Friday, April 8, 2016

Tackling the Challenge with Gusto!

So the Challenge is lots of fun and excitement for those who enjoy this business of blogging.

One of the best things about the Challenge is meeting new people and finding cool blogs that are super-interesting. However, the only way people will know you've visited is if you leave comments on their blogs. That not only says that we've dropped in, but that we were engaged enough to introduce ourselves.

There's no better way of fueling the gusto to continue visiting participants than to charge through a section of the list each day.

You'll find that by leaving meaningful comments, other bloggers will gravitate to your blog. So it pays to put your energy into crafting creative posts and making as many visits as you can, so you can power through the Challenge with gusto!


Deepti Agarwal said...

Yeah with Gusto.. :) m loving reading so many different areas of writing.. thnx for bringing up this challenge. (Y)

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Joy - the A-Z deserves Gusto .. lovely word for G ... cheers Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Joy - the A-Z deserves Gusto .. lovely word for G ... cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

Thanks for the positive post, Joy! I'm trying to visit and visit back as many bloggers as I can!
Damyanti, AZ cohost 2016

Heather M. Gardner said...

Does gusto come in a bottle or can?



Jo said...

I wish more people would learn to use the Hyperlink. I keep finding commenters on my blog and then trying to return the visit I am unable to locate their blog. Others have no way of adding yourself as a follower.


Unknown said...

Loving the positivity! This challenge is awesome but it's also, well, challenging. It's nice to have the peptalk every morning. Thank you :)

Lisa @ Zen and Pi // Come say hello :)

Debra Renée Byrd said...

This is true. I have views, but no comments, so I don't know who the people are.

Girl Who Reads said...

My weekend plan is to visit a number of blogs. I've been encouraging my team at Girl Who Reads to visit blogs too. Some of them a new to blogging so I thought it would be good for them to see different styles and maybe they would get ideas for future posts.

betty said...

So true! Trying to tackle 5-10 new blogs on the list daily :)


Nilanjana Bose said...

The reading is super this year! :) First time commenters should leave their signatures or a link, makes it so much easier to connect.

Gusto is a gorgeous G-word.

Pat R said...
Hi, her is my link for today. A wonderful day to all:)

Glenda Thompson said...

Thanks for the lift! Gusto is needed for all phases of life!

cleemckenzie said...

My gusto's a little saggy at the moment, but by noon I should be back up to speed. said...

E is for the word elope. She was going to meet her significant other to elope and to meet him on the roof of the hotel. Unfortunately he was late, and she met her demise at the hands of another. Police are still investigating.

Pat Garcia said...

Thank you for mentioning this. I am glad someone said something. Your suggestion is also great. I take a part of the list everyday also and yet I see some blogs that do not have any comments. That is sad.

Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

wivesrepublic said...

its a wonderful challenge. Am already meeting nice people.

Carrie-Anne said...

I always like finding blogs without any comments, so I can add some and make the blogger feel like the post weren't in vain. It's kind of disappointing to discover a great blog and want to leave a comment, only to see there's no way to leave comments.

craftingpaws said...

This is my first year participating in the challenge and I am having a great time. Love reading through the other blogs, just wish I had more time in the day to read more.

Crafting Paws

Lori said...

You are right. It is so gratifying to receive a comment. Even the shortest posts take a lot of effort. I've connected with several other bloggers and hope to meet more before the challenge is over.
@LoriHenriksen from
The Winter Loon - Women of the 1930s

Bastet's Waka Library said...

Thanks for the great suggestions ... Bastet

The Joyous Living said...

Love knowing others are reading my posts and want to share their thoughts...
Joy @ The Joyous Living

Fundy Blue said...

You're right, JLC! There is nothing like getting a comment! It is so encouraging. It's a rare time I would read a post and not leave a comment for the blogger, because I know how much work posts take and how much those comments mean to the blogger. Kudos to you for tackling the A to Z Challenge! What would life be without Gusto! Have a good one!

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond said...

Oh I love that word - 'gusto' it is so descriptive. I'm thoroughly enjoying my first A-Z Challenge and reading some wonderful blogs plus getting excited to receive positive comments. have a great day! Sue @Sizzling60 from
Sizzling Towards Sixty

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I'm doing 6 blogs off the sign up list each day, and 6-20 that I am following who are in the AtoZ. I almost always leave a comment, even when the entry leaves me wondering what to say. Once in a blue moon I stumble across something that offends my beliefs and I simply choose not to comment. I am having a blast! As usual.
Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

kaykuala said...

Yes, with such gusto! So far so good


Pat R said...

Hello everyone, here is my entry for today.

Pat R said...

Hello everyone, here is my entry for today.

TournesolDansUnJardin said... and from my other blog,

Michelle Wallace said...

Wish the gusto could be captured and sold...LOL
I can see the label: IWSG GUSTO...available now...bottled or canned!
We're gonna need it when we reach the halfway mark!
Writer In Transit

i b arora said...

enjoying it

Unknown said...

love every bit of it. :>

shortybear said...

totally agree