Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It's My Letter Day! P for Pam and P for Books, what? #AtoZChallenge

Happy letter P day!

I am so happy to share my letter day with you because I'm sure you've figured out by now that I love to talk about books. So it stands to reason that on P day Pam would have a book that begins with the letter P; 
Am I right?
Gosh, ya'll know me too well.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark

I loved this book SO HARD as a girl. I've read it a few times and have seen the movie like one skillion times. And that's a lot. smile. The movie stars a very young Prof McGonagall, aka Dame Maggie Smith, from Harry Potter,  as Miss Jean Brodie herself
'Give me a girl at an impressionable age, and she is mine for life . . .'

That's what Miss Brodie says to her students at the Marcia Blaine School (pronounced Mar See Ah). Miss Brodie is probably the first unconventional woman I ever admired. Miss Brodie is a free thinker, a romantic, and progressive in a time where those qualities weren't appreciated by everyone. Miss Brodie collected a group of students called The Brody Set and for the price of unbridled loyalty, she poured herself into these girls, allowing them access to her thought processes, her personal life, etc. Naturally everything comes at a price and the outcome of this book is dark. But, you will forever love Miss Brodie and appreciate how she tries to change the world, one girl at a time.

If The Bad Girls Book Club (over at An Unconventional Librarian) had a group leader or a Headmistress, it would be Miss Brodie. 

Happy P Day friends! 


Deepti Agarwal said...

seems like an interesting strong book..


Heather M. Gardner said...

Wow. That sounds great!


Ann Bennett said...

I've never read this book. You have made me want to read it. If the story has motivated you to read it several times and watch the movie more, it has to be good.

J said...

I am enticed to red this book now. I never had read it, but really should.

Photography Today

cleemckenzie said...

I'd forgotten about Ms. Brodie. Thanks for the reminder. Some books are worth a re-read and this one certainly is.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Pam - one day I must read this book ... because as you say - Miss Brodie is one character ... cheers Hilary

Girl Who Reads said...

Looks like a great read. Girl Who Reads

Claire Annette said...

Yes, P is for Pam - time for a parade. I think you are an awesome leader of the Bad Girl's Book Club but if we couldn't have you, Miss Brodie would be my second choice.

Anonymous said...

I had never heard of this book, but it sounds fascinating. May have to add this to my list.

G. R. McNeese from
Project Blacklight

Bob Scotney said...

One of those must read books which I haven't!

pamlovesbooks said...

yep. it sure is.

pamlovesbooks said...

it IS!

pamlovesbooks said...

aww shucks Ann.

pamlovesbooks said...

yes yes DO!

pamlovesbooks said...

i figured yOU had read it CLee! we are kindred spirits after all.

pamlovesbooks said...

long live unconventional women!

pamlovesbooks said...

She is in her prime of course.

pamlovesbooks said...

watch the movie too!!

pamlovesbooks said...

its scandalous. hahaha not really but for its day.

pamlovesbooks said...

I agree Bob. you should.

Aditya said...

Seems to be a different book. I'll surely catch upon my copy and then come back.
Here is my stories with P
Possessive – Personified : http://facetsofadienglish.blogspot.in/2016/04/p-for-possessive-persionified.html
Pongal – Festivals of India : http://facetsofadishortstories.blogspot.in/2016/04/p-for-pongal.html

Pat Garcia said...

You know I haven't read this. Don't ask why, because I don't know why. However, it is now on my TBR list. Thanks for introducing me to some amazing books.

Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

Pat R said...


Hi All, here is my entry for today..


Janet said...

I've never read the book or seen the movie! Have to put both on my list now! Thanks for sharing.

Sheila Good said...

Sounds like a book I need to read. I love the kind that you remember forever. #atozchallenge.

@sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

pamlovesbooks said...

Those are the best kind.

pamlovesbooks said...

I'm a sucker for a tweed suit.

pamlovesbooks said...

Let me know how you enjoy it Pat.

pamlovesbooks said...

Let me know what you think!

TournesolDansUnJardin said...

https://cheryllynnroberts.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/p-is-for-poem/ and https://tracesofthesoul.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/p-is-for-peeve-blogging-from-a-to-z/

Michelle Wallace said...

I've never heard of this book but I like the title.
Thanks for sharing.
Writer In Transit

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I don't think I've heard of this book or movie. It sounds interesting. I like Maggie Smith.