Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Victory Lap at the #AtoZChallenge !

Now the end is nigh and the finish line is in sight: three more posts to go and you'll be an A to Z Challenge Winner!

On my blog, I've been writing about the nonprofit Project Why and their unsung heroes, and will be sad once the challenge is done.

Don't let up on your blog: keep the Adrenalin pumping.

  • Visit those who have commented on your posts. 
  • Follow back those who have followed you. 
  • Follow them on social media, too. 
  • The more visits and comments you do in a day, the more you shall get out of the challenge.

Time enough to take a break once you're done with the challenge!

Do not forget the A to Z Reflections Post on 9th of May, about which we will talk about soon: this will be your chance to give us feedback. What did we do well? What could be done better?

For now, go visit a blog or two, or five or fifty! The A to Z Challenge list is waiting for you!


Michelle Wallace said...

Hey Damyanti!
I'll have to play catch up and stalk your blog after the challenge...
Only four more posts!
Writer In Transit

Seena said...

Almost there... and the toughest letters... But feeling good.
#AtoZChallenge - V is for Videos

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

V is for Victory Lap . . . and three more posts to go? Which letter do we get to skip? Sorry, I'm getting slap happy with letters spinning in my head.

Gail’s 2016 April A to Z Challenge

Unknown said...

Organifi Green Juice

When it comes to couples counselling, you may find yourself being referred to one therapist that you stick with, or you may find yourself trying a number of therapists until you find that one person that both of you feel comfortable with and can help you work through your problems and achieve long term results. The first thing you will find when it comes to effective couples counselling is a view on relationships and how they can change.


Heather M. Gardner said...

So close to done!


LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

*lol* Am I the only one hearing the theme from "Rocky" in my head? :p

Anonymous said...

Already, this year has been more fun than last year. I spent so much time last year writing out posts the day of that I forgot to visit other blogs. I am enjoying it this year because I have more time to visit the blogs and comment.

G. R. McNeese from
Project Blacklight

Leigh Caron said...

** breath, breath ** almost there, Z is in sight. Ooops! I didn't see that we post again on the 9th. I do have some suggestions that I will share.

Pat R said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat R said...


Anonymous said...

hi :) a villanelle from me

cleemckenzie said...

I think I got most of your posts. Some brought tears to my eyes and others made me happy. Great work being done by this project.

Girl Who Reads said...

I just have to format Z and I'll be done. Girl Who Reads

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Damyanti - great reminder about how the A-Z works and how to blog ... here's to your Zed the end ...

Project Why has been fascinating .. cheers Hilary

Sheila Good said...

V is for Victory. I'm dancing as I type! Thanks to all who have come out to support this journey. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

Pat Garcia said...

I'm happy that it is almost over but I'll miss it in a way.

Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

Unknown said...

Hi is the blog list going to be up for a while after the challenge is done? I am barely making my own posts, and lost track of visiting others. I was hoping I could catch up in May.

Unknown said...

Feeling the challenge on both blogs but yet a sad feeling it is almost over...but wait!! there is the month of May with "daily reflections" :) https://cheryllynnroberts.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/v-is-for-vernissage-haibun-haiga/

XmasDolly said...

I've been running into a lot of people I don't know, and when they leave a comment on my blog and I go to click on their name to leave a comment on their blog... nothing happens! All I have is their name... I have no idea where they came from. I feel so bad cuz I can't leave a comment by them. Any suggestions???

TheCyborgMom said...

Thanks for posting the date of the Reflections post!

TournesolDansUnJardin said...

Feeling the pressure, just a little now https://tracesofthesoul.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/v-is-for-valentine-troibun/

pamlovesbooks said...

How can it be almost over? It seems like it just started!

caz greenham said...

Nearly there, guys and gals!!
Sad in a weird way!
Hugs to you all

Anonymous said...

I am happy - and sad at the same time. Will it become worse within the next days?


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the challenge. Writing is in my life again. I feel very accomplished!

Unknown said...

yayyy...done!!!yes winner sounds better than survivor ;) though we literally survived.
Great going team and congratulate all winners :)
Check me out at https://uniqusatya.wordpress.com/

JazzFeathers said...

I'm all caught up with comment on my blog, not so with blogs I'm following, but I'll be caught up soon.
It was a crazy month - not just because of the AtoZ, so I had very little chance to visit new blogs other than returning visints and comment and visit the blogs I was following. This is why I'm looking forward for the Road Trip :-)

I already have an idea for my Reflection Post.