Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mario the Muse Contemplates His Next Road Trip

Mario had a great time in Oregon this year. He toured Ashland, sipping wine and taking in shows. He crossed bridges, strolled the beach and even coached the writer with him while she tried to bring in a decent draft.

He was one busy muse, but he held up under the rigors of travel. He not only came up with some inspiration, he took me on a car tour. It seems he's a car nut. Who knew? But he gave me an idea. If I could find a car with a name starting with X, Q and Z, I might consider this as a theme. Do you know of any X,Q,Z cars?

Here are some he fancies and says he wants to take his next trip in. Want to help him narrow his choices by telling him which one to buy?

So which one gets your vote? Since I'm the designated driver (Mario can't reach the pedals) I'm going for the canary yellow one. Raked and ready to roll.


Tyrean Martinson said...

I like that one, too, but the jeep could be fun! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the really old models, so I'd go with one of the first two.

Carrie-Anne said...

I love the first two and the last one. My dream hobby is collecting, repairing, driving, and showing antique cars, particularly Brass Age. My three favorites are the Duesenberg, Rochet-Schneider, and Chrysler Imperial Touring.

nashvillecats2 said...

Great post and photo's. when it comes to cars I don't know one make from another, but I did find this very interesting to read.

Rob Z Tobor said...

Very cool cars . . .cars for z well there is the Zonda or even better for the A to Z, the Zil, they were terrible cars in the sixties and seventies.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Some cool old cars! I was never into cars until I started watching shows like Counting Cars and Top Gear.

Kathleen Jennette said...

Cars are great to photo and remember history by. I love the Jeep though!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

The canary yellow coupe is a great car. Reminds me of American Graffiti. I've had some mighty awesome times in old Willys Jeeps!
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Heather M. Gardner said...

What a great time you and Mario have been having! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!


Susan Kane said...

I would go for the golden yellow, #3. Altho Mario and you can't go wrong with any of the cars.

A. Catherine Noon said...

That funky gold one is pretty cool too!

Corvette makes a ZR1, it's one of the fastest production cars.

For x, there's my old favorite, the Mazda RX7.

Q is tougher; I found a site that says there's a Quantum. Here's the link:

Have fun on the road trip, and thanks for all the writing you do - you inspire me to blog more!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - meant to come back here earlier .. but my machine switched off .. and this post just decided it had had enough .. so I had to remember where it was.

Q - for Kit cars
This site could give you some different ones .. (there's a Zondo at the end too).

Here's an Xi ...

and Q - for Q-Plate registration ... can denote a classic car in this country ...

J for Jensen ...
love Z for Zil - appalling car - but fun to write about ...

Cheers and enjoy writing these up ... Hilary

cleemckenzie said...

You guys are the best! What great comments you've left here. Thanks for the Z car Rob and Hilary. And for the ever-challenging Q idea, Hillary. Will check out the link. Off to program my GPS for Mario. See you later.