Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tell us about your fave #AtoZChallenge Twitter Moments!

It's Letter T Day! And I want to talk to you about Twitter.

Are you on Twitter? If you are, leave your "handle" below. My handle is @pamlovesbooks and if you haven't figured out by now I love to talk books!

But I can talk about things other than books. What I'm wondering today, as the A to Z Challenge winds down, is how do you use Twitter? 

Have you participated in the Twitter chats? They are Thursdays at 9pm Eastern (NY) and during March they were also on Saturday mornings. The reason I ask is because I've seen alot of you on Twitter during the #azchats. But some of you I haven't seen on the chats and haven't had the chance to get to know you. Perhaps the chat times are inconvenient for you  or perhaps you didn't know about them or perhaps you don't use Twitter. Whatever the reason for not getting to know us better at the chats here's your chance to chat with me or any of the other co hosts. 

I can only speak for myself, but I am always on Twitter. I like to see what everyone's eating for brekkies, what book you are reading, or what blogs you like best during the A to Z Challenge. I like to rhyme and I've been told by some that I've been helpful when it comes to thinking of words for their challenge posts. Do you need help rhyming? Do you need last minute help with word for X? Do you need an idea for dinner because your brain is so fried from doing the A to Z Challenge? Whatever you need, I'm here to help. Remember, I'm a librarian and we love to help. 

And because it's T day, here's a tiger in a wheelbarrow.

Ok I know it's a lion but how funny is that?

The point is I'm waiting to chat with you on Twitter. 

I can chat, with a hat, and a bat, and my cat, whose hair is flat and almost ate a gnat.

See? Told you I could rhyme.


Give me a dime

or go eat a lime. 

Either way, I've brightened your day and and now that you've had a moment to play, you can get back to the A to Z Challenge.  

I hope I've made you smile. 

For a little while. 

Sorry, I can't help it. 

(must not type rhyme)

Enjoy your day off and we'll see you for the last week of The A to Z Challenge!!

p.s. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter and say Hello.


Parul said...

Hello there and we follow each other Pam.
For those who don't know me, I am @parul2411 on Twitter. Follow me and I can't guarantee a follow back :D ;)
Try it out to know! :P

Pat Garcia said...

I have not been a part of the twitter chats. The time difference keeps me from participating. I could stay up but I already have a full sixteen hour day.
Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

Anonymous said...

hello everyone :) a tableau from me

Girl Who Reads said...

I haven't made it to any of the Twitter chats because I'm fast asleep by that time on Thursdays. But it has been fun getting to know everyone through their blogs. Girl Who Reads

Heather M. Gardner said...

You are the Twitter Queen!


Pooja Priyamvada said...

@IAmSufiZen that's my handle and I love #azchat though timing means very early weekday morning

Sarah Foster said...

I love #azchat! I look forward to it every week (except for the celery parts...). I mostly use Twitter for writing/blogging related things, but it's also good for random thoughts I feel like sharing. And pictures of my cat.

Brett Minor said...

I have not done #azchat. I'll have to check it out.

I am very active on Twitter - @brettminor

Anonymous said...

I don't have any twitter moments as I didn't bother to stay up till the twitter-time. Nevertheless I did read some of the tweets the next day and I noticed that this twitter-time would have been part of the fun. If I participate next year I will try to plan one or two sleepless nights (with a late start at work the next day) to take part.


#HeatherMakes said...

My twitter account is @xstitchchick

I popped over to twitter to say 'Hi!' I have followed you too :D

Great post!

bookworm said...
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bookworm said...

My twitter account is @RamblinGarden. I'm already a follower so - I don't use Twitter that much, in all honesty I don't follow the A to Z chats. I use Twitter more as a news source when there is breaking news. I also sometimes go there to see what is on my feed and to click on links (or contests because I enjoy giveaways) that interest me. Alana at

Johanna H. Montilla B. said...

My twitter account @jhmontilla

Pat R said...

Hi Everyone, here is my entry for today

Unknown said...

Time is slowly running out

TournesolDansUnJardin said...

Unknown said...

Coming across another writing or reading enthusiast was my favorite twitter moment this year.

Archita from
A Journey Called Life - AtoZ Participant

Robin M said...

I'm on Twitter and have been for a long time. When first started out, was on there several times a day. Became a time suck. Then I went in the opposite direction and forgot about it totally. Maybe now I can find a happy medium. I'm robnmccormack. Just keep reminding of the chats and I'll try to make it. Are you all dong the road trip thing this year. There are so many blogs I missed and It be fun to take my time and visit with one or two a day

Aditya said...

I am on twitter but not very active. My handle however is @sinha0
Here are my takes with T
Teej (Festivals of India)
Tears Deceitful (Poetry)
Do spare some time.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Pam - I must get on Twitter and get used to it ... I've made a note of this post - cheers Hilary

lyndagrace said...

I am @lyndagrace and I do follow you. I'm not on twitter much although I think my blog posts are automatically updated there. I think I tried the A-Z chat a couple of times but had a problem following it. I'm on Facebook more often.

Denise said...

I only have a twitter account because when my blog was carried by a local newspaper they wanted us to send it out on twitter. I almost never look at it, though I do use it to tweet interesting articles I find online. @msdeniseh553

Alison Green Myers said...

Hi, Pam! I do follow you on Twitter. @alisongmyers Thank you again for all of the #AtoZChallenge support! We are having a blast. Can't believe we are already at T. We used our pal, author/illustrator Don Tate to celebrate the letter T.

Unknown said...

Hi Pam,
Personally I tend to use Twitter for sharing my own and other peoples blog posts. I am not always logged into it but I do go at check in to have a read through when I have some me time available :)

Alex Daw said...

How can I resist? Done. Probably should spend more time on Twitter but I seem to be time poor of late.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hello I'm your latest follower on twitter, I'm @LWWren. I've loved the April AtoZ challenge but not made it to the twitter chats, obviously I must try harder!!

Unknown said...

Love me some Twitter @Lissa_Johnston. I need to do better at the chats. I tried one once; struggled with keeping up; need to try again, so thanks for the nudge.

Lianne Kruger said...

Love to have you follow me and say hi.

A list of my ABCs
A to Z Challenge index

Anonymous said...

Tweet me at: @dianahirsch

Also stop by my NEW blog for the AtoZChallenge posts:
(I can't seem to link my now-non-WP blog in my profile here in comments)

D.W. Hirsch

Michelle Wallace said...

When it's time for #azchats, then it's the early hours of the morning my side of the globe.
My handle is: @mishy1727
Writer In Transit

JazzFeathers said...

I've partecipated in a few twitter chats... and caught up late on others. It was great fun :-)

The Old Shelter - Jazz Age Jazz

pamlovesbooks said...

yay Parul!!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Not new to A-Z but I did not know about Twitter chats.
Catch me @NailaMoon

Lisa said...

@Lisa_n8ltg - it's a lot for fun! I enjoy the banter and have learned about Feedly & Tweetdeck and the importance of interpretive dance breaks. It's really fast-paced. I've also found some really neat blogs thru the chats & Mob Commenting.

Lisa said...

celery juice!!
You're the queen of random thoughts!

Debra RenƩe Byrd said...

The chat times were inconvenient for me. I used Twitter just to announce my posts each day. @debtheauthor