Time to zip this challenge up for another year!
Did you have fun? Did you finish like you should have done--making new friends, leaving comments on the blogs of others, posting good content on your own blog?
If you made it this far successfully you are probably zapped. Maybe it's even time for a nap. Relax, but don't stop yet. Rest for a bit if you need but don't quit blogging--agreed?
This Challenge is just a jumping off point for more blogging ahead. Blogging and more blogging should be stuck in your head. You heard me; that's what I said.
Time now to zoom into the future--May, June, July, and on and on. Now you can post one day a week or whatever you want. Or every day if that's your desire. If you're burning to blog don't put out the fire.
Now one more thing before this Challenge is toast. Don't forget to schedule your A to Z Reflections Post!
Thanks for joining us in A to Z for 2016!
You can do your Reflections Post at any time, but the list won't open until Monday May 9th and will stay open until May 13th and that's when you can add your link to your post. Watch this blog for further details.
Okay, I zipped, zapped, and zoomed! Wrapped up the Z-guy, am making the rounds for other Z-guys to Pinterest, and looking for the Z-link to add to my favorites for a post in May.
Congrats to you, Alex, for completing your personal AtoZChallenge goal for 2016! Time for that nap.
Gail’s 2016 April A to Z Challenge
I have had a great time while doing the challenge. This is such an amazing experience! I've met a lot of wonderful and talented bloggers and enjoyed reading posts and comments, not to mention the camaraderie attained between participants. Thank you for this unforgettable and awesome event!
i cant believe it's over! We DID it folks!
I still have to write my Z post but essentially, I made it. I wasn't involved as i would have liked to been but given the new baby, the new job and everything else I'm surprised I finished. If there would have been a year to pre-post this would/should have been it.
Gail, nice work on making it through the letters in April. I wish I were napping! Instead I'm up in the middle of the night because I can't sleep. Might as well blog then!
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Amy, so glad you made it to the end with us. It's a pretty cool achievement ain't it.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Pam, thanks for all the effort you put it again this year. Yes, we did it!
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Am so glad I could complete the challenge (yet to publish my last one technically) being my first year into blogging and the atozchallenge. Also being able to be a minion for holtons heroes. Had a great time this entire month ..it was a roller coaster ride for sure.
P.s: When are we supposed to publish the reflection post???
Jeff, life must be attended to and A to Z is a peripheral experience of life. Still, you did a great job considering. Something to tell your baby when grown.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Sneha, Glad you made it to the end and thanks for the help you gave us as a minion--you are a Hero.
You can do your Reflections Post at any time, but the list won't open until Monday May 9th and will stay open until May 13th and that's when you can add your link to your post. Watch this space for further details.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Thanks a ton Arlee for the quick response!! :) And bringing about a challenge like this which binds so many bloggers under one common passion the passion to blog!!
Will surely link my Reflections post once the link is open :)
I'm so glad that I went with my I (for Intuition) on this! I had no idea it was going to be this rewarding and this much fun! Met so many other bloggers! And the AtoZ Team is absolutely awesome!! Thank you!
Super thrilled. Super zapped.
Gosh, have to wait a whole year now. Bummer!
Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016
Hi Lee - well done on another great A-Z year - just frustrating I didn't think I could participate - still I've been around following a few bloggers ... cheers and congratulations to one and all ... Hilary
Thanks to the A to z challenge. I have had a Zesty April!
This has been fun. Girl Who Reads
That was so challenging and such fun. How many posts do I have left to write? Zero :)
Thank you for the challenge, Lee and all of the helpers. It's a great experience. I feel thrilled that I made it through number 5!
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Yes I did have fun. It was a challenge and there was stressed but I have enjoyed every bit of it.
Thanks to Arlee Bird and the entire team that made this challenge possible.
Today, I believe I will take a nap or look at soccer.
Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.
Patricia @ EverythingMustChange
It's a wrap!
Thank you to Arlee Bird and everybody who worked so hard "behind the scenes" to help make the challenge successful!
See you next year - same time, same place!
Writer In Transit
YES to all questions! Thanks Arlee and company for another great run. Continue to blog daily? No way! I admire people who can do that, but it's not for me. Hubby would probably want a divorce. ☺
Thank you, Lee!
Had a great year!
did it despite some family hiccup, son being in hospital for a few days. enjoyed the trips to many blogs
This was quite an adventure but I made. Thanks for playing. I enjoyed it so much.
Meet My Imaginary Friends
Hurray ... I too done all in both the blogs - "poetry" as well as "festivals of India".
That was wonderful.
Here are the links :
Poetry - Z for Zenith : http://facetsofadienglish.blogspot.in/2016/04/z-for-zenith-shape-poetry.html
Festivals of India – Z for Zagor : http://facetsofadishortstories.blogspot.in/2016/04/z-for-zagor.html
What an adventure this has been! I am totally pumped and I have never blogged this way before! Thanks to the hosts, the co-hosts and all the minions who did such a wonderful job of cheering/egging us on! Rather feel like a War-hero! :)
@KalaRavi16 from
Bit zapped, but it is good it ended on the weekend; can regroup and be refreshed for the new week ahead.
Great challenge! Enjoyed it very much! Thanks for all who worked hard on putting it together!
Did accomplish what I set out to do; did visit lots of new blogs, etc. :)
Congrats to all of us who finished!
I really had the most fun this year - I think I am getting the prep down now. Having nearly all of my posts finalized and visiting other blogs before the actual challenge began meant I didn't suffer from AtoZ fatigue as I have in years past.
really had a great time and experience :) thanks everyone, see you next year!
Arlee (and crew) thanks soo much for another great year of A to Zing. I lowered my expectations of myself so it was an enjoyable month.
Im going back to remodeling and packing Fill the cracks and Moondustwriter's Blog.
It's Over! Can you hear the music? Great challenge again.
I can't believe it's over! I actually still have to write my "Z" post today but still, I was having so much fun! So much in fact that I think I will be making my theme a regular part of my blogging schedule now. Thank you for a challenge that inspired and motivated me.
I look forward to next year :)
Lisa @ Zen and Pi // Come say hello :)
Whew, for awhile there, I didn't think I was going to make it! :-)
Alex, all your Zing above summed up pretty much how great this experience has been for me. I still have lots of travels to follow and there's no telling where it may all lead to...but I am holding my head up high, knowing that I have actually gotten through this and kept with it - something that is applicable to all the writing that I'm undertaking.
Thanks for helping me learn vigilance when it comes to writing!
PS - I'd love to have you come visit, anytime: http://www.colormywords.worpress.com.
Here's my last post. I'm contemplating covering a few artists that I had to leave off the list. I didn't see too many blogs doing the Challenge, but I'm glad that some people visited mine.
I felt like I was reading a Dr. Seuss post. Thanks so much for all your hard work. I really had a good time and learned so many new things. I am already starting to think about next year and what I can do in the following months! Have a restful weekend!
I've had an awesome time! Tomorrow normal service will be resumed for me when I write 2 posts - one for The Sunday Whirl and one for Sunday Photo Fiction. Then it's at least one a day based on prompts from another 7 or so prompt sites.
I've got my theme 2017 sorted and I even posted at the end of my final '16 story! Can't wait to get started again!
My final A-Z story features 13 neglected Z words
Ah finally the Z, that was a fun post and it rhymes :D I wish I was less busy and engaged more but I did my best so I won't complain, and I met some really awesome bloggers and went back to meet old friends from last year's challenge.
Yay! All done. I had fun. Survived another year. Now looking forward to a lot more visiting:)
I made it, Lee!
Whew. There were a few times I thought I wasn't going to make it and get behind, but I made it. =) I have a few posts scheduled next week, but then I am taking a week off.
Survived and feeling happy. :) Met some great bloggers. But could not visit as much as I really would have liked to.. Need to catch up this month.
Seena #AtoZChallenge - Z is for Zzzzz
Didn't think that I'd finished. So glad that I did. Now, I'm going to spend the next month visiting all of the fantastic blogs I missed this month.
Made it through!!! Luv'ed the Challenge! Next.... blog hopping !
2016 is in the bag! And I feel I finished successfully because several have told me how much they enjoyed my theme, and because many opened up and shared their own memories with me! As always, I wish I could have gotten more visiting done; there's so much good stuff out there to read! I did find a few new blogs to follow that I think I'll really enjoy. I slept 14 hours last night! :)
Revisit the Tender Years with me at
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Thanks so much for hosting this! https://cheryllynnroberts.wordpress.com/2016/05/01/z-is-for-zinnia-haiku/
Thank you so much for hosting this challenge. I had more fun this year. Though writing daily was challenging, but I'm glad I found a new early morning routine! Thank you for all great tips too. See you again next year.
Had so much fun this year too just like last year.. Alphabets Q,X,Z did made me go for a hunt in dictionaries .. will definitely wind up with my reflections post too.. and grab my Survivors badge for the second year..
It was my first time. It was on one hand easier (I prescheduled) and harder (to read and comment) to do it than I thought. Nevertheless I had fun. Thanks so much for inventing, organizing and hosting this Challenge. And now I will start writing my Reflections Post...
This have been a great challenge which brings out the best from bloggers. Posting daily that too with a letter restriction is never easy. Congratulations to all the bloggers who have completed this zigzag journey of blogging. Zip zap zoom. Thank you so much for hosting such a great challenge. One good month of blogging is over today. :)
Thank you so much to everyone involved in this year's A2Z, whether bloggers, co-hosts, ambassadors, minions, graphic designers and general visitors. I haven't visited as many as I like, or as often as I'd like, but I hope to catch up with you in the year.
And Lee - you're just amazing :)
Jemima Pett
This was my very first year and today I feel restless. Made friends along who egged me on.
It was my first time with blog challenge, I was not sure if I was going to reach z! Ha so glad to make it through. Yeyyy!
Best Wishes!
It was a crazy month and I didn't manage to do everythign I wanted. But I did make new friends and found new blogs to follow. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm also quite pleased with my own challenge. I had a lot of fun blogging about my theme.
I thought I'd relaxed today... instead I felt restless. Hard to slow down the rhythm ;-)
What a busy month with 2 blogs and poetry month but doing the A to Z allows me to even learn a thing or two https://tracesofthesoul.wordpress.com/2016/05/01/z-is-for-zenaida-dove/
I made it to the END!!!! A good experience!
Yes, I have finished the challenge. Yes, I feel zapped. And yet, I still need a bit of catch up to do. After that, then I am sleeping. Another great challenge and I am already considering what I want to do for next year. I will be posting an A to Z Reflection post. I've a lot to say.
We did it!
To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture. It's not about winning and losing; it's about every day hard work and about thriving on a challenge. It's about embracing the pain that you'll experience at the end of a race and not being afraid. I think people think too hard and get afraid of a certain challenge.
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