Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blogging for #atozchallenge : does your #writing move your readers?

Now that the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Signup list is in the hundreds, and likely to hit a 1000 soon, it is time to take stock of your blogging.

Do you run a popular blog? If yes, please go off and schedule a few A to Z Challenge posts. This post is for those of us who are struggling to build an audience.


It is a topic that all bloggers need to revisit from time to time, namely: RESONANCE.

Go read your blog posts from two months ago. Go on, I'll wait.

If you were a visitor, do you think you'd stop and read through, without skimming? If the answer is a firm YES, pat yourself on the back. All you have to do is visit more bloggers and get on social media to start interacting with other bloggers. Your blog will flourish.

If your answer is veering towards UNSURE or NO, examine your current posts. What do they offer a visitor: emotion, positivity, support, information, analysis, interesting tidbits, laughter? If the answer is a No, then you might need to re-examine why you blog, and your expectations of its popularity.

An audience will be loyal not just if you post regularly or comment on others' posts. You'll need to resonate with them, offer them intellectual stimulus or emotional support. Or good old entertainment.

Many of you are now deciding on themes for the A to Z Challenge. Before you finalise one, take the Resonance Test. Go back to a 2-month old post. You would now have become objective towards it. Check what you're offering your audience.

If you Resonate with your audience, they'll have more of a reason to keep coming back.

And if you haven't yet signed up for the A to Z Challenge, consider signing up now.

Do your posts Resonate? Tell us in the comments!

--Damyanti Biswas

Follow us on our Facebook Page!
Email address is contactatozteam at gmail dot com
Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge and Twitter id is @AprilA2Z.

We’ll hold Twitter chats on Thursdays at the tag #azchat starting Feb 18, 2016, 9.00 PM EST. Please follow the Twitter and Facebook handles, and the hashtags in order to keep up with the conversation.


Michelle Wallace said...

Does my writing move my readers? I hope so!
I'm working on it...all the time.

betty said...

I don't think necessarily it is my writing that moves them, but more about the situations of my life. Sometimes its been a train wreck and I think they keep coming back to see what else could possibly go wrong for me.


Parul said...

Sometimes it does and sometimes I wonder how that does. A to Z last year, made me think on those lines and I am determined to write better and hone my skills. Blogging is a journey and we are all learning. Thanks for the reminder Damyanti :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

Great post!


Chrys Fey said...

My writing may not move readers in my posts, but they are informative...that's my number one goal. :)I sure hope my story writing is moving though! ;)

cleemckenzie said...

Excellent advice. I think I'll go back and read some of my posts.

caz greenham said...

Great post... can you tell us newbies how we get hold of the A - Z Letters?

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I believe so. Over time I have expanded to a blog wearing a few hats. Book reviews, movie talk, writing chats, personal sharing and promoting some work for other bloggers. Best thing is finding a balance and I'm working on that.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sorry, I didn't slink off...
Something resonates, as those posts a couple months ago have some of the highest visitor counts I've ever seen on my blog.

Unknown said...

If you mean the graphics for each letter, I'm afraid we have to wait a while. Jeremy, our graphics whiz is unwell, and might do them in the coming weeks.

Unknown said...

You're doing well!

Unknown said...

You're a natural community-builder, Ninja Cap'n. There's a reason I follow your blog even when I'm on hiatus !

Unknown said...

Thanks! Glad you think it's useful!

Unknown said...

Informative is grand: you're giving your audience something!

Unknown said...

Thanks Heather!

Unknown said...

You'll do very well, I'm sure, Parul

Unknown said...

Oh Betty, in sure that's not true. I hope things look up for you at the soonest.

Unknown said...

And it's working !!! You're great, Michelle!

Susan Kane said...

I hope my blog resonates. Never play in the key.

pamlovesbooks said...

the struggle is real but i keep playing.

Anonymous said...

That's a tricky question... I'd have to say no as there aren't blog-articles besides of my homework of a blogging course. I decided to take part of A-Z Challenge in this blog because I can't see me doing it in my Shakespeare blog. Way too many posts to get Shakespeare related ones... I am still looking for a theme for my new blog 'Stepping Up to the Blog' and I hope I'll find it through my posts of the A-Z Challenge...

link to 'Stepping Up to the Blog'

Anonymous said...

disharmonim ... intersting ;-)

Rhondi St.Onge Peacock said...

I have to say, yes. I keep my posts shorter than most and people go out of their way to tell me 'they love my blog'...Which is really more of an electronic journal. My stat reports tell me what they love to read most, so I try to tailor my post specifically for them.