Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Writing Through the Holidaze

Even the Cat Can Go Bonkers with Holidaze Stress

Nothing's busier than a person who writes, unless it's a person who writes during the Thanksgiving holiday. I prefer to call it "holidaze" for the obvious reason. The only way I get through this time and still remain sane is to have a schedule. I schedule everything during November, even when to take out the garbage. If I didn't, the garbage just might be ignored and that would be very bad indeed.



  • 4:00 open eyes, create mental list for the day
  • 4:30 find coffee maker in dark--don't risk waking family with bright lights
  • 4:40 boot computer, sip coffee, wait for computer to wake up, sip more coffee, nudge computer, cuss
  • 5:00 answer emails
  • 5:40 check blogs and respond to all comments, visit at least 15 blogs before break
  • 6:15 BREAK, coffee maker now clearly visible in dawn light, so make another cup, listen for footsteps upstairs
  • 6:20 fb, twitter, LinkedIn, Google+
  • 7:00 greet first family member with smile, but silence. They are very cranky in the morning.
  • 7:30 find food, eat, talk about the day's plan, do dishes
  • 8:15 return to computer, more emails and blogs
  • 9:00 shut down social media, pull up WIP, cry, then rewrite
  • 10:00 check garden, clean up after raccoons, cuss
  • 11:00 eat lunch, take a walk down to the creek
  • 12:00 call friends and family re: Thanksgiving plans to firm up menu and make sure they're bringing stuff
  • 1:00 Take out garbage (See, I was serious.)
  • 1:15 Make Turkey Stuffing, boil Sweet Potatoes, look for wine.
  • 3:00 Set table for T'day
  • 4:00 Call in and order Pizza for pick up.
  • 4:45 Drive to town, pick up Pizza, return home (MY ROAD TRIP FOR THE DAY)
  • 5:15 Drink wine, make salad
  • 5:30 Eat Pizza, drink more wine--use counter because table's set
  • 6:30 Stack dishes in sink and call Elves
  • 6:40 Find happy 30 minute sit-com on Netflix
  • 7:15 Shower (if we have water--drought year)
  • 8:00 Open Kindle and read
  • 9:00 Face in pillow
Repeat with adjustments for after the T'day celebration. Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - yes I can see you Holidazing around ... brilliant - my sister in law does that for Christmas ... I'm over here - so not there .. but that's the advantage of being over here, and not there .. because I don't get involved with garbage, or horses, or dogs, or worry - then panic sets in and I need to get to the car and out and on my way to over there ... see I beeeeen there toos ... Happy Thanksgiving - tomorrow tis normal for me! Cheers Hilary

Anonymous said...

Happy Holiday, C.Lee! I don't know if I'll get any writing in. It's my days off and I am NOT getting up early. =D

Heather M. Gardner said...

9pm face in the pillow!
I'm looking forward to that part too!

Great post!

Dixie@dcrelief said...

I'm having difficulty now. Should I feel blessed or guilty? My schedule is... get up, get going... slow down, go to bed.

Rob Z Tobor said...

4:00 am Open Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHAT???? that is either Mad or Awesome

Troy E. Arias said...

Nice article! Thanks for sharing this. When I read this I knew it is worth reading and that’s the reason to recommend it. Christmas is coming and I think we all need to discover some new things in next year. In addition I can recommend the article titled: “10 Curation Tools and Utilities to Boost Your Content Marketing” to you.

Troy E. Arias said...
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Elizabeth said...

I probably could get more accomplished if I woke up earlier to write without disturbance before I go to work, but 4am, wow! I can barely get myself up at 7am, I guess I'm too much of a night owl.

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