Friday, March 4, 2016

#atozchallenge: Introducing Damyanti and her team, D's Company!

 I've been part of the A to Z family for a while, and many of you know me as Damyanti from Daily (w)rite.

I'm camera-shy, so the spotlight is on Guilie Castillo, who is introducing herself and her team mates, (my gang) this year : D's Company.

 Take it away, Guilie!
The A-to-Z Challenge is, undisputedly, the blogging event of the year. In a community where blogfests and hops abound, that's saying something. And the magic was there from the beginning. In 2010, around 100 bloggers took up Arlee Bird's call to arms; by the following year participation had increased more than tenfold: over 1300 blogs signed up. And that number grows every year. Why? What's this A-to-Z magic that sweeps the blogosphere as soon as the sign-up list opens in January?
  • The community. No group of people is as welcoming, and as fascinating to get to know, as bloggers. They come from such varied backgrounds, product of such different cultures and lives, that their posts become doors into entirely new worlds.
  • The exposure. Nothing grows a blog's audience like the A-to-Z. Nothing, short of being featured on the Huffington Post, exposes your blog to as many potential readers, fans, and friends. 
  • The relationships. You will forge unprecedented friendships. There's something about the hectic atmosphere in April that... Well, you know. The best friendships are forged in fire.
  • The challenge. It's a human trait. We love challenges. We might enter the A-to-Z world hopelessly (and, honestly, kind of adorably) clueless as to what exactly we've signed up for, and we might finish the month exhausted and certifiably brain-dead, but we can't wait for it to be April again.
It's such a rush to see that list of 27 posts. We did it. Our creativity stood the test. We committed to something and we actually saw it through. That sense of achievement is a high that's hard to pass over. Last year I seriously considered sitting the Challenge out. Among other pressing things, I was behind — like, months behind — on the edits for my first novel, due for publication in spring 2015. But I signed up anyway. And I didn't finish. I skipped one letter outright, and my last post was a three-in-one. Should I have abstained? You know what? Nah. Finish or fail, the A-to-Z is the highlight of my blogging year. 

This year I'm joining co-host Damyanti Biswas's team, and it's my pleasure to introduce the fabulous women who make up D's Company.

 Vidya Sury Lives in hot-and-happening Bangalore. Tries to live mindfully, doing what she loves and loving what she does as a mom, writer, blogger, editor, and social media enthusiast.

 Misha Gericke Lives close to Cape Town, South Africa. She's either writing, editing, or working as a fresh produce exporter.
Andrea Michaels A writer in love with the sky and the ocean and brown eyes in general. Regularity and structure aren't her strong points but she makes awesome pancakes.

 Soumya Prasad The group's second Bangalorite is a hard-core techie. Her name means "one who is soft-spoken", which she considers the biggest irony of her life. A lover of love and all things related to it.

 Samantha Geary Jones Speculative fiction author living in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains with her lover, her two adorable little girls, and a border collie sidekick. Freelance writer for film, TV, and the gaming and trailer music industries.  

Guilie Castillo Mexican author and dog rescuer living in Curaçao. When not writing she'll be found wandering the island's wilderness with her seven dogs. 

Damyanti Biswas Blogger, author, troublemaker. A to Z cohost. An inept housewife, tea-and wine-lover.

We're all looking forward to getting to know you!
Follow the A to Z Blogging team on our Facebook Page!
Email address is contactatozteam at gmail dot com
Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge and Twitter id is @AprilA2Z
If you have a theme for you A to Z Challenge, sign up for the Theme Reveal!

We’ll hold Twitter chats on Thursdays at the tag #azchat at 9.00 PM EST. Please follow the Twitter and Facebook handles, and the hashtags in order to keep up with the conversation.


Vidya Sury said...

Yay Us! :) Proud to be part of D's Company
I agree with everything you said about the A to Z Challenge, Guilie. It is my mostest favoritest bloghop, ever. So looking forward to the excitement that's April! Hugs! And super-thrilled to be on the same team with you!

Unknown said...

I missed all these elements and more last year. So excited we got the gang back together. AND to top it all off, Guilie made us an awesome COFFEE badge, so we're sufficiently caffeinated the entire month of April! Cheers to 'unprecedented friendships' and meeting the challenge!!

Heather M. Gardner said...

Great post and a great team!


Sherry Ellis said...

Thanks to everyone who makes the A-Z challenge happen!

Miss Andi said...

That's a beautiful write-up, love how passionate you are about not just the challenge but blogging itself 💕

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You've got a great team, Damy! And nothing grows a blog like the Challenge.

Leigh Caron said...

I signed up for the A-Z Challenge. This is my second time. Can't wait to get started

Anonymous said...

It's my First A to Z Challenge. I had some thoughts about what and how to do it. I came up with something and a theme of some sort. Now I am so curious to find out what the pros will do... Soon I will know.

Guilie Castillo said...

It's an awesome team! So glad to be back in Damyanti's gang with you both, Vidya and Sam, and super happy to meet Misha, Andrea, and Soumya! Fun times, ladies ;)

Guilie Castillo said...

Thanks, Heather! I'm constantly amazed at how many awesome people gravitate to the A-to-Z :)

Guilie Castillo said...

That includes all participants, Sherry — so thank *you*! ;)

Guilie Castillo said...

Thanks, Miss Andi!

Guilie Castillo said...

Too right, Alex... It's an excellent opportunity all around.

Guilie Castillo said...

Yay, Em! Welcome aboard!

Guilie Castillo said...

Bravo, Clao Wue—and welcome! We'll all be looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know you. Feel free to ask; we're all here to help :)

Ravyne said...

Awesome team! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you this year. Come on April! ~Lori~

SpacerGuy said...

We're going to have another mind blowing AtoZ spectacular. Your team looks great! I bet those guys know how to party.

Unknown said...

I am so overbooked, I am afraid I am going to have to pass on the A-to-Z this year.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting my list of topics ready for this challenge! This is such a great way to get back into blogging. :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Welcome D's Company! *waving*
What an awesome line up.
I know most of these fabulous bloggers...besides Andrea and Soumya.

Jules said...

I'm ready an' waiting and ready to jet off across the pond specifically for my readers entertainment. This years challenge has some meat on an' I'm chewing at the fat. Look forward to the group fun and new friends.

Ann Bennett said...

What an exciting group of people. One day, which I truly hope comes, I will visit India. I have always had a fascination about India. Some is from the nice people I have met who came from India. More from the pictures and images I have seen from India. One day, I will come.

Guilie Castillo said...

Same here, Lori — and thanks for coming by to say hi!

Guilie Castillo said...

I agree, Spacerguy! Oh, and re the partying... You have no idea ;)

Guilie Castillo said...

That's a shame, Michelle. Hopefully 2017 will be doable; if so, see you then!

Guilie Castillo said...

I agree! So glad you're back in the game :)

Guilie Castillo said...

Thanks, Michelle! You're one of my first A-to-Z blogging buddies, did you know that? ;)

Guilie Castillo said...

Yay, Jules! April can't get here fast enough :D

Guilie Castillo said...

Oh, Ann, you'll love it! I spent two months there a few years ago, and got swept off my feet. Amazing country, amazing culture, amazing people. I'd love to go back.

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

The A to Z Challenge is the best! Love the D's company graphic.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

pamlovesbooks said...

What a grrrrrrrreat team!!

Indywrites said...

Hi, I have signed up and am on 119 on the list but I have changed the url of my blog as I have moved. Is there any way I can edit it to reflect the new on. It is for Eloquent Articulation.

I need to change it anywhere else please let me know.looking forward to the challenge.
Thanks for the help.

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I see a number of familiar names. Huzzah! I am getting so excited for April!

hellotammy said...

I had signed up for this year's Challenge, but, for health reasons, I need to bow out. I don't know how to remove my blog from the list. Could one of you please do that for me? "Musings From a Part-Time Cyborg" at I'll miss this year's fun and festivities, but I simply can't do it this time around.

Susan Scott said...

soooo exciting and what a GREAT team - thank you for all that you do! April is almost here - in anticipation, boldness, courage, daring, excitement, fear - and hopefully all the way to zest!

Joyce said...

Thanks for all you do to keep the challenge running smoothly. This is my sixth year in the challenge, and I'm looking forward to it. My blog/writing seem to slump about the time March rolls around, and I've found the A-Z just the kick start it needs to revive.

J.L. Campbell said...

Happy to 'meet' you all. I'm sure you're all dynamos like Damyanti.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Guilie - so glad to see Damyanti's team up and running here ... even if you're doing the introductions for us! The A-Z is an amazing 'institution' .. and has been such fun - I've done the last five years .. now sixth .. I will definitely be seeing you all around .. cheers Hilary