Monday, April 25, 2016

Ultima Hora - The last week of the #atozchallenge is here!

The last week of the Challenge has begun! Only six more letters to go!
(Including today's)
Quick! What are the thing you planned on doing but you have not gotten around to yet?

Visit more blogs?
Get to the end of the list?
Go back, find that one theme you really liked, and bookmark it?
Follow your favorite bloggers on Twitter?
Add blogs to your Feedly?
Participate in an #azchat but you keep forgetting when they are?

You still have a week to up your A to Z experience, get a second wind, and do all the things you planned on doing back when we started with A.

Make the last week of the challenge feel like the first! :)


Deepti Agarwal said...

It seems as if this year it is ending rather quickly.. maybe because this is my second year participating and I am quite comfortable.. Thank you for this marvelous challenge.

Anonymous said...

Me - I have got to get visiting more!

Paromita Goswami said...

I am really enjoying this event. Sad that it is the last week.

MLQ said...

My first experience with AtoZ was much more than I ever expected! I want to return to the blogs of the friends I've met. Pretty intense and VERY rewarding! BTW ~ What's Feedly? :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

Last week!


LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I go great guns with commenting the first week or so. Then I tend to peter out. Now is the time for me to ramp it up once again!

Pat Garcia said...

I am doing a little of both. I'm also revisiting blogs that I plan to follow and I am looking forward to receiving my survivor shirt.

Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

Kalpana said...

For me it's getting to the end of the list of bloggers. Wonder if I'll manage.

Girl Who Reads said...
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Girl Who Reads said...

Getting around to other blogs. I've managed to get to most that leave links on these daily posts and on my own blog, but I would like to get to a few of the other blogs on the sign up list. Girl Who Reads

Unknown said...

Getting around to other blogs and joining in on the chat are big goals this last week! As well as catching up on my posts. I've fallen a letter behind :/

Lisa @ Zen and Pi // Come say hello :)

Geoff Maritz said...

I was involved in the first A-Z challenge, I think it was in 2009. I've taken part in a few since but to date only completed one. This year I did things differently, not too much in the way of visiting, first get my own posts completed and then go to the challenge sign up list and start visiting. So far it's gone well and I only have a few posts left to write, which I'm having to do at work, not good. Anyway, It has been fun so far and got me writing again and that is good.
Thanks for the fun, Geoff.

betty said...

Hope to visit more blogs this week. Been doing good with that but would like to say I at least visited 500 blogs over the time of the challenge.


Chris Ryan said...

Need to come up with a good word for Saturday, looking to finish strong! Also need to visit more blogs this week, lots of awesome content out there. Great job by everyone!

I am currently on day #113 of blogging in 2016, and learning something new everyday!

Unknown said...

I've bookmarked quite a few blogs so I can check back in on them. This has been an exciting adventure.

Meet My Imaginary Friends

cleemckenzie said...

I might go outside and apologize to my roses before I do anything else.

Debbie D. said...

Trying to reply to all the lovely comments I've received and do return visits. So far behind now, plus, no more pre-written posts. This is going to be a tough week!

Me said...

I've discovered so many blogs since the start of the challenge; it makes for a terrific read with my morning coffees ;)

Leigh Caron said...

Phew! Almost there....can't wait for Z to come.

Michelle Wallace said...

Just need to get through the week!
Writer In Transit

JazzFeathers said...

I planned my challenge in advance, I wrote all posts before the challenge started, I was well on time in scheduling my posts, all because I wanted to visit more blogs than last year... then life happened.
I won't complain, because verything went fine in the end, and I managed to stay on the challenge, even if I fell so much behind in visiting. But hey, it's still a lot of fun :-)

bookworm said...

Visit more blogs, including all those who visited me. Have not yet fully reciprocated. Embarrassing! Alana

Anonymous said...

Last week? Holy crap. The month flies by.

~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

pamlovesbooks said...

It's almost over. I cant believe it.

Robin M said...

This month went by way to fast. I hope to visit more blogs and yes, bookmark a few to go back too. But I'll continue dropping by those on the list I didn't quite make it to during the month.

Unknown said...

U is for Under like under pressure for the last few days but not visited 10% of the blogs I wish I had had time to

TournesolDansUnJardin said...

Claire Annette said...

All of the above!

Anonymous said...

Two more blog posts to write! I learned so much about myself and fellow bloggers. My blog will not be the same after this. Thank you for the experience!

Anonymous said...

Debra Renée Byrd said...

Visit more blogs

Horace said...

To be a champion, I think you have to see the big picture. It's not about winning and losing; it's about every day hard work and about thriving on a challenge. It's about embracing the pain that you'll experience at the end of a race and not being afraid. I think people think too hard and get afraid of a certain challenge.
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