Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Excellent start to the #atozchallenge Everyone!

Here we are, five days in - how are you all doing?

I think we're off to an Excellent start!

How many of you just made the
wee-ooh-wee-ooh noise after reading this?

Part of what I love about the Challenge is all the Encouragement everyone gives one another. Whether to help folks keep going, or even when they just leave a comment to say 'Hey I liked your post!' Whether you are visiting one other person per day or one hundred, us co-host types love the Energy, Empathy, and Entropy.  Keep it up, team :)

~co-host AJ Lauer's theme this year is a choose-your-own-adventure that relies upon visitor comments to be successful! Stop by and join the story!


Unknown said...

So far so good. I am loving the challenge and i have met some very fabulous bloggers too!

Unknown said...

So far so good. I am loving the challenge and i have met some very fabulous bloggers too!

mcnelliswrites said...

Loving it so far! I'm having fun writing and connecting with other bloggers! Thank you!

Pat Garcia said...

I think we have had a fantastic start too and I am continually amazed at the blogs I am reading. Great stuff.

Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

Heather M. Gardner said...



Leigh Caron said...

Yup! Loving it. I was challenged at first thinking I couldn't keep up, but nope...smooth sailing.
Love everyone's posts too.

Unknown said...

We are definitely off to a good start! There are so many awesome themes this year :)

Lisa @ Zen and Pi

Joy of Chiropractic said...

Love it, and can feel how much of an impact it is having on people's lives, people who live in a completely different part of the planet. Great stuff. Blessings everybody Joy

Ashley said...

I love how many new blogs I have found to follow!!

Floridamom said...

I'm loving it. I'm finally planning posts for future letters and have a few already done or at least started. I'm also loving exploring blogs I might not have found if it wasn't for this challenge.

Arpita Dash said...

I've gained confidence after my survival of 2015 AtoZChallenge. I'm loving this challenge and this time despite of many difficulties I've kept the challenge up to date.

Susan Scott said...

Thanks AJ! Hope all excellent with you! Keeping afloat thanks! Also finding fab posts! All great and Excellent! Sorry about all the Exclamation marks - :)

Karnika Kapoor said...

Thanks! Your post is so motivating and uplifting. Glad I read it. :)
Best wishes!

Carol Campbell said...

I am enjoying the challenge a lot! :)

Girl Who Reads said...

This is the first year for Team Girl Who Reads and I think all my contributors are having fun.

Carol Campbell said...

Here's mine:

Sheila Good said...

So far I'm hanging in there and meeting many new bloggers! @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

Shivani Maurya said...

Challenge is indeed Encouraging
Happy to be a part 😊
PositiveVibes ✌

Unknown said...

I've really enjoyed the visiting, although I wish there were a linky feature to make things easier. The choose your own adventure post was lots of fun! Thanks AJ Lauer! (Waving hi!)

Crystal Collier said...

I'm only somewhat participating, but I can hear the panting. People are getting winded already. It's always interesting to see who lasts to the end. (Usually the ones who prepared well in advance.)

Crystal Collier

cleemckenzie said...

There's lots of Twitter love out there for the #atozChallenge peeps. That's great.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I've see lots of that good feeling going around. And I'm thrilled and relieved that my theme has been as well received as it has.

THE KATY said...

This is my second year doing the challenge and I love it! A lot of variety in themes.

Deanie Humphrys-Dunne said...

Glad you're all enjoying the challenge! Best of luck to all of you.

Janet said...

Having some fun and learning lots of new things!

Monika said...

E is for eggs, in baking and its substitutes

Unknown said...

So far loving the challenge!

Rob Z Tobor said...

I remain steadfastly grumpy and have said Bah Humbug several times already

Rob Z Tobor

TheCyborgMom said...

The best part of the A to Z is meeting new people! Only 5 days in, and I've already found a new blog or two to follow.

cflathers said...

So far I have been keeping up and in some cases reminding me of favorite books from my childhood. Today's link

J.L. Campbell said...

I like that choose your own concept adventure.
And the encouragement on the Challenge is wonderful.

Pat R said...'s entry. Write on everyone!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

5 days and still going. Yes!! Onward everyone.

AJ Lauer said...

:) *waves* hi!

AJ Lauer said...

We wouldn't have it any other way, Rob!

AJ Lauer said...

:D Glad it lifted you up!

AJ Lauer said...

Happy to hear you all are doing so well! Keep it up! Only 21 more days ;)

XmasDolly said...

5 days and I've managed to finagle the letters into my daily routine without upsetting the applecart so to speak!!! hahaha~ This is my second year and I'm really enjoying it. Everyone is so friendly too. Love meeting new people.

Unknown said...

An introduction and analyis of binary option investing. With all of the binary options advertisements and promotions on the Internet, readers will be able to decide whether they should get involved with this relatively new investment concept.

Anonymous said...

I had hard, but great days up till now. I found so many interesting approaches to the A to Z Challenge. I don't follow them all because I know I won't manage it, but up to now I follow 10 to 15 blogs and I try to look at up to five new ones every day ... Well, I try to because after work, cooking, sports and other stuff it's quite hard to do so.
So for me this post as an Excellent motivation again :-)


J Lenni Dorner said...

Keep encouraging each other, just like Wayne and Garth.

shortybear said...

really enjoying the challenge.

Michelle Wallace said...

Question: How are you all doing?
Answer: It's early days yet...ask us when we're just past the halfway mark.
Writer In Transit

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I plan on catching up and venturing out for most of the day. Finished a project at work, and it's Friday, so I don't plan on doing much work today!

The Joyous Living said...

Always enjoy your posts, Barbara!

Joy @ The Joyous Living

LA Nickers said...

Thanks for the encouragement YOU provide each year with the A-Z Challenge. And thanks for your comments already on a couple of my sites.

Visiting from the A-Z Challenge. I'm doing it with seven of my blogs this year.

Here are three of them:
Heart of a Ready Writer
Kicking MS to the Curb
Working in Words

Happy A-Z!