Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Halloween Road Trip

It's Halloween season and here I am on a Road Trip? 

Photo Credit

You've got to be kidding. I can't be out here when the spirits walk the earth and need stuff, like, bodies to inhabit or candy to eat. Terrifying. 

Photo Credit

But, because I'm an AtoZer to the core, I'm out and about. *Play spooky music here.* Mario's looking for a smaller hat. If you have one, could you please send it over?

So let's make this an "informative" drive tonight. 

1. What are the most sought after treats? 

Top Ten Favorite Halloween Candies
Reese's - 43% of respondents rank it among their top five favorites
Snickers - 38% rank among favorites
M&Ms - 37% rank among favorites
Kit Kat - 36% rank among favorites
Twix - 29% rank among favorites
Milky Way - 22% rank among favorites
Butterfinger - 22% rank among favorites
Candy Corn - 18% rank among favorites
3 Musketeers - 18% rank among favorites
Skittles - 17% rank among favorites

2. What are the most popular Halloween costumes besides Donald Trump?

Zombies Are Hot, But Clowns Are Not

Top-Ranked Halloween Costumes For Adults, 2009-2013

Hover or tap on each costume to see how its rankings change over time.

20092010201120122013200920102011201220131st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13thWitchVampirePirateClownVixenCatDevilAthletePolicePumpkinGhostNurseZombieWitchVampirePirateNurseVixenCatZombieFairyAthleteBatmanDraculaGhostClownWitchPirateVampireZombieBatmanCatVixenGhostNurseCowboyDevilClownFairyWitchVampirePirateBatmanZombieVixenPrincessGhostNurseCatSupermanPoliticalDevilWitchBatmanVampireZombiePirateSuperheroSupermanDraculaCatAthleteClownGhostRock Star

I'm thinking I'm more in the Witch-Superman-Princess group. The problem with the witch is getting into the car with that pointy hat. Here's to your Halloween on the Road.  


John Holton said...

I have a hard time believing Skittles rank after candy corn...

Anonymous said...

I'd rank Twix as the number one candy. At least right now. Been craving Twix. LOL

Ann Bennett said...

Witch might be easy to pull off for us old broads. LOL,

Susan Kane said...

Twix would be my # 1 and Butterfingers would be # 2.

Beth Camp said...

Too funny, pics, costumes, candy and all. Of course, Reese's is up there. Who doesn't like sugary peanut butter? Besides that witch costume can be used all year round, pointy hat and all. Take it to your next meeting.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Love to many different candies to actually pick just one.

Great post!