Sunday, December 11, 2016

Stealing the Show on Sunday or Where Have You Been or My Summer Vacation Rolls Into Winter!

Greetings My Sleepy AtoZ'rs, It's been a seriously long time since I had posted here and since I am able to still post a post on the A to Z Challenge, I thought I would... I am Jeremy... I am a writing hooligan, so there and I am here to share my latest eMag called SIX STRINGS! It's been a long year for me and here is my story...

This is the last issue of the year, it's been a long year... some of you might know I ended up in the hospital twice with Pneumonia and having my Gallbladder removed. Both times I waited to go to the hospital, for that reason both were serious adventures. My attention to SIX STRINGS became my only priority and sadly lost many of my internet friends, well not lost... just moved around.   With this issue I would love if you are reading this, please share it I would like to end this year with a bang, I know I am asking a lot... but I do that. :)

THANK YOU, Hope you had a grand 2016, I know I did [pun intended]!
Jeremy [Six Strings]

Six Strings: # 9 [2016] [CLICK HERE] 
Main Page/Past Issues: [CLICK HERE]