Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Get your A to Z Theme Reveal badge!

You have been practicing! We put up a trial post yesterday so that people can experiment with posting their links in the comments, just as they will during the challenge - and everyone seems to be doing pretty great!
So, what's the next step?

Well, if you'd like some more practice - and also, if you are planning on doing a theme! - we are happy to inform you that even though we have no Linky this year, we do have a Theme Reveal! The date is March 20th (Monday), and there will be a Theme Reveal post up here on the main blog, so that you can link your own reveal posts in the comments. 

AND we have a badge for you to display in your post! You can see it below, or download it from here

We are looking forward to all your wonderful themes! Mark your calendars for March 20th!


Debbie D. said...

Looks great. Thanks! Looking forward to my 4th year with the A to Z Challenge.

Carrie-Anne said...

I've revealed my themes to a few real-life friends, and have dropped some vague hints about future posts on certain topics, though I'm keeping both a secret online until the big reveal. I'm really looking forward to finally revealing them.

klahanie said...

NO!!! Please, I beg you, make it stop! Thank you, yours sincerely, Gary "The official anti-A to Z spokesman", as good old Arlee claimed me to be.

The Librarian Witch said...

I still have to think of a theme though... I have a few ideas but need to actually settle on one now!
How exciting!

Believe In Fairy Stories

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Well, you still have a little time to decide until the 20th :)

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

I'm looking forward to your theme too! :)

sumoflam said...

Looking forward to this year's Challenge. As a 2016 "Survivor" I had a blast. Will have more fun stuff to post this year!!

Anonymous said...

I've been working on my theme and have the post ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I've been blogging three years now and think this is the year I will join in with this. I missed your tester day, but will aim to join in for theme reveal given I have one! Anything else aside from planning my posts I should do to prepare? - Louise (Baby Gates Down)

Deepa said...

My name is not showing up in the sign up list.
Can I still participate?

scarlett79 said...

Okay I've got my Theme Reveal post up. Here's the link. See you April 1st <3

Joy of Chiropractic said...

My theme is The Transformation of a Jelly Baby or Couch to 10 k, "theme reveal" post is here https://thispilgrimsdailyprogress.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/theme-reveal-for-atoz-challenge/.

Unknown said...

I am starting NoW! Better late than never :)

Christiana said...


Oregon is my theme.

Lillian said...

Art Nouveau is my theme!

Ruth said...

Hello, here's my theme for this year... :-)

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

A bit late for the official reveal but I am here and ready to go again this year!
PS> I will have a side bar linky for those that need a linky. lol


Michelle aka Naila Moon said...


trishsplace said...

This is my first look at the A-Z challenge and it's seems confusing.
Do we have to have a theme? Can I just start on Day 1 with something beginning with A and then something unrelated beginning with B?
How do I join? Create Blog? Or sign in. And I can blog from my current Wordpress blog, yes? Thanks, Trish P.S. I'm trying to comment with my Wordpress username, but it comes up with error message URL contains illegal characters

Anonymous said...

A bit late with the theme reveal (here's hoping that's not a sign of how things will go in April!). I'm very much looking forward to discovering some new blogs and blogging friends - Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Joining for my fourth challenge, follow along at Daily discovery: https://kborman.wordpress.com/2017/03/24/a-to-z-challenge-theme-reveal/

Anjali Krishna said...


Quite late but here's mine! The countdown begins!

Unknown said...

Gives Anjali a late high five ... another late one for the theme reveal too :)


Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Hi Trish-In case no one answered you, you can blog it however you want as long as it matches the letter of the day.
Most people do follow with a theme because it makes it easier.
Have fun and good luck!

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

I totally missed the theme reveal. Oh well. That's about where I am this year.

Dean K Miller said...

This is my second go-round for A to Z. This year I'm doing a poetry theme to coincide with National Poetry Month. Thanks for the support.

Melinda said...

My theme is famous Women.

M : )

Nancy said...


Nancy said...

Little biography of ancestor, and some serious home work.

Sayanti Deb said...

My theme of this challenge is EXPLORING THE BEAUTY OF LIVING. Stay tuned with my blog. This is the post link, http://sayantideb.com/theme-reveal-a-to-z-challenge/

Bunny said...

So I just came across this like, yesterday LOL, but decided to dive right in.

I've started/stopped so freaking many blogs, but i'm hoping this one sticks!

Also made my theme post: http://inkybun.blogspot.ca/2017/03/a-to-z-challenge.html Colours of the alphabet! Going to have a hell of a time figuring out colours for Q and X... Ah well, it'll be fun! :)

Shirley Corder said...

For the last few weeks I have been telling myself I am not going to do this! But here I am. This is the second time I've done the challenge and I loved it last time. This time, I'm going with the subject of blogging. For more info, see my (late) reveal -
put up today. http://shirleycorder.com/blogging-introduction/

Olivian said...

how does this work? where can i see the themes? http://shivanigarg.co

Nandhini Chandrasekeran said...

Perhaps, I am the last one to join in here but I am glad I did. Here's my theme reveal post: https://pagesfromserendipity.com/2017/03/31/the-very-many-emotions-of-motherhood-atoz-challenge-2017-theme-reveal/

'The Very Many Emotions of Motherhood' is my theme. Please join me in my emotional odyssey of motherhood for the thirty days. Looking forward to read all of your's AtoZ posts.

Unknown said...

My theme reveal is hilariously late, but here it is: https://atmilliwayswithapen.wordpress.com/2017/04/01/atozchallenge-theme-reveal-drum-roll-please/

Anonymous said...

And it's on :-)

Lady In Read said...

LadyInRead@MyRandRSpace -- Right there with(well, after) you, Jean Rose.. here is my theme reveal - http://myrandrspace.blogspot.com/2017/04/would-you-rathertheme-revealback-to.html

Anonymous said...

It's Monday in Down Under and this is my second post for your amazing challenge. https://amommasview.wordpress.com/2017/04/03/belonging-atozchallenge/

Loulou said...

I AM IN THE DARK ABOUT THIS THING. What is the Challenge and how do I participate. Loulou

Unknown said...

My theme is A to Z writing terms. I hope it's not too late to jump in.

Unknown said...

Did not know about this challenge until April 1. My theme reveal post came out April 2 here https://evablaskovic.com/2017/04/02/theme-reveal-blogging-from-a-to-z-challenge-april-2017/.

Theme is Components of Literature (which includes fiction terms and literary devices).

Unknown said...

My posts contain embedded music, videos, movie clips, and GIFS, as well as explanations, examples, and links to other sites.

April 30: Aside from the Z post of the day for the A to Z Challenge, I will be posting a complete A to Z poem using only the letters of the alphabet in order.

Unknown said...

I know other people who jumped in late and caught up at their own pace. They are now on track.

scarlett79 said...

Let's hope I'm doing this right. Someone leave me a comment and let me know and tell me, "I'm doing it right," thanks...

scarlett79 said...

I see I should leave a link on my theme reveal...