Wednesday, September 9, 2015

On The Cyber Road

I took some time to go on the Cyber Road today and scoped out some sites that I hadn't visited before. These are aimed at writers still seeking publication or who have already published and are now looking for help with becoming more than a tiny blip on the Reader Radar.

Writer's Edit.

Resources for Writers
Book Reviews
Writing Jobs Online
Opportunities for Writers: Writing Contests

Jane Friedman
Dedicated Link:

This was a hoot! You can actually buy or get some "free" apps to help you as a writer.
Mark Twian, Victor Hugo, Will, you dudes missed out.

Evil Editor

Want to see why you're not published? You might check out this site and offer up your tender prose to scrutiny.

Write To Done

I perused the site and found this article the most interesting. It's all about promoting yourself on LinkedIn--something I've neglected.

Have a great Cyber Road Trip! And Mario the Muse sends his best, but still likes "REAL" road trips the best.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Evil, evil editor...

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - great tips here ... and definitely interesting reads to take note of - we all need all the help we can get! Cheers Hilary

nashvillecats2 said...

Great post and tips Lee. My A to Z journey never got very far with not feeling too good.

cleemckenzie said...

Sorry, Yvonne. Hope all is better now.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm always amazed at how much information is available at my keyboard.

cleemckenzie said...

That bad, heh?