
Monday, March 21, 2016

A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal Day! #atozchallenge

One of the most burning questions participants ask themselves every year is: "Should I have a theme?" Themes are not mandatory, but definitely fun. They let your visitors know what to expect, and help you create posts that line neatly up from A to Z. They also have an added bonus – they let you participate in a whole separate blogfest!

Three years ago, A to Z participant Mina Lobo started the Theme Reveal, and we thought it was such a great idea that we made it tradition.

Here is how the Theme Reveal Blogfest works:

Sign up on the Linky List below. On Monday, March 21 (TODAY!) reveal your theme on your blog and give us a hint of what to expect from it. Then, once your post is up, use the Linky List to visit all the other blogs announcing their themes.

This is a great opportunity for all of you to get a jump start on your A to Z experience. You can link up with fellow bloggers, scout out and bookmark themes that you look forward to, and lure in wandering participants with your awesome theme. This way, by the time the frenzied posting begins on April 1, you will already have an audience eagerly awaiting your posts.

Be sure to visit others on the list and find some awesome themes!


  1. I don't do the Theme Reveal as my theme doesn't change - food related again.

  2. Great to see so many people participating today! :) This is my third year. It's challenging to come up with a different theme each time.

  3. I got mine up! Stop on by to see what I have this April.

  4. Hank has a posting on the theme revealed today. Take a peek if you may:


  5. It was fun being on your team last year, Jeremy. Can we do that again, with Cusack too?

  6. I definitely forgot to put (GA) on this linky list!

  7. I'm pretty sure one day the theme will be as along as the main challenge linky list!

  8. I'm ready and excited! Two blogs, two different themes, both revealed today. Check them out! ~Lori~

    Lori @ As the Fates Would Have It

    Lori @ Promptly Written

  9. This is a great way to get psyched up for the hop! Looking forward to it!

    A to Z Challenge Reveal: Becoming an Author

  10. totally not sleeping as I check out all the themes!

  11. I know, I know! All the above and more!

  12. I do love how the reveal helps get the abc moving!

  13. Alex - Thanks for doing this again this year. I'm signing up multiple blogs. Just noticed I typo'ed my email address in a few of my blog links for Mr Linky.
    I left out an "S" in the address. You will see where, if you have a chance to look. It makes a lot more sense with the S (as in SAY). ;-)

  14. Hi everyone, I'm No 486. I'd forgotten today was the A to Z reveal for April's fun Challenge. So I've added it on the end of my Star Trek movie post which doesn't make it very visible because of its length. Word to the wise - short blog posts are winners!

  15. OK, I think I am ready now. Thinking FIVE blogs may be enough this time. (I know. Cutting back.)

    Theme reveal posts appear here:

    A-Z #466:
    Coming in April: Job Picks from A to Z

    A-Z #470:
    April theme reveal: Dandy dog names from A to Z

    A-Z #481:
    April A-Z theme reveal: Verses from vintage visages

    A-Z #503:
    April A-Z theme revealed - God's character from A to Z

    April A to Z theme unveiled: Describing multiple sclerosis from A to Z

    Looking forward to the A to Z Challenge for 2016!

  16. And you know I forgot to post on one of my blogs. Time sort of sneaks up on you.
    Oh well, I'll spend my week checking out as many as I can. Cheers.

  17. I have tried a couple of times to enter my name/blog on the list and it isn't taking. Can anyone help?? :-)

  18. last year I used the blog I listed for 196. But since I am focusing on art again, I thought I would switch blogs. Here is my reveal:

  19. First time challenger! I revealed my theme at! It's related to fiction writing :)

  20. I'm going to be blogging about the A-Zs of photography at Hope to see you there!

  21. I am quite late in revealing the theme.
    Check it out here - Home

  22. Sorry I missed the theme reveal, my computer was down :( Glad it happened last week and not next week!! My theme is all about sewing/crafts!

  23. I didn't link up as I didn't know if I was goin' to do this year. I did one other time and man it challenged me. But, I think I will do this year. I have been in sort of a bloggin'/writin' slump and this'll be just the thing to help push me out. My theme will be Texas since this is what I mainly write about

  24. Posted my theme reveal late but it will be A to Z reviews of young adult books.

    Laura Hernandez
    @VoluptuousBDiva from
    The Voluptuous Book Diva


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