue said...

My second year with the challenge. This year I'll be posting movie reviews about films that won for Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards. Here's a link to my blog and the reveal . . .
Suzanne Blazier: A Movie for Every Mood: Academy Award Winners for Best Original Screenplay

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