Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Some Bloggers I Want to Visit During AtoZ_2016

There are so many bloggers who come up with amazing AtoZ Themes each year that choosing just a few is darned hard. So I thought Mario and I'd do a quick trip over to these four on a test run, then do more before we wrap up our summer touring.

J.H. Moncrief always has something intriguing and sometimes on the darkish side. Chills and burrs even in August. Take a look at the cover of her book and you'll understand. We love visiting there. And we're betting she's got some great stories to share about Romania.

J. L. Campbell writes up some super romance Jamaican style. Here's her latest.

Hilary gives and gives and gives you some of the most amazing information about her part of the world and history. Sometimes she throws in accounts of her own Road Trips.

Southpaw is a generous blogger with all kinds of solid and useable information. Then she adds some more interest when she goes into stones--from amethysts to diamond to jade. And she writes cookbooks!

Can't wait to see what themes these four will come up with in 2016.

What are your favorite themes from 2015? Any ideas for 2016? What would you enjoy reading about from AtoZ?


nashvillecats2 said...

Anything and everything about the A to Z I enjoy. It appears all bloggers whatever theme they choose is special and different to others.

betty said...

I tend to enjoy themes that tell about someone or where they live. I think I have about 85% come up with a theme for 2016's A/Z; trying to see if I can pull together those tough letters of Q, X, Z to do so.


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Those are some of my favorites. I visited some of them everyday of the challenge.
Susan Says

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

All four of those ladies rock!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I have always been so impressed by authors who manage that A to Z challenge. Hats off to them!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - thanks so much for including me in your list - much appreciated. I'm on a blogging hiatus - but have decided on something slightly different and whacky for 2016 - but of course still in the same vein of interest, history and eclectic!

I love the A-Z .. I tend to enjoy a different range of blogs ... and meeting new friends - each year many of us manage to connect with new (to the A-Z) bloggers ... and find out new things about life, countries, people et al ... cheers Hilary

Michelle Wallace said...

During the A to Z Challenge, there are so many good themes - it's hard to choose.
I've visited 3 of the ladies above. Their themes rocked the challenge this year!
Hilary's site is like a mini-Wikipedia...

Li said...

I enjoyed visiting blogs with themes that I generally don't read about, like pets and travel. Some other themes I enjoyed dealt with magic, folklore, and movies. (I don't have much time to watch movies, so it's always nice to have other people review them and make recommendations.)

Already thinkng about a theme for next year...

Lisa said...

I wish for Blogging Challenge 2016 to come faster too

Tara Tyler said...

i love hilary! and HR and joy! i must needs visit JM now - great choices!

Mike said...

Some neat bloggers highlighted.

Susan Kane said...

My posts in the AtoZ are like ping pong balls, landing where they will. No theme, just writing short posts.