Friday, April 22, 2016

What's your #atozchallenge Story?

Hi, friendly neighborhood storyteller here.

What's your story?

The A to Z challenge is one place where it is okay to make things personal. Chances are, if you did the Theme Reveal, you told us why you picked the theme you are doing. But even if you don't have a theme, you can still have a story.

Why do you blog?
What got you started?
What are the things that you are passionate about?
What are the stories you want to share with the rest of the world?

One place to tell your story will be during the A to Z Reflections in May. Tell us about your journey! The successes, the challenges, the encounters. Things you learned, things you enjoyed, treasures you found. Reflections help us look back on a crazy, hectic, chaotic, scrambling April (or is that just me?...) and see the story we have just been through. And say WOW.
(Or something like "wait... did I really just do that?...)

Find your Story!


Seena said...

What a great idea for May. I think June should be dedicated to catching up on all the great blogs we are not able to read right now... So overwhelmed by the participation and the effort going into everyone's posts.
#AtoZChallenge - S is for Social (media) Babies

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

This year, I am sharing little stories that make me think of all the fun I am having while I write. I agree with Seena above that June would be a good month to catch up on all the great blog posts.

Happy Earth Day April 22, 2016.

Gail’s 2016 April A to Z Challenge
S is for Saving Our Planet

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond said...

Great idea! I'll be there. Sue from Sizxling Towards Sixty

Anonymous said...

Hello :) a spirit's vessel from me today

Debbie D. said...

It's been a rough one this year, but always memorable and exciting. ☺

Michelle Wallace said...

I'm sure there are great stories behind every blog participating in the A to Z challenge, which we'll get to read about during the Reflections bloghop.
Writer In Transit

Girl Who Reads said...

It has been fun. I can't believe there's only one week left! Girl Who Reads

LA Nickers said...

Whoo. This has been a fun challenge for 2016. I'm doing 7 blogs for A-Z. (It's not the first time I've done plenty of 'em. I did 8 last time.) This makes a nice motivation to keep the sites current.
Thanks for hosting A-Z.

Fad to the Bone – Dog Products Revue
Working in Words
Just Workin’ It – Job Starts and Smarts
Heart of a Ready Writer
Kicking MS to the Curb
Nickers and Ink Poetry and Humor
Practically at Home

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hello, storyteller!


Aditya said...

That's a good prompt.
My story however are as per theme :

Festivals of India - Simhastha 2016 -
Poetry - Quiver

Unknown said...

This was my first time with a challenge and I did a poor job of it, but i'm still on it, which is a big surprise. Couldn't be as active as I had wanted to be, but oh well, i'll spend june blog-stalking every awesome person in this event. Hopefully I'll join in. cheers!
A liars Den, wordpress.

cleemckenzie said...

Year four for me. I'm beginning to ask myself how many #atozChallenges I have in me.

Anonymous said...

That's a great idea :-)
See you in May ... oh, wait, there are several letters left ;-)


Chris Ryan said...

On my 110th day of blogging in 2016. Really focus on quality content. The A-to-Z challenge is a good way to try to come up with relevant content that day. I focus on blogging a different topic every day. (Monday is Disney, Tuesday is Gluten Free etc...) It is challenging to come up with topic in that area.

At lunch today I went out to take pictures for next week's 'X' topic.

Liesbet said...

What a great idea for May, when things in the A-Z have settled down a bit. I am enjoying writing about "Thoughts of Being a Nomad" this year (my first time participating in this challenge), but I wish I had more time to check out more participating blogs! I had no idea how time-consuming this challenge would be! Now I understand why many bloggers wrote their posts ahead of time. :-)

Liesbet @ Roaming About – A Life Less Ordinary

The Joyous Living said...

This year I am trying to focus on giving a voice to victims/survivors.

Joy @ The Joyous Living

Janet said...

Nice to know there will be something after A to Z. I've "met" so many new people I want to keep going! My A to Z theme this year (my first), is Music and I am having a blast. Thanks to all who are organizing and participating!

Kalpana said...

This is a great idea because there certainly were challenges - some expected and some unexpected. Would love to write about them and read other people's stories.

TournesolDansUnJardin said...

J Lenni Dorner said...

I'm excited for the Reflections Post. They are always great.

Nilanjana Bose said...

My A-Z story always has a HEA ending, no matter how difficult the plot twists in April :) Look forward to the reflections post!

Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016

bookworm said...

I got so far behind in reading blogs, and I can't believe May (and Reflections) are almost upon us. I have so enjoyed this year's challenge, though! Alana

Parul said...

I was waiting for this announcement. What a month and another week to go :)

JazzFeathers said...

This AtoZ Challenge turned out to be completely different from what I planned because... well, life happened. It's still an awesome experience. I'll talk about it in the reflections.
I can't wait to read everyone's reflections post, they are exiting just like the theme revel :-)

Unknown said...

Third year of AZing and now i am confident :p All three years i picked up a theme which made me going.I would share my story in full on the reflections day.Until then,check me out at