Monday, April 18, 2016

Offline a Bit? #atozchallenge

Offline a Bit?

Not to be confused with off-sides or being off-kilter!

Have you been offline a day or two during the Challenge?

Don’t let the sheer amount of blog posts during that time scare you.

Just focus on those who visited you the day you were absent. Return those comments and just delete all the other posts from your blog reader. People will understand.

Use Sundays to catch up. Or, if you’re caught up, use Sundays as your day to be completely offline. Spend some time with your family, go see a movie, go read a book. Regroup and recharge.

We’re over halfway – don’t get burnout now!

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-Sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, CassaStorm, and Dragon of the Stars, and his blog can be found HERE


Nilanjana Bose said...

Refreshed, recharged and ready to go! No burnout allowed within five feet radius.

Thanks for the encouraging words!

Deepti Agarwal said...

Yeah I was offline for 3 days due to sudden demise of my maternal grandmother.. But now I am back n hope to complete the challenge.

Pat R said...

Here is my entry for today.
Deepti, sorry to hear about your grandma..

Pat R said...

Here is my entry for today.
Deepti, sorry to hear about your grandma..

Pat R said...

Here is my entry for today.

Deepti sorry about your grandma..

Pat R said...

Sorry about the multiples everyone, my internet or my phone is going buggers!!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - it happens to us all - not doing the Challenge this year is sad, but a relief - and I'm enjoying visits to everyone's blogs - and I'm sure I'll find some new ones when I get a chance to visit the list or see some comments that resonate at others' blog posts ...

Over half way through is amazing ... congratulations one and all - cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

hi everyone :) an ode from me

Girl Who Reads said...

I spent the weekend installing an electrical outlet and gardening. Girl Who Reads

Denise said...

I have been over-whelmed this year. A two-year-old takes up all of my time, but I have found so many great blogs I hate not to read them. And then the beautiful weather is beckoning me outside for yard clean-up. I'm thinking my online days of having a website and then a blog (20+ years) may be coming to an end.

Joy of Chiropractic said...

Must admit I wrote a load of posts in the first few dayd and sceduled them. Also have to admit to going back and totally wewriting some of them, as people interacting and leaving comments took me off in other direction. Thansk for this Blessings Joy

betty said...

It is sometimes good to take that breather and then just plunge back in and finish well :)


Unknown said...

I have to confess I'm enjoying all of this. The sheer variety alone is fascinating.

Meet My Imaginary Friends

Jo said...

I have finally done my last post so things are going well in my little corner. Have been enjoying reading lots of other posts, coincidentally, Scarlett's blog from Ecuador where they have just had a massive quake.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

There's always one day when I don't make it here. I like these tips.

cleemckenzie said...

This Sunday I recharged outside and kind of forgot everything computer related.

kaykuala said...

Regroup and recharge
don’t get burnout now!

Ok yes!


Debbie D. said...

It's so hard to catch up when you've been offline! May have to skip a few comment replies, but I really hate to do that.

Pat Garcia said...

That's exactly what I've been doing, catching up with comments on our free day. No doubt about it, the challenge is fun, but there is lots of stress and sometimes I just have to back away if only for four or five hours.

Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

Claire Annette said...

Sundays sure do make a difference. It is good to take a day off. Here we go again...

Bastet's Waka Library said...

And here's my contribution ... today I go Norse ... Bastet

Unknown said...

O is for Old

The Joyous Living said...

I was out of touch Friday but visited the blogs on my list Saturday and am happy to be back at it :)

O for Olive Oatman

Kathe W. said...

excellent advice-I was a bit behind, but now I am caught up! Cheers!

Michelle Wallace said...

A few hours away helps to revive the flagging spirits and recharge the batteries!
Writer In Transit

Susan A Eames said...

I took some time out on Sunday morning, but then prepared another couple of posts in the afternoon... this challenge is hard work, but addictive!

Susan A Eames from
Travel, Fiction and Photos

#HeatherMakes said...

Totally enjoying the challenge! Found some lovely blogs and people too! Thank you for the challenge!


Anonymous said...

Days I miss out, the next day I usually at least try to read the short and quick posts.

shortybear said...

appreciate the encouragement

J.L. Campbell said...

Great advice!

Unknown said...

Great advice on an overwhelming day!

Archita from
A Journey Called Life - AtoZ Participant

Kalpana said...

This was what I needed to hear. Burn Out is what I experienced yesterday on the O day which I decided was not going to be my Opt Out day. I also realised that I've written most of my posts already so I needn't Panic because I'm Prepared :)

Sheila Good said...

So far so good. Thanks for the encouragement though. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

Unknown said...

I felt as if you'd written this just for me. I was about to throw in the towel. Not because of burn out but because I'd spent the last 3 days in the hospital with my husband. He is recovering from open heart surgery and had a set-back. Threw me for a loop, but all better now and I'm back. Thanks for the encouraging words.

Unknown said...

I was getting a bit overwhelmed too, and I'd scheduled over half my posts in advance. And I was feeling guilty that I hadn't looked at too many new blogs on the list recently. Your words stopped me fretting. And the list of blogs will still be there after 30 April, so I can explore them then, right?