Friday, March 31, 2017

#AtoZChallenge - 4-1-2017 - Letter A

Welcome to the 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge.


Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.

Blogs must be on an open platform – no Tumblr, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. – and comments enabled. Please make it easy for visitors to comment on your blog.

We recommend short posts [approx. 300 words], turn off Word Verification, and visit/comment on five blogs (or more) a day.

We recommend using the hashtag #AtoZChallenge in your blog post titles. That will help other participants find you on social media.

Category codes are no longer relevant, however if your blog has Adult Content, you MUST mark your posts (AC)in your comments and/or on your blog for other participants.





Leave a comment below with your name, blog title, link, theme or category, and a quick description of your post.

Cut/Paste your link or create a clickable link...

This is the format of the link:
<a href="URL of your post">LINK</a>

Letter A:


1 – 200 of 572   Newer›   Newest»
Vinay Leo R. said...

Hi folks! My A to Z post for A is here.

A For Alliance:

Anmol Rawat said...

A is for Atheist.
When he grabs you and look into your eyes, you will believe in him!

All the best everyone!

Parul said...

Excited to share my first post for this challenge.
A for Alike
Parul Thakur | happinessandfood

Namratha said...

Celebrating women's work starting with an Artist raising awareness for mental health

Karnika Kapoor said...

Hey all!
Posting my first post
A for Alexandria: The Muser's Hub

Best Wishes!

Chandni said...

My post is up!
Happy Blogging everyone :)

Pinnish said...

Here you go post one A

J Lenni Dorner said...

My THEME for the A to Z challenge 2017 is an ongoing speculative fiction story featuring telepathy.
Each letter post is titled and inspired by a commonly misused word or phrase.

A= All Intents and Purposes

J -- Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer

Anonymous said...

My theme is Fact or Fiction? All those family stories passed down through the generations will be put to the test. Some remain a mystery while others reveal new information.

A is for argyle Cut

Nilanjana Bose said...

First post :)

Ahlan wa sahlan!

Welcome to the Amazing Arablands!

Happy A-Zing everyone!

Theme : Arabiana

kaykuala said...

Hank is here
A is for Active and Lively
Theme: Quest to be Healthy


Marie A said...

My posts will start tomorrow at The Articulate Image!

Anne Young said...

A is for letter from Anzac

Anne Young

Anne's family history

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hi, please check, link's not working.

Keith's Ramblings said...

Keith's Ramblings - FLASH FICTION

200-word stories about the imaginary coastal village of Amble Bay.

Click HERE to read today's tale

Liz Brownlee said...

Wow, there are some Extraordinary Women and Girls!

Short fact, some poems, about extraordinary women through history, and now.

Look forward to seeing you! Liz (Usually amazing animals!)

Romi said...

Describing my life in six words

On my Way Home

Miss Andi said...

On my Journey To Courageous Living A is for Achievements and Aspirations featuring the famous 'I'm a bitch, I'm a lover'
Come, check out!

Stephen Tremp said...

Posting my first post. My these is breakthroughd we are on the cusp of discovering. My post is A is for Asteroid Mining.

Manisha said...

Manisha from The Nimble Mime
A to Z Theme: Flash Fiction

Letter A: Accomplishment

Anonymous said...

Click here for Chapter A of my A to Z Choose Your Own Adventure (AC)! Comment to vote for the next choice and come back tomorrow for the reveal of the next installment in the novel: Runaway!

Phaytea said...

First time participant..Excited much!!
Phaytea from Phaytea's Pulse
Theme is 'Awakening of Self' and it is a collection of character traits geared towards Meaningful Living.
A is for Acceptance -

Anonymous said...

Phaytea said...

Excited Much
Phaytea from Phaytea's Pulse
Theme is 'Awakening of Self'.Acceptance collection of character traits geared towards Meaningful Living.
A is for Acceptance

crgalvin said...

Stories from growing up on the farm in the 50s and 60s Apricots and almonds – all whistle now

Carmel on Earlier Years

Pooja Priyamvada said...

Short poems for Inspirational writers A - Atwood Margaret

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Very interesting I'm on the west coast - it's not April 1 yet, but I did do an INTRO.

Jayashree Srivatsan said...

Hello everyone, my post for today

Swathi Shenoy said...

Random Musings said...

Excited to get started!
Here's A :)
April in Motivational Quotes - #AtoZChallenge Day 1 - A

Dobson said...

Joe Owens - The Fiction Playground

Angus O'Grady is the patriarch of the family with the business in jeopardy when the Steel Horse Saviors arrive in Penley River. This gives Angus' brief backstory.

Shari Elder said...

Theme: Crafting Complex Villains
Attributes of Great Villains, Introducing Amaris
Life’s a Story, Write it Bold
Shari Elder Author

Sue at Space, Time, and Raspberries said...

A is for Adventure! The first episode of the light epic fantasy/adventure, Elliot's Adventures, A Live to Tell the Tales Story.

Oh, yeah. Elliot's a snail.

Ritika said...

So psyched its on!

Day one - Almond blossoms by Vincent Van Gogh

Jamie said...

The holidays of April is my #AtoZchallenge theme.
But there's no post today.
Don't click my link!
Don't do it!
That's not a post!
A cartoon character will come out of your screen and drop an Acme anvil on you if you click my link.
Don't do it!
Not the first post of April! Noooo!


Tamara Woods said...

I'll be talking about writing for my AtoZ theme this year! I hope to see you there.

Carrie Ann Tripp said...

Here we go!
To adapt or adopt?

Heidi said...

Hi everyone! I'm Heidi - new to the group - and I'll be blogging about POSITIVE PARENTING.

We Are Loving This Life

Natasha Sinha said...

My Travel Epiphanies- A is for Alluring Forest Walks


Natasha said...

My Travel Epiphanies- A is for Alluring Forest Walks

Writer, fitness enthusiast, dog mom, spiritual Buddhist with a streak of crazy

shalz75 said...


Well here it is finally. I have begun my first #atozchallenge and am now looking forward to reading the reactions to my first travel tale. Cheers 🎈

Unknown said...

I'm cross stitching a Buffy The Vampire Slayer alphabet for the challenge. A is for Angel
Ros at Fangirl Stitches

malraj said...

Here it is :)

Donna Smith said...

I am photographing vanity plates on cars in Maine and writing a poem to go with each! ABUNDNC... (live at midnight Eastern)

Mainely Write

Carolyn Paul Branch said...

I'm an aging boomer who no longer thinks she has all the answers - just questions about almost everything. Carolyn's Questions

Chicky Kadambari said...

- My post for today @ A to Z of Happiness: Acceptance

Shailaja V said...

A is for Abundant :)

*A for Abundant: Shailaja/The Moving Quill*

Sayanti Deb said...

Name: Sayanti Deb
Blog: The Beauty Of Life
A to Z Theme: Exploring The Beauty Of Living.
Letter A: Acceptance- The Key of Contentment

Suzy said...

My theme is on daily thoughts. All roads lead to ... at SuzySomedaySomewhere

Radhika said...

Letter A : Apprehension
Theme : Kaleidoscope of thooughts
Blog :
Link: Apprehension

Subhendu Mohanty said...

@Subhmohanty from
And Life Unfolds...

A * Apple

pilch92 said...

I am doing all crochet for cats ( toys and hats) :

Anonymous said...

Name: Marquessa Matthews
Blog: Simply Marquessa
A to Z Theme: Hawaii
Letter A: Aloha: "For the first time in weeks, I could no longer hold back my emotions. I fell to the ground crying hysterically…"

moon said...

Hi all! My very first post on the very first A to Z that i am participating .
The theme for my challenge is "Shades of love". A is for Alchemy of attraction

Meenakshi said...

Name : Meenakshi.J
Blog : Polkajunction
A to Z theme : Vibrant India
Letter A - Adventurous outing at Rishikesh
Link :

Shweta said...

Hello everyone!
Name: Shweta Suresh
Blog: My Random Ramblings
A to Z Theme: Tiny Tales
Letter A: A meal for two (A tiny tale in 101 words)
Here's the link to my post: A meal for two

Meenakshi said...


Modern Gypsy said...

Hello! My post is on abstract art - what, how, with a time lapse video
How to create abstract art

Unknown said...

A for Awesomeness of singlehood
Theme : "My love story" in 100 words verse
Blog : Radhika's Life

Medha Nagur said...

Hi Bloggers,

I am taking up AtoZChallenge for the first time and my theme for this year is SANGUINE- JOURNEY TOWARDS BUILDING POSITIVE SELF. And the only better way to start it is by SELF-ACCEPTANCE.


*Medha Nagur*

A for Acceptance- Self acceptance is the gateway to being real you

Kalpana said...

It' s the 1st of April and we've begun!!
Name: Kalpanaa
Blog : Kalpanaawrites
A to Z Theme: The Lexicon of Leaving
Link to my post : Divorceddoodling

Unknown said...

Hey there! I'm Mithila @fabulus1710, and I blog at Broken Blue Bubbles. My theme is Blogging Lessons and Memories, and today's post is about the beginning and ending of a blogging journey!

Click here to read the post!

Maria said...

Yay!! Happy poetry month everyone!!! Here's mine for Day 1.

Art of Hiding

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

Name: Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar
Blog: A Few Drops Of Ink
A to Z Theme: Exotic Words with no English Equivalent
Letter A: Age-Otori and Akihi
Here's the Link to my post: Age-Otori and Akihi

Deepa said...

Name Deepa Gandhi
Blog Kreativemommy
A to Z Theme Parenting
Letter A Affection

Unknown said...

Writing getting on your nerves? Making you pull your hair out? Plot holes sucking you down? Stop by for 26 Things To Hate About Writing and let off some steam!

26 Things To Hate About Writing--A: Authors

Beverley Baird said...

Name: Bev Baird
Blog: Beverley A. Baird
A to Z Theme: Encyclopedia of Me (using Amy Krouse's Encyclopedia as a model)
Letter A: Amy and Affirmations
Here's the link:

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

Woo! Here we go!
My theme is "WTF - Weird Things in Folktales." My Challenge begins with an African folktale about two incredibly adorable animals. Enjoy!
Shrew blows nose into snout

Cathy Kennedy said...

Thanks to all the A2Z team for hosting the fun. I'm Curious as a Cathy joining the April madness doing something a little more personal this 4th year of the #atozchallenge in which I rekindled a lost passion for doodling and share with you each day Art Sketching Through the Alphabet. Come by to check out today’s alpha-prompt!

Chris Votey said...

Name: Christopher D. Votey
Blog: Madness of a Modern Writer

AtoZ Theme: Character Astrology Personalities
Sample of my upcoming book, using Astrology to map Fictional Personalities.

Letter A: Anaconda (Scorpio+Rat)

Debbie D. said...

Latest post: Azzurro: Going AWOL in Switzerland

Alexandra Heep said...

My theme is adult coloring. My first blog entry is aptly named A for Adult Coloring.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie Finnell
Katy Trail Creations
Quilts and Quotes theme
@randallbychance on Twitter from
Katy Trail Creations TheAinAnvil

Carrie-Anne said...

Ariadne and Argos (Names from Greek mythology)
Andrássy Út (Things and places from one of my WIPs and its two sequels)

Melinda said...

Blog: Country Dreaming
Theme: Famous Women

Leanne said...

I'm kicking off the A to Z of Why Midlife's Fabulous with..... A for the Autumn of Life (with my Aussie voiceover at the end!)
Leanne |

cutiebootie said...

A is for April Fool's Day on Google Maps

My blog has adult content (AC).

Shalini said...

Hi There! I am Shalini and I am participating with my travel and food blog. Excited to participate in #AtoZChallenge for the fourth consecutive time. Here are my links:

Thailand Travel Stories at Kohl Eyed Me
26 Indian Dishes at Something's Cooking

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogging everyone! :)

Anne M Bray said...

It's A truck!

L.G. Keltner said...

L.G. Keltner
Writing Off the Edge
Theme: Drabbles
A is for Apocalypse

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Awesome Arrow is about how the blind spot, damaged characters and high stakes make for realistic characters and great story. (All about writing.)

Vanessence7 said...

Let the Challenge begin! :)

Vanessa @Vanessence

#atozchallenge 2017
My "theme" - A Thirty-Word Story
#AtoZChallenge The Letter A

Roland D. Yeomans said...

stacybuckeye said...

Stacy from Stacy's Books. Today I compare the book and latest screen adaptation of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

AJ Vosse said...

Happy AtoZChallenge everyone!! Let's all have fun!! ;-)

Musings said...

My first post "Ambition"

Nick Wilford said...

Name: Nick Wilford
Blog: Scattergun Scribblings
Theme: Black & White Snippets - snapshots of characters, places and concepts from my forthcoming YA dystopian trilogy
A is for Alistair

G said...

Throughout the AtoZchallenge I will be writing about the off the beaten track places we have visited.

Today I have written a post about our visit to the Anne Frank house, my entry for A in #AtoZChallenge -

Happy AtoZChallenge to all the lovely participants.

Unknown said...

And so it begins...

Name: David Jesson
Blog: A back of the envelope calculation
AtoZ theme: Materials Science underpinning fiction.
Today's post - A is for Antimatter

JazzFeathers said...

Name: JazzFeathers (Sarah Zama)
Blog: The Old Shelter
A to Z Theme: 1940s Film Noir
Letter A: America. In the 1940s, America was the perfect place for the film noir to rise

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

I'll be around to make visits/answer comments after I sleep, but here's my "A" post in the Slices of An Unschooling Life theme:

Autodidacts Artfully Acquiring Alliterative Acumen:

Rekha said...

Blog : A lil bit of everything
A for Awareness : Awareness

Calensariel said...

Here we go! Take a trip in the Way Back Machine and have a go at "Name That TV Show" Day A! A to Z Challenge Letter A

Impromptu Promptlings

Shilpa Garg said...

Name: Shilpa Garg
Blog: A Rose is a Rose is a Rose!
A to Z Theme: Crime stories in 55 words.
Letter A: Arson
Link: Arson

Bernadette Braganza said...

Blog: Randomz
A is for 'It's April'

Bernadette Braganza said...

Sorry didn't come properly the first time.
Blog: Randomz
A is for 'It's April'

Arti said...

Name: Arti Jain
Blog: My Ordinary Moments
No theme but you'll enjoy travelling with me:)
Adalaj Step-well

Unknown said...

Name: Ankita
Blog: Lifestyle of a Professional
A to Z Theme: Inspirational Quotes
Link: Aristotle

Geethica said...

I am Geethica and blog at Get along with me on the motivational ride throughout this april.

Unknown said...

Name: Mocktailmommy Vidhi
Blog: A is for "Art Therapy"

#beatthestress with some innovative yet simple #arttherapy.

Mike said...

Greetings, my post features Amazing Grace. Check it out LINK

Click said...

Letters to my Embryos:
A is for Assistance @ Click's Clan

Mary B said...

It's a double-hitter today!

#AtoZChallenge #BOTB 1970's Billboard Hits - A is for...

Ipsita Banerjee said...

Sharing my post:

Ipsita Banerjee said...

And the letter A, here too:

Mail Adventures said...

Name: Eva
Blog: Mail Adventures
#AtoZ Challenge Theme: Postcards
Letter A: Adventurers. Because any postcard is a little adventure, isn't it?

Tamara said...

Hello, fellow #AtoZChallenge Bloggers!

I'm Tamara aka 🇨🇭 Swiss part-time working 🏒 Hockey Mom, and I am going to be talking about 👟Fitness and Health. Today's post is a yummy tutorial on how to make a low carb 🥑 Avocado Brownie, check it out:

Have a wonderful day! 😎

Adi's Journal said...

Name Aditya Sathe;
Blog Name Adi's Journal
"A for Acceptance" #AtoZChallange – The Journey

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

A is for toth-Amon & Andy McDermott
Tasha's Thinkings - Shapeshifters and Werewolves

Happy AtoZ!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hilary of Positive Letters on Aspects of British Rare Breed animals

A for Aurochs

Anonymous said...

A for Ancestor Jane Gibson

Theme: Sharing Family History via #GenealogyPhotoADay
By Fran from TravelGenee Blog

SoulMom said...

#AtoZChallenge Theme: Inspirational reading for Spiritual & Personal growth.
A: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

M A R T H A said...

Hi All... So excited. Here is my first one.

Name: Martha
#AtoZChallenge Theme: Stories of my Past
A: Attitudes
Martha's AtoZ Challenge A=Attitudes

Anonymous said...

For the letter A, I am happy to share My Lifeblood Songs with The A-Z Challenge. Thanks!


Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

Reema D'souza said...

I'm Reema and I blog at The Write World.
My theme for the challenge is Life and times of a twenty something.
My post for the letter A is : Anything but Ordinary

A Joyful Chaos said...

For letter A, I did a post about an amusing encounter I had in a store recently. A Joyful Chaos A ~ Amusing

Rodney's Saga said...

In which I wonder about awards.
Awards Weekend
Katherine at Rodney's Saga: Horses, Life, A Touch of Geek

Sophie Duncan said...

So it begins :)
Dragon Diaries - A is for Alard

Blikachuka said...

Blika @ armchair adventures

A is for Austen

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Today on Herding Cats & Burning Soup I'm talking ARCS. Books & Planning. My two favorite things.

Laura Clipson said...

Just a little one for "A".
A is for Action - A to Z of Storytelling

The Unknown Journey Ahead said...

Hi -I have a brother in law with autism. So, A was easy - Autism. Join me on my journey.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Anami.
My blog -

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Anami.
My blog - BL0g@NaMi !

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Anami.
My blog - BL0g@NaMi !

I am trying to pen down "Her Learnings" in poetic form.

Rosie said...

I'm doing a random theme again this year. You can find my "A" post here.

A ~ Art @ Little Bits of Lovely

jgifederizo said...

"The written language is most important in writing."

My letter A's up! How to Spell the Ancient Filipino Way

Read you guys later!!! :)

Iain Kelly said...

Hi all,

So it begins. Here is my piece for 'A', the start of the a crime thriller in 26 parts. Good luck everyone.




Srujana said...

Name: Aura with Writing
Blog: Aura with Writing
Letter A: Appearance. Sameera was walking down the street with her heavy backpack. She was returning home from school after a hectic day of team meetings for a group project...
Link: Appearance

Sharon Himsl said...

A for Aspasia
"Female Scientists Before Our Time"

Alana said...

Our local giraffe April, who has become an Internet sensation, was a natural post for "A", as she gets ready to give birth.

Operation Awesome said...

The #AtoZChallenge 2017 Theme at Operation Awesome is the Publishing Journey.

Our post for A is Agents- How to Create the Perfect List of Who to Query

Sylvia said...

My first self care post for the A to Z challenge is on Allowing.

Have a great challenge everyone!!

Anonymous said...

What was it like to be the first man?
Adam's lament

The Librarian Witch said...

Hello all!
Happy first day of the A-Z!

I'm Jodie from Believe In Fairy Stories and my theme this year is Folklore & Fairy Tales!

My post for the letter A is all about the folklore of Alderly Edge
- wizards, King Arthur, magic, and caves!

Suzanne said...

Try again! That's what happens when you've got 10 mins to leave the holiday home, baby in your arms, and trying to post a link LOL!

M. Denise C. said...

Hi from Texas! Happy A to Z for 2017!

Theme: Duke of Wellington

A is for:

Apsley House

Cheers and have a great Saturday!

Unknown said...

Hello Friends,
I am Sneha from Life as a Potpourri and this is my second year into #AtoZChallenge. I welcome you all to visit my blog and the theme i have chosen is Travel as i take you through my hometown which is a paradise on earth,
Amazing Andamans
Wishing you all the best!!
Happy blogging :)
~~ gal from the island ~~

Gossip_Grl said...

A- Addiction Is...

Unknown said...

We Didn't Start the Fire From A to Z - Alabama, Ayatollahs in Iran and AIDS

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Hi Everyone!

As a homeschool mom, I have files of magazines clippings and photocopies for things I want to teach. Now that my daughters are in 8th and 10th grade, it's time to let go of resources they no longer will use.

During April, I'll be going through each file - getting rid of things that we no longer need, doing the things that I forgot about, and planning the upcoming year.

Each day of the A to Z challenge, I'll focus on one file.

So, for A it is: Alphabets & Alphabet Coloring Books for Adults & Kids.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Rajlakshmi said...

It's not as tough as it sounds, I promise - Let's stretch today in Anjaneyasana

Rajlakshmi said...

Let me take you to Assam ... where flows The Mighty Brahmaputra

Donna B. McNicol said...

Phew! Got my first post up for the letter A: Arizona & Alaska

DB McNicol, author & traveler Theme: Oh, the places we will go!

C.D. Gallant-King said...

I'm sure this will get buried but here it goes:

Weird Canadian Facts and History

A is for Alert, Nunavut, Santa Claus' Next-Door Neighbour

FinnBadger said...

My blog, and A-Z theme is mail art.

A is for artistamps

Anita Sabat said...

Though I'm thrilled as it is my debut participation at #atozchallenge , here's a a short poem about anger-
A for - Angry?
Do you get Angry?
Take care. Best wishes everyone :)

*Anita Sabat*

*The Explorer Of Miracles*

Oliver said...

My name is Oliver and my blog is called The Tudors Make Me Tic
My A to Z challenge doesn't have a specific theme
My A post is for Acceptance, more specifically autism acceptance

Ann Bennett said...

Hey, It's Ann from So Much to Choose From and
Science Ladybug Have a great A to Z everyone.

Lori said...

Hi, it's Lori, also known as Miss Pelican. Here is my first post:
A is for Accepting my Writer's Identity Thanks for taking a read.

Unknown said...

A for Acceptance

ElenaSquareEyes said...

Hi! My name's Elena, I blog over at ElenaSquareEyes and my theme is all of my favourite things.
A is for Sia's Alive:

paulbaldowski said...

Hey there --- my blog, The Iron Pact, expands on the setting for the Swedish role playing game Symbaroum (translated into English in 2015/16). My challenge is to add yet more content to the game with new ideas, characters and adventures, kicking off with A is for Ambra Assailed.

messymimi said...

Hello, messymimi here, and this is my
i'm thankful for things that start with A post.

Wendy of the Rock said...

Are you incurably curious?

A is for Apothecary, Alchemy, and also…

Ann Bennett said...

Anita, Your link did not work for me. I hope it is just me. I would like to visit your blog.

n8ture said...

Name: Kevin J Railsback
Blog: Filmmaking Naturally
Letter A
Link: Anticipate the Unexpected

Afshan Shaik said...

Taking a deep breathe and entering in to Blogging from A to Z April Challenge for the year 2017. I introduce Zaara to the world in my first post. My theme is random but mostly I would be talking about my pregnancy journey ! #AtoZChallenge . A big shout out to all participants :) Shall be catching up with posts in a while

Charan Deep Singh said...

Name: Charandeep Singh
Blog: Free Spirit
A: Away
The post is about what is your real home
A: Away

Amelia said...

My A post!

Boisterous Bee said...

My post for A- Arranged Marriage

Liz Brownlee said...

Aaaah! Trying to post a live link from a Wordpress blog seems impossible... trying again:

A is for Mary Anning, Fossil Hunter, #A-Z Challenge

Vidya Sury said...

Vidya Sury

Aunts aren't gentlemen #CollectingSmiles

Aware #lifehacksforhappiness

Always #lifehacksfordiabetics

Jz said...

A is for Ambidextrous
A Reluctant Bitch

Donna Smith said...

Here is her direct url link - she put the atoz with it in error.
See if this works!

coach-daddy said...

Feels like opening day! Good luck, y'all.

I wrote about device addiction ..



#AtoZChallenge: A is for Device Addiction

Jemima Pett said...

My Blog! Saturday, a book review: An Astronaut's View of Life on Earth.
Jemima Pett, Author

Aditi said...

So exiting to begin on this journey!
I blog at Aditi's Pen and my theme is fiction inspired from Indian mythological stories.

Denise said...

And We're Off. Looking forward to everyone's posts.

Denise at My Life in Retirement Atlantic Wall

Kevin the Bold said...

Um, hi. Kevin the guinea pig here, on A is for Aunties
Did I do that right, mummy?

Beth in IL said...

Because I am crazy,I am doing two blogs! First up is my needlework blog and I am discussing all my Mill Hill Bead Kits.
The other is my art journal blog where the rest of my craziness sits:

Unknown said...

I'm dabbling in the A to Z of poetry: Acrostic - Creativity

Unknown said...

Yay! It's started! Here's my A:

Vinodini said...

Hi, everyone, there's some problem with the link I posted earlier on this thread. Here's the fresh link to my post on A:




Michelle Wallace said...

My theme is: In Darkness Be Light!
Are you the type of person who sees the glass as being half-empty or half-full?
Writer In Transit

Beth Lapin said...

My Blog provides Daily Affirmations for a Good Life: Today is Abundance

MsDarkstar said...

Name: MsDarkstar
Blog: Darkstarian Discourse (AC)
Letter A
Link: A is for Anxiety

Girl Who Reads said...

Hi! I'm Donna from Girl Who Reads. We focus on books, the reading experience, and writing. I hope you stop by. My post today is about Active Reading.

Martha Reynolds said...

Sorry to post twice, but I'm trying to use the shortened link here. Indulge me, please! My theme is Broadway musicals. Here's the link (I hope)


Ash said...

Hi All, Starting to blog again ..its a great feeling .. My theme is anything and everything that has made a place at my home and office ..Here is the first one:

Linda Gardiner said...

Fabric, Paper & lots of artful things drive me. Letter A for Abstract. Here we go on a month long ride!
Abstract Art

Believe in the Magic Traci said...

Hello, my oldest has nicknamed me the Tour Guide of the Dayton, Ohio area. I'm going to share some of our favorite local sights during the month of April. Today we are going to visit a place called Aullwood. (I haven't figured out the badges yet so I don't have them on my site yet.)

Donna Smith said...

Blogger gives a warning of Adult Content. Should it be marked AC? Or are my computer settings over-sensitive?

Lisa said...

Happy AtoZ-ing, folks! Let's go for a trip down memory lane with some hair band songs!

"A" hair band songs #atozchallenge

Alex Daw said...

Building your own Genealogy or Family History Library Acquisition Atlas and Architecture

Susanne Matthews said...

A is for April as in the origins of April Fool's Day LINK

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Come learn about Avatars and anilinks in the fantasy world of the Season Avatars! LINK

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan, Science Fiction/Fantasy Author

Rob Z Tobor said...

Yes OK I am here for now Phew what can I say I can see this is going to be complicated working what I have looked at and what i have not.

Right the LETTER A . . .
I dont have a theme this year I am cheating and doing a sort of best of thing using some of my previous A to Z's and even then I suspect I will not make it to the end. But it has been a while since I posted something on my blog so I am back all guns blazing and stuff like that. . . .

Anyway I deny everything, hope you all have a good time . . . And good luck I think folk will need it.. . . . . .


Lancelot Quadras said...

Name - Lancelot Quadras
Blog - One Mind,A Million Thoughts...
AtoZ - My theme is Weird words
Letter A - A is for Absquatulate.
Linky - LINK

Judy Rinehimer said... is now live -- "A IS FOR APRIL".
Now I need to update my publishing name!

Rob Z Tobor said...

Ah damn I forgot to put my name where it said LINK silly me. . . . . I am not sure this is going to work you know this list is scary . . . . PHEW

Emily in Ecuador said...

My Life in Ecuador
Adventure - My life is one!
It just took me a while to realize it and apologize to my mom.

nashvillecats2 said...

Hi I'm Yvonne at NashvilleCats(2) poems by Yvonne.Good luck with the challenge, this is my eighth.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Challenge accepted. :)

The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Theme: Everything, Nothing & Stuff In-between
Letter: A is for Animal Adventure Park and April the Giraffe

Co-Host, 2017 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Deborah Weber said...

Stop by for a dose of tranquility, peace, and pronoia


Deborah Weber


Jane Turley said...

Hi all, My name is Jane and I blog at The Witty Ways of a Wayward Woman (formerly Wayward Wife) This is my third year on the A to Z. My blog is mainly humorous but I throw all sorts of stuff in. Today's post is "Anno Domini"

Anita Sabat said...

Thanks a lot for sharing, Donna!
Sorry about the error, Ann :)
Here's my link-
A For 'Angry'

Story Crossroads - Rachel Hedman said...

We are official for Story Crossroads. See the "Ais for Apple" in the theme Symbols in Stories Around the World here:

Tamara Narayan said...

Theme: Conspiracy Theories

A is for Apollo 11 moon landing: Was it real?

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