Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas stories to discover

Had enough of The Gift of the Magi for a lifetime, and always found The Fir Tree and The Little Match Girl sort of depressing? (Our teacher used to read them to us every Christmas in class, and I don't think I'll ever recover from it)
Here is a list of books you can explore for funny, heartwarming, less well-known, and lovable Christmas tales - most of them traditional.

Midwinter Folk Tales
Written by legendary storyteller Taffy Thomas, published in 2015. A collection full of winter tales from Taffy's own repertoire - free to tell for anyone who takes a fancy to them. He does not only include the best of his stories for the season; he also tells little anecdotes about how each story came into his possession, and what hidden importance they might have. It is an entertaining, lovely collection, written in Taffy's original voice and sense of humor.

Joy to the World: Christmas stories from around the globe
Okay, so not a recent edition, but one of my newly discovered favorites. Beautifully illustrated book, with well selected stories. I am including it with an extra recommendation because it features one of my favorite Christmas legends, the story of the Little Camel from Syria. In Syria, children who celebrate Christmas believe that their gifts are brought by the little camel that traveled with the Three Wise Men. It's one of the cutest stories ever.

Tell Me a Story for Christmas: Traveller Tales
A seasonal collection by another legendary storyteller, Scottish Traveller Duncan Williamson. Once again, not a recent edition, but many copies are still available from online stores and libraries. I highly recommend reading other books from Duncan Williamson as well; he is a huge name in the storytelling world, and did incredible work to preserve the oral traditions he grew up with.

The Other Wise Man 
Okay, so this is a more well known one, but also one of my favorites, so I will include it, in case it's new for some people. Written by Henry van Dyke in 1895, it is an original Christmas tale about Artaban, the fourth Wise Man that somehow got left behind. I love telling this story, and audiences respond to it really well. Also, there is a famous sapphire named after it. In case you like shiny things like I do.

May your days be merry, and full of books!


MunirGhiasuddin said...

Thanks for sharing such a good variety of books. It is getting harder and harder to make young people read and get them into a habit of reading. These might help.

Peter Floyd said...

no matter if It become even though in bus tours just like l'Open Tour as well as from foot from an bridge such as the Pond des Arts or through the oldest bridge named Pont Neuf, in which will also be spotted in various films over the years.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'd rather read something fun. The Little Match Girl was incredibly depressing.

Susan Kane said...

The Other Wise Man is excellent. The Ice Queen by brothers grimm is awfully depressing; or, maybe Brothers Grimm are always depressing.

cleemckenzie said...

I love a warm Christmas story. I'm a sucker for a good tear-jerker, too. Give me that kind of books and a warm fire. Mug of chocolate. Cat or kid on my lap, and I'm in heaven.

Unknown said...

Wonderful list! I'm so thankful that you made it. I look for a good Christmas story or a good Christmas story collection every year to share with my family and with friends.
I've never thought of The Little Match Girl as a Christmas story . . . I just think of it as a story about why we need to look outside our own houses to those who have no shelter or home.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Oops - used my family gmail to comment. Here's my usual address.