Friday, October 16, 2015

When the Road is blocked: 3 Alternative Methods for Leaving Blog Comments

Every road trip has its setbacks and those of us on the A-Z highway are sure to encounter a closed lane or two when trying to comment on new blogs we visit. Sometimes these roadblocks appear in the form of word verification. Or maybe you’ll find a blog where the commenting feature is turned off.  

There is also the chance that, regardless of how many times you typed a response and clicked on that “submit” button, your comment still didn’t get published for reasons that only the technology geeks could explain.

Maybe Wordpress (or Blogger or Google or your internet service provider) just doesn’t like you that day. These types of roadblocks make some drivers want to turn around and go back to the routes we’re used to taking through blogland. That is especially enticing for those of us who are already running low on gas. The good news, however, is there are a few solutions to getting around these blocked lanes and continuing on with our road trip activities as usual.

Comment via Social Media
When you encounter problems commenting directly on a blog, tag it on social media using the author’s profile handle. Many bloggers are active on websites such as Facebook and Twitter, making it easy to also link directly to the blog post you are commenting on. Social media is not only a great alternative for leaving comments; it also helps you keep responses short and simple.

Comment via Email
Sending comments in an email is one of the easiest ways to get around glitches with the commenting box on blogs you visit. This alternative method for leaving a comment is also a good way to inform the author of the blog about any difficulties that you’ve experienced as an end-user. On many occasions, bloggers may not be aware of issues with their commenting box, so they are likely to be glad you let them know about it. Emailing comments directly to the blog author can also be ideal for subjects that you may feel less comfortable discussing or addressing in a public forum such as the blogger’s commenting section.

Comment in a Blog Post of Your Own
Blogging in response to someone else’s content allows you to complete two tasks at once. The comment gets its time to shine and you get a new blog post out of the deal. Everybody wins.

How do YOU get around some of the roadblocks you encounter while visiting new blogs? 


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Nicole - if I can I leave a comment on the post - I don't do social media ... especially G+

I have ids with Blogger as I blog there, but I also have a WordPress account, and a Disqus one ... so commenting is easy.

I do my best - but if I can't .. I can't ... cheers HIlary

Carrie-Anne said...

I think the worst blogs I've run across in regards to this issue are the ones that make commenters register with some commenting or blogging service, outside of the major ones. It seems a big hassle to register for some commenting service only a small number of blogs use, as much as I might want to leave a comment.

Susan Kane said...

So far has worked with me, providing a huge number of bloggers. So far so good.

Anonymous said...

I have comments turned off on posts after 30 days, which must be annoying for road-trippers, but there are other places to comment. It is an option provided by WordPress and considerably reduces the amount of spam.
Sue’s Trifles

nashvillecats2 said...

I have been unwell of late and it has been hard to comment and write a post but have managed as much as I can. But I just get the "Faithful few" who comment, I also somment on what they write.
Why do people "Follow" a blogger then not bother to comment?
I enjoyed your post, made good interesting reading,

Anonymous said...
The digital health technologies is an effort to bring a change in the medical world, with various apps available on mobile now anyone can call for medical help from anywhere and at any given point of time. Various start ups are constantly working towards the benefits of digital health and doing their best to reach out to maximum number of people.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Sometimes you can end up with comments such as the one about having shiny teeth that will improve your smile loads and will only cost a small fortune. when a tin of enamel paint works just as well although tastes a bit odd at first. And you might also feel a bit off colour too, but luckily there is a suitable paint for that.

Those spammers are a bit sneaky and it makes you wonder if they have turned up here to be ironic . . . . That's a worry ironic spammers . . . . very scary indeed.

I put my own lack of comments on my blog down to all the problems you tell of us in the post rather than the fact that I am very grumpy and no one likes me. . . . just because I am a bit (very) scruffy and cant spell and then write weird stuff about painting teeth with paint because of a poor spammer just trying to make an honest buck (OK not entirely honest at times).

AH I better go I may have wandered from the point a bit

Unknown said...

How many times have you skipped a meal, not because you forgot or weren't hungry, but because you thought that was a good way to lose weight fast? There was a time that I thought that would work, too, so I'd skip breakfast, thinking of all the calories I'd be burning by just drinking water. And sometimes I'd skip lunch too, so the only meal I'd eat would be dinner. Here's what happened.

Unknown said...

When people are thinking about trading any type of options, they want to find what is going to give them the best return. Binary options trading is not going to cost them anymore than what they originally invest. There are other types of options that could cost them more.

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Okaaaay. If I can't comment for some reason, I'll go to social media first, then maybe the contact form/page on the blog or site.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Well its got a bit odd here are you all on holiday. . . . . even the ads seem slightly odd. . .