Wednesday, February 24, 2016

#atozchallenge Presenting Co Host Pam

Hi Readers (waving)!
I'm Pam, I'm one of the co hosts for the 2016 Blogging Team! I'm here to get to know you a little bit better. I'll share some stuff about me and then you share some stuff about you, ok?

Let's Go!

I'm the self appointed librarian of the Challenge.

If you need a book recommendation, I'll be happy to help you.  If there's research to be done, I'll do it. If there's a book to be read, I'll read it.

You see, I LOVE books. I can't get enough of books! I want all the books, all the time! I like to read them, talk about them, and blog about them. I blog at  and I talk about books. Mostly books about diversity for children and teens.  I'm a supporter of the We Need Diverse Books movement, a judge for the CYBILS Awards, I have a column at Good Enough Mother called Moms Must Read  and I participate in many other bookish activities.  

I always have a book with me. In fact, when I'm not on the computer writing about books, I can be found reading a book.

But please, don't ever interrupt me while I'm reading a book. Emergencies like

cake (and maybe cupcakes or possibly cookies) are the only reason to interrupt me while I'm reading. 

And I don't believe in delayed gratification either; I want my cake and I want it now. And later.  In fact, I LOVE eating cake while reading a book. It's the perfect combination.

I belong to a gang. That's how hard core I am.

Ok so maybe gang is too strong a word. But I do belong to a book club (or two). Also? I love to hang out on Twitter! My handle is @Pamlovesbooks and I love making new friends, especially new Blogging from A to Z friends.

Next time you're on Twitter, give me a shout and let's be friends! It will be lots of fun to get to know each other and help each other along during the Challenge.

I look forward to getting to know you better.  I'll be waiting for you on Twitter.



Heather M. Gardner said...

Books and cake. The way the universe intended!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Dear Pam,
Your post made me smile! I totally love books too!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Pam - good to know you're masterminding the A-Z Library .. sounds like fun!! Cake could interfere .. but sticky fingers don't help - chocolate smeared pages ...

That's great you're subbing as a co-host - see you there .. cheers Hilary

Jo said...

Won't be seeing you on Twitter. I have never really bothered with it. Books and cake sound great, but Hilary is right, mind those sticky fingers. I wish my hubby would learn the "don't interrupt, I'm reading" bit. See you on the A to Z.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You are officially a book addict!

Ann Bennett said...

Cake does sound good. Good to meet you.

Susan Scott said...

Thanks Pam! Great to meet you, sticky fingers and all! And thank you for co-hosting!

pamlovesbooks said...


pamlovesbooks said...

yay for smiling! it's my fave.

pamlovesbooks said...

yeah sticky fingers could be a problem. bring me some napkins?

pamlovesbooks said...

so frustrating to be interrupted. You see me reading right? do I interrupt you while you're sleeping?

I think NOT. Good luck with the challenge Jo.

pamlovesbooks said...

I need an intervention.

pamlovesbooks said...

The pleasure is all mine Ann. which rhymes with can. which has cake frosting in it.

pamlovesbooks said...

Nice to "meet" you Susan!

NatsBK said...

HI Pam! I am a bibliophile too :) You can always find a book in my bag.

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup! You're mad about books all right. :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Hi Pam!
You sound like a true bibliophile!
I LOVE the allusion to Bohemian's PRICELESS and I had a gooooood chuckle!!

bookworm said...

Hi, Pam. I have a brother in law with autism. I applaud anyone working towards more diversity in the books field. This is my second A to Z and I hope to see you there. (I followed you on Twitter). Alana

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Love your sense of humor! It's obviously a tad wrapped, like mine.
Life & Faith in Caneyhead