Friday, February 12, 2016

Why do I love the #atozchallenge so much?

 Today's post is from Vidya Sury, who is part of my team for this A to Z 2016.

Some of us co-hosts are still finalizing our teams, so if have participated in the challenge before, and want a turbo-charged AZ this time, email us at the contact address:

---------Take it away, Vidya!

The A to Z Challenge is one of my favorite blogging activities.

Okay, okay, my favorite!

That I love to write, is a given. I do occasionally take part in other blogging/writing challenges. But why am I absolutely hooked to the A to Z Challenge?

I first learned about the A to Z Challenge in 2013 when Damyanti of Daily (W)rite tagged me on Twitter. I fell in love with the concept. Blogging daily with thousands of people in a specific pattern appealed to me tremendously. So many perspectives and so many genius themes and ideas to meet! The whole idea filled me with joy and I energetically jumped in. I could think of nothing but ideas for April - my kitchen shelf was full of my scribbling. My writing pad was filled with doodles and mind mapping for ideas. My friends and family got a bit tired of me trying to fit everything into the A to Z sequence. I suspect they loved it, though! So, in my first A to Z Challenge in 2013, I participated with one blog. In 2014, 2 blogs, in 2015, 3 blogs.

This year, 2016, I am participating with 4 blogs - I enjoy the challenge so much.

Why A to Z Challenge is my favorite :
  • It keeps my adrenaline pumping and my writing muscles flexed and ready
  • It cultivates a writing discipline I enjoy
  • I get back into the groove with posting regularly on two of my 5 blogs.
  • It encourages planning ahead - this is a major life lesson I follow in other areas of life, but not always with blogging. To truly enjoy blogging challenges, planning is critical.
  • It boosts my creativity, making me think of freaky ways to entertain my readers, rather than just give them info. Yes, I like to think they love me!
  • I get to meet new and wonderful bloggers via the challenge. I've met several who are fast friends now, location no bar!
  • I've been part of a co-host's team for two years and enjoy the team work behind the scenes, team spirit and fun. Sort of like a girl gang, only wiser! (You can join in the teams too-- write to the email on top!)
  • The A to Z is a great way to actually plan your book if you aspire to write one. I mean, write around a theme for 30 days and you have a pretty good premise for a book or an anthology!
  • If you believe that travel broadens the mind, youíve got to believe that blog-hopping also broadens the mind, and heart.
  • Talking of travel, I almost always travel in April, but that doesn't stop me from sailing through the challenge, thanks to the kicks encouragement of my supporters!
  • The learning. This is tremendous. Can you believe I actually converted from being a pantser to a scheming theming planner Yes I did! Go check out last year's letters to my son! I have to confess a theme feels good and keeps you focused.
  • I love getting in a couple of guest posts from my blogging friends and highlighting them as there are usually more visitors in April and that makes me feel good.
  • I enjoy doing the Reflections post - what activity is complete without a review and some learning points - and how to do it better next time, eh?
  • The A to Z encourages me to explore my own writing abilities and I am surprised to discover how much more I am capable of.
  • Consistent writing and online conversations are good for ranking- which means more paid opportunities for your blog.
So it is hardly surprising I am doing it this year - and will continue to do it for as long as I blog! To sum up, the April A to Z Challenge is, hands down, the best motivation for bloggers to write, connect and grow.

Let's just say, if you like blogging, if you need the motivation to get back in the groove, the A to Z Challenge is for you! So what are you waiting for? Grab a few of your blogging buddies and Go sign up NOW!
 Vidya Sury is living her dream as a Writer | Editor | Blogger | Social media explorer, after a couple of decades in the corporate world in marketing and training (sales and soft skills).  She blogs at Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, tweets as @vidyasury and flits around Facebook.


Nabanita said...

Have a wonderful challenge, Vidya...I tool part in 2014 and enjoyed every bit of it...I've not yet decided for this year though..M will be only 5 months old this April, not sure if I will be manage blogging every day...Will look forward to your posts too...All the best to you and everyone taking part :)

Vidya Sury said...

Hugs, Sweetie! You take care. Thank you for the kind wishes!

Miss Andi said...

Sounds great Vidya, love your passion and your style! 💚

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Four blogs? Whoa. I am in awe.

Unknown said...

You are an inspiration, Vidya!! I SO admire your dedication and mad organizational skills. Thrilled we got our "girl gang" back together again this year!! I was swamped with The Great Discontent & Elle Luna‘s #The100DayProject last year, and missed my AtoZ gang. This go around will be a blast!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Four blogs? Holy crap. Good luck with them all. =D

Vidya Sury said...

Clearly my eyes are bigger than my tummy, Alex! But I love it, thank you!

Vidya Sury said...

Indeed! Get well soon Samantha! Looking forward to all the fun this year! Hugs!

annisblogging said...

Hi Vidya,
Good to hear about that tweet of Damayanthi.
Good to know that that made you to stick on to a to Z till now!
Good going!
I would like to participate this year and would like to join in any of the team as a minion.
Keep sharing
Wish all of the participants a great succes in this years A to Z Challenge.
Best Regards
~ Ann

Stacey Minter said...

Wow 4 blogs is a lot of work. I am looking forward to participating this year again. Good Luck. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Wow, dear Vidya - 4 blogs thats amazing!! I can barely manage with 1... But oh how fun it is- your enthusiastic post reminded me about all that fun and craziness. If I participate this year it will be my 3rd year ....

Cherdo said...

I'm really looking forward to it this year.

J Lenni Dorner said...

It really is great for writers. Cool post.

Michelle Wallace said...

Vidya, 4 blogs? You are super organized!
This is my 6th challenge - I only missed the first one. And like you, I'll continue to do this challenge for as long as I blog. I love the A to Z challenge!
I think we met via the A to Z challenge...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Vidya - one blog is enough for me! But it's great you can cope with four ... like Michelle I missed the first one - though I was sorely tempted ... but reaching my 6th challenge is good news and I've met some wonderful bloggers through it .. cheers and enjoy - go Team Damyanti ..Hilary

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

The A to Z is the best thing since sliced bread.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead