Monday, October 5, 2015

The A-Z Process

Since I'm a procrastinator, I still haven't settled on my theme for the 2016 Challenge. Not good (although I still have time). There are just so many good themes that I'm running off in a different direction every time a shiny new idea hits. The thing is though, no matter what I decide on, I basically take the same approach to the month's blogging.

Read – I do copious amounts of reading whenever I'm embarking on a new adventure. It's a way to steep myself in my subject matter and get a good feel for it.

Research – This aspect is the fun part. Of course, this can mean information overload which makes it difficult for me to settle my mind and sit down with the aim of putting it all together. Balance is key here, since I sometimes get so carried away with research, I find it hard to move past this phase.

Write – This is where the action comes in—knitting all the useful bits together into cohesive articles that will be of interest and help people who stop by to read each day.

Revise – When all the research and writing are done, I take a bit of time to re-read what I've prepared to make sure I'm on point with the data I'm sharing.

What else do you do when you're preparing your articles for the Challenge?

J.L. Campbell writes fiction and non-fiction and blogs at


Debra Renée Byrd said...

I went really simple last year so I could actually do it. lol I might go a little more extensive next year. :)

Bish Denham said...

I have my theme for next year, simple and humorous and different from all my other themes. But it require a little work to put it together. :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I outline my posts ahead of time and do the research a bit at a time. When I start to write them, they're all ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I must still be learning. My approach is becoming more streamlined each year! Sue

Ann Bennett said...

Last year was my first year with a to z. So I am stewing on a theme for next year. Good tips to get a head start.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

No idea what I'm doing next year either. My themes always require a lot of research - and a ton of prep work.

Anonymous said...

Unless I get a shiny new idea, I know what I'm doing next year.

Carrie-Anne said...

I love the researching aspect, finding the right pictures to illustrate the subject, and editing the post just right. I still have to finish selecting topics for my secondary blog, but pretty much all the work is done for my theme on my main blog for next year.

AnimalBliss said...

I'm anxious to get in on the next A-Z challenge. Last year's was my first time. My these was "Really Cool Animals." I haven't decided on the next theme. We shall see ...

nashvillecats2 said...

I am still thinking for my next theme, only six months.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi JL - I have decided on my theme, having got some ideas ready ... then write the A-Z letters down and then slot a subject against each letter ... and then start writing ... or moving some subjects around .. so I can get the difficult letters dealt with ... I often do those first - makes it easier. I try and have a fun 'A' ... but I just get on with it ... and let blogging A-Z take its course!!

Cheers Hilary

Sarah Foster said...

I have no idea what I'm doing or even if I'm going to do it at all. I suppose it will depend on how much time I have and if I get a good idea before April!

Unknown said...

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One of the most well known ways to get hard erections is with the help of prescription drugs, which can have a lot of negative side effects. This article lists some of the best ways to boost your sexual potency so that you can get rock solid erections naturally and safely.

J.L. Campbell said...

Congrats, Bish. You're ahead of me!

J.L. Campbell said...

Good approach, Susan!

J.L. Campbell said...

Well done!

J.L. Campbell said...

Thanks, Ann. Hope you find your theme soon.

J.L. Campbell said...

True that, Alex. Yours are always thorough.

J.L. Campbell said...

Congrats, Patricia. Hope the shiny, new idea doesn't come along and complicate matters.

J.L. Campbell said...

Yup, love me some research too. Sounds like you're ahead of the game.

J.L. Campbell said...

Glad you got your feet wet!

J.L. Campbell said...

Yes, the time is going.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hilary, I like your themes. You always take us to some interesting places and share great information. I agree that doing the hard letters first is a good approach. Makes the back end easier.

J.L. Campbell said...

Hope you get the time and the idea.

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

I am considering putting up a poll eventually, and have people vote on what theme I should do... since I am doing two blogs again, I should probably get on that...

Anonymous said...

I like the way you fight your procrastination. These simple rules really work if you do them all. If I were a student, I would approve the use of essay writing services in my institution and work as a writer there.