Wednesday, March 2, 2016

#atozchallenge Have you … Huh? Huh? Huh?

With the Challenge approximately a month away, now would be a good time to take stock of where we're at and what's left to be done. Have you …

   a.    Invited people to participate?
   b.    Shared information about the Challenge via social media?
   c.    Decided on a theme?
   d.    Signed up for the A-Z Theme Reveal,   which is on March 21, 2016?
   e.    Done any research on your topic of choice?
   f.     Written up any of your posts as yet?
   g.    Scheduled said posts for the designated dates?
   h.   Gone down the list of A-Z participants and checked out a few new blogs?

     If you haven't done any of the above, now is an excellent time to get moving so you'll have more time during the Challenge to blog hop, socialize, and stay ahead of the game.

Have fun as you prepare to rock the Challenge!


Ann Bennett said...

Writing some posts and getting a theme is a big help. Life tends to happen at the craziest times.

betty said...

Pretty much done all that on the list; now have to seriously get to writing the posts.


Leigh Caron said...

Oooooo, oooooo! Yes, to two! But I feel the hot breath of procrastination starting to breathe down my neck and I'd better get started before writer's block hits before April gets here.

Debbie D. said...

Yikes! I'm way behind. :( "Yes" to a through d, but not the rest. Time to get cracking!

J.L. Campbell said...

Yes, I picked my theme, but haven't written them up yet.

J.L. Campbell said...

Yes, Betty, you and me both. :)

J.L. Campbell said...

I totally agree about getting started!

J.L. Campbell said...

Hope you get moving soon, Debbie.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I shared today!

Anonymous said...

I have my posts on my blog ready to go and the theme reveal. Now I have another blog I do with 2 other people to write posts for. That's my March goal.

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks, Alex! The more, the merrier.

J.L. Campbell said...

Sounds like you're on the ball, Patricia.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Already know my theme and signed up for everything.

Melissa Sugar said...

I can't believe another year has gone by. There's no way I'm going to get behind like I did last year. I'm writing all my post in advance so I can visit blogs all month. It's too overwhelming to try and do both. Live and learn.

Michelle Wallace said...

Just over 3 weeks left before the challenge kicks off!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Joy - signed in to A-Z and the theme reveal .. paperwork for the posts is here ... and I'll get them done next week - I hope! Cheers Hilary

Mary B said...

YES, YES, YES!!! I've written posts A through J so far. I'm really excited about my theme this year.

JEN Garrett said...

I'm going to cheat this year and break up something I wrote last year after April. So, while it's not in blog post form yet, it's pretty much ready to go. :)

Claire Annette said...

I've got my a-z list but haven't written any posts yet.

Erika Beebe said...

Man, I really wish I could participate. Sigh. I bet you will rock it :)

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

All signed up. Did a little advertising. Have a theme. Will start noting ideas sooLife & Faith in Caneyheadn.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

All signed up. Did a little advertising. Have a theme. Will start noting ideas sooLife & Faith in Caneyheadn.

JazzFeathers said...

I've done up to e. Hope to start writing my posts next week. Hope!

Parul said...

Got my theme and 50% topics. Need to finish that and start writing. Pressure is building!

J.L. Campbell said...

Well done!

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup! That's about the size of it!

J.L. Campbell said...

Great, Hilary!

J.L. Campbell said...


J.L. Campbell said...

Good for you, Jen!

J.L. Campbell said...

It's great that you have a handle on things, Claire.

J.L. Campbell said...

Looking forward to it, Ericka!

J.L. Campbell said...

Good job, Barbara!

J.L. Campbell said...

Let's hope you find the time!

J.L. Campbell said...

Yes, Parul, I'm feeling the pressure myself.

Jan Morrison said...

Nope! That's not how I like to do the A to Z. I like to decide on a theme only a day or two before. I only will write the occasional post ahead of time and usually because l have to be somewhere where l can't make a post. Originally a blog was meant to be like a diary or log of daily thoughts as in this is the log book of the starship enterprise. I have no quarrel with how others like to do the challenge but truthfully it wouldn't be fun for me to plan it out ahead of time. So...see you on the 1st! I'll be posting then and I'll visit where l can.

pilch92 said...

I do need to remind people to join. I have been reading a lot to prepare.

A Reading Writer said...

Hi everyone! I am Rosema of! :) This is my first time to join and I am beyond excited.

Actually, I have made the announcement already (

And... I have chosen and researched for my theme.

And... I am actually done writing the 26 posts already. :)

TheCyborgMom said...

Can I plead the 5th to all the questions? ;)

Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond said...

I've decided on my theme and getting a head start on writing some posts. I actually think I am going to write an e-book at the end of the challenge. Thanks for the idea!