Wednesday, February 10, 2016

If you like #blogging the #atozchallenge is for you! Right?

The A to Z Blogging Challenge already has nearly 700 signups, but we want more, more! This post is for those of you who haven't added your name to the list yet.

The A to Z Challenge is 26 posts on 26 days of April, on a theme of your choice, or without a theme.

The Challenge is not for you if:

1. You don't want to grow your blog audience
2. If you don't want more followers.
3. If you don't like networking.
4. If you don't like posting more than once a week or month.
5. If you don't like the alphabet (Like our very own Gary Pennick! Love you, Gary!)

With the above reasons, you're right, the A to Z Challenge is not for you. You might be fence-sitting for other reasons:

1. You're very busy in April (That's all right, really--you can schedule your posts now!)
2. You're scared by the idea of writing everyday. (It's ok, you don't have to. As above, you can pre-schedule some/ most/ all your posts)
3. You're worried you may not be able to handle all the comments that come in. (Ditto as above-- pre-write all your posts so you can comment away and respond to comments in April!)
4. You did not get many comments last time you tried. (We might have a solution for you Here)

So there you go: 8 shiny reasons for you (not) to join the challenge. For a gazillion reasons to join the challenge, check this post, and this one, and this one.

Oh, just go and sign up already!

And if you want to give us reasons (not) to join: let's have them in the comments!

--Damyanti Biswas


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Join us! Resistance is futile...

J.L. Campbell said...

Scheduling is something I have to start working on.

djinnia said...

I'm getting there. Have the first three done minus the spiffy new letters for this year.

klahanie said...

Hey Damyanti,

Right then, the number of followers I have has absolutely no bearing on how incredibly popular my blog is. I would say that, me who is quite proactive and yet, still doesn't have a huge amount of followers. Of course, I don't care about followers, or the popularity, or any of that stuff, I state, convincingly, as I go sob in a darkened room.

Having said all that, once again, the irony will be that I will end up promoting this bizarre alphabet challenge. Of course, despite you mentioning me, very kindly, in the link, I will not get any new followers. Then again, as I now start to repeat myself, the number of followers does not necessarily indicate a blog's popularity.

Have fun, my blogger sheep friends! :)

I'm going now before somebody actually notices me.........

Gary :)

Ravyne said...

I've joined and I am looking forward to the challenge. I still have some concerns though, some of which have already been written here, but these are what troubled me last year and what still may be bothersome this year.

1. The comment issue. It is a biggie! I am on WordPress and not enough Blogger accounts allow me to use my WP account to leave a comment. This means I have to direct people first to the Blogger page I have set up in the hopes that they will then click on my WP account, or remember to always leave the address to my WP account in the comments. Major pain. I believe this was one of the biggest reasons why I didn't get much traffic to my blog last year and it was one reason I almost didn't sign up this year.

2. Some bloggers (both on Blogger and WordPress) do not have a "follow by email" button on their blogs. Some allow you to sign up everywhere else under the sun, but not via email. It's hard to keep track of all of the blogs when you cannot get updates via email.

3. I know I will not get around to visiting all of the blogs during the challenge and will have to come back later during the roadshow. The big issue with that is that some bloggers (again, on both Blogger and WordPress) do not have ARCHIVES on their blogs. This will mean sifting through months of blog posts later to find the ones for April.

4. A lot of blogs are just not reader-friendly. They are heavy with sidebar graphics that take forever to load. This wastes my time when I could be reading their posts.

Well, those are my main concerns. I know they will not be fixed on every participating blog, but I do hope that some bloggers will take the time to make their blogs more accessible across the board. I really hope they will because I really love this challenge and I love reading others' posts.

Signing off now since I've written a small book here

~Lori... via Promptly Written @

Michelle Wallace said...

The keyword is SCHEDULING!
Pre-written posts make for an enjoyable A to Z experience.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Rayne - see the link and you'll get lots of simple advice here re the different platforms.

I have to say I don't know how to get follow by email button up - it was there for a few years, not it's gone! But I will try and resolve that too.

There's no need to waste time - move on ... do what you can ...

Enjoy the challenge and that's great you participate in the Road Trip .. I fail there too - but on the other hand April is given over to A-Zing around ...

Cheers and see you around - Hilary

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Michelle = at least I got my theme - and my posts this year will be short, short ... I think!! I'll be writing them shortly ... Cheers H

J Lenni Dorner said...

LOL. ^ What he said.

Anonymous said...

It really is. Once is all it takes.

Anonymous said...

*evil laughter*

Unknown said...

Me too! Only way to ace this challenge.

Unknown said...

Yay, go you!!

Unknown said...

Gary :)

You're a rockstar, and you know it.

Unknown said...

Ravyne, Hilary has given you an excellent tip.

I do hope that more bloggers become aware of how their audience accesses their blogs and make it easy to follow them via email, and have an easily reachable link to the archives.

I've found Feedly very handy for blogs I want to follow. You might like to give it a try?