Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Adding the A to Z Challenge badge to your Wordpress Blog #atozchallenge

There have been some questions about adding the badge for the Challenge onto Wordpress blog pages. The process is different than it is for Blogger. I've made a short video where I demonstrate the process.

The theme I'm using in the video is Twenty Fourteen, which has two sidebars, one on either side. Depending on which theme you choose, there might be only one sidebar (the current default theme, Twenty Sixteen, is like this). The important thing is to position the badge so that visitors can see it when they come to your blog, preferably at the top of the sidebar. Be careful: there are one or two themes that don't have sidebars. You might want to stay away from those.
Let me know if you have any questions or problems doing this.

John Holton
The Sound of One Hand Typing
The Sound of One Hand Typing FM


Heather M. Gardner said...

Thank you, John!

MLQ said...

Great video, John!

Arlee Bird said...

Hope this helps those who need it. Nice job with the video tutorial. I need to learn how to do something like that. Don't know what I'd show people how to do, but it's cool to be able to do that.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi John - I managed to do this .. the thing I need to do .. is how to put the signature linking at the bottom ...

... 2ndly - how to put the 'subscribe by email' in my side bar ... a blogspot blog ...

Thanks - I'll keep an eye open for these hints and helps ...

Cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

Such a HELPFUL video! you are a STAR!!

Carol Campbell said...

My theme has no sidebar. What I have done is include the badge in every post. Is that okay?

Deb Atwood said...

Thank you so much! This is very clear. The only difference for me (and possibly for other wordpress users) is that I didn't have a Content Sidebar. Instead, mine was labeled Upper Right Sidebar, so I just opened that, and everything else in the video was the same. Thanks again.

BobbieTales said...

Your video explains a lot! Had I known before! Thank-you so much, and did learn more about wordpress and the themes and placement!

annisblogging said...

Hi John,
Thanks for the wonderful tuto.
Glad to be here on A to Z pages today.
Happy to see some of my friends online.
Wish all of them a great journey ahead
Happy A to Z Challenge 2016

Michelle Wallace said...

I need this!!!