Thursday, April 21, 2016

R is always going to be for RETRO!

I am here to say HELLO.... HELLO, I have gone missing from the start of the year and you all may have noticed this? I have been working on a new project, well a revamp of something I have been working on for our "8" year and well it's been great. I would rather show you and let you all decide if it's worthy of your attentions. It's called "SIX STRINGS" it's a free magazine for your Ipad, E.T.C and it's about everything I love. I made a special A TO Z EDITION of the you can get it here:

Not to mention the very lovable letters that you see above created by our friend Mark Kelly and our CHALLENGE T-SHIRT [CLICK ME] is located at the end of this magazine. So get a sneak peak at it, as it will be available soon. I hope you all have been enjoying this 2016 Challenge... thanks to all the host, co-hosts, minions and of course you guys.

Jeremy [RETRO]

Alphabet Letters Designed by Mark Kelly

Designed by Jeremy Hawkins



Girl Who Reads said...

And Hello to you! Girl Who Reads

Unknown said...

Hello! Your magazine sounds pretty neat, I'll definitely check it out :)

Loving the challenge so far even though I am short on time for it this week :/

Lisa @ Zen and Pi // Come say hello!

Sheila Good said...

This sounds wonderful. Congratulations. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

Pat R said...

Today's poem is a Tanka

Congratulations Jeremy!! Will have a look see:)

Pat R said...

Today's poem is a Tanka

Congratulations Jeremy!! Will have a look see:)

kaykuala said...

Looks great. Jeremy!


Sheena-kay Graham said...

Hello! Congrats on your magazine.

Blog: QueendSheena
2016 A to Z Participant
Joy Brigade Minion

pamlovesbooks said...

Hello hello it's RETRO!

cleemckenzie said...

Love the sweet ghost and the three-eyed alien. Congrats on the new project.

Leigh Caron said...

Great concept! Great graphics. Wishing you much success.

The Joyous Living said...

Hello! Had no idea there was a challenge t-shirt.

Joy @ The Joyous Living

Unknown said...

Great work! Wish you all the best!

Archita from
A Journey Called Life - AtoZ Participant

Unknown said...

I used to see Retro for the 40's and 50's but feel so old when youths say 70's is retro but I guess they're right.

Unknown said...

Memories are fun to write about too

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jeremy - love the characters and the letters ... very clever. Good to see you - cheers Hilary

Michelle Wallace said...

Thank you for all the badges, Jeremy!
Writer In Transit