Monday, May 9, 2016

2016 A to Z Challenge Reflections

The A to Z Reflections Post is a post presented on your own blog site giving the A to Z Team, the other Challenge participants, and any other readers your thoughts about this year's April Challenge.

We are looking for feedback about the Challenge. Tell us what you liked and didn't like, what worked and what didn't. If you have suggestions about making future A to Z Challenges better, this is a good time to let us know. You can highlight other bloggers who you felt did an outstanding job or direct us to specific posts that particularly impressed you or that you found to be very helpful.

In other words, we want to know how the A to Z Team did and how the Challenge worked for you. If you'd do it again, tell us why. If you would never consider A to Z again, let us know what would make you feel that way.

Please put up your Reflections post between now and Friday, May 13. AFTER your post has gone live, add the link to the Linky List below. Enter the link that goes DIRECTLY to your Reflections post and not your general blog address. The list will be accessible for the remainder of this year. Be sure to grab the badge.

The list is intended for A to Z Reflections posts only. Any links to advertising sites or non-relevant posts will be removed from the list. General links added before you actually post will be removed. And remember that these posts will be directed to a diverse audience of varying ages and sensibilities so please respect others by refraining from posting obscene materials or hurtful attacks upon others. We want a productive interchange of ideas that can lead to positive innovation.

Add your direct post link below AFTER you have posted your reflections! All non-direct links will be deleted.


Debbie D. said...

Hard to believe it's over already! Thanks to Arlee and company for providing this great blogging initiative. ☺

Deepti Agarwal said...

Already waiting for Year 3 for me in 2017... :)

Mars said...

Yay, the list is open! Can't wait to finish work so I can start reading everyone's posts :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this post having the details 2016 A to Z Challenge Reflections .
It great to see your post.
Nice one.
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Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - the A-Z is a great (GREAT) way to meet new bloggers and connect - I love the mix of peoples I get to relate to ... and then stay friends with.

We all need to appreciate where we're at - and realise that any niggles we have with the Challenge we just need to get over ... and get on with things - utilising the huge advantage we have on just being here and participating. There's always ways round ... or just omit ...

Cheers and am so looking forward to next year - when I hope and expect I'll be back .. all the best - Hilary

betty said...

It was a great challenge! I have to say that I visited a lot of new blogs and probably got back about 20% to 30% of return visits. I also visited a lot of blogs with zero comments on posts or one or two. I'm not sure how to increase readership for those types of blogs, but maybe themselves were't marketing their blogs well in not visiting a lot of people, etc.

All in all; looking forward to 2017.


Luci said...

Great challenge! Here is my post about it:

Thanks for organising it, looking forward too to 2017

Enelinwen said...

Please note, that my first entry #140 didn't go directly to the post, so I re-entered and #142 goes directly to my reflections post. Can you remove the first one please?

TheCyborgMom said...

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the co-hosts, minions, and everyone who did behind the scenes stuff to make everything run smoothly. A special "thank you" to whoever is in charge of the definitely helped with traffic to my blog posts!

Michelle Wallace said...

I just entered my link at no. #150.
Writer In Transit

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I had so much fun this year and thanks to all behind the curtain who helped keep the ball rolling.

Joseyphina said...

It was an amazing challenge. My reflection post is:


Another awesome experience. Can't wait for April 2017.


I am an idiot and did not see the part about posting the post address...and I posted my blog address. My post address is:

Susan Scott said...

Ooooops, I just added my link to the linky list (currently at # 200) but there is clearly a problem - I must have erred somehow. PLEASE remove me from that linky list... sorry.
Susan (for all I know this link may not work)

Samantha Mozart said...

Ditto what Hilary says, above. Taking up the A to Z challenge provides a wonderful intent and focus, and creates a means of keeping that writing muscle flexible. It is a lovely way to meet new bloggers, learn about their lives and to make new friends from all around the world. I took up the challenge knowing full well I didn't have time, already overwhelmed with other pressing urgencies. We learn to think on our feet (our desk chair seat?) and move through obstacles or around them and are impelled to jog loose rigidities formed by habit. I find the process exhilarating and fun.

Thank you, Arlee and helpers. I have no complaints.

Penelope Potty Snooper said...

It was a real challenge with my house full of babies and little help to write, read, comment and share with a very iffy WiFi connection and a cable connection that was acting up. But I did it, posting on time every day, commenting and sharing and SURVIVING the challenge.

rhodrymavelyne said...

I'm really glad I did this challenge, even if it added to an already mad month of writing! :) It was worth it, though. I wrote about my characters, 'A is for Achille' to 'Z is for Zenobia' at, and I wrote 'A is for Aissa' to 'Z is for Zoe' at The theme was 'My Characters Have the Last Word'. I let my characters talk/complain in first person (or second person in 'E is for Emma'). I got a rush of future story and novel ideas from my blogs. Plus, I got ideas for titles for what had only been story fragments and ideas. Those titles pulled those fragments into coherent concepts, which are sneaking their way into other projects. :) Thank you so much for the rush of creativity which this project brought on! You will be seeing more of my characters in the future! :)

Sati Chock said...

Loved this challenge! Would have added my link to my reflections post on this list but I got an error message when I tried--it said I was already on there. So just letting you know here how much I enjoyed it. Thanks again!

Elizabeth said...

Alex, there was a hiccup when posting my link. When you have a moment, would you mind deleting the first one? (number 316) Sorry about that.

Jeffrey Scott said...

Finally added my link, "There Was A Party At My House". Essentially, I compared the challenge to throwing a party for everyone.

KB/KIM said...

INK Sisters Write would like to thank you for all the work you did to prepare for this amazing event. Our viewership has gone up, the quality of our posts are amazing, and it was plain old fun!

Thea O'Brian said...

I am just sick! My computer was down and just saw this so now the list is closed. I had one all ready too.

KatyTrailCreations said...

I'm with Thea. Just purchased a new one last night. I'll be looking for the Road Trip linky list though!!
Stephanie Finnell
@randallbychance from
Katy Trail Creations
Stephanies Stuff

Tesstimoan said...

I didn't get my reflection done until today, but if it can be added, here it is...

Tara Tyler said...

we put our reflections post up the week before - then forgot to join the list! darn!

LissaJ said...

Hey everyone,
I'm working my way through all the recaps, slowly but surely. Unfortunately today there is no list of recaps here . . . but this happened to me once before during the challenge with the list of participants, so I'm hoping it's a similar hiccup and the list will return shortly. In the meantime, reminder I've put many recaps on my Listly list as well. Feel free to add yours if you missed the deadline or if I haven't gotten to you yet - I think I was up to #120 last I checked. Thanks again for organizing and for everyone who dropped by my blog. It was fun.
