Happy June! Have you recovered from the A to Z Challenge, yet? It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun too, right?
This year was my fourth year participating in the hop, and every year I get a bit more organized. I wrote most of my posts in advance, which helped significantly. Maybe for 2016's A to Z Challenge I'll have all of my posts written in advance. We shall see.
In any case, there's rules, of course, but there is no ONE way to take part in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge. So don't get too frustrated with yourself if your performance wasn't as fantabulous as some of the other bloggers.
One of the things I'm never able to do is visit ALL of the blogs during the actual challenge. So I appreciate the Post A-to-Z Road Trip. It gives me the opportunity to visit every blog that I was unable to visit during the hop. My goal is to hit at least five blogs a day. So by April of next year, I'll be all caught up for the 2016 event!
In the meantime, I have a blog fest to announce for all you fellow paranormal romance authors out there. I'm sure there's an excerpt that you've written that you just absolutely love. Don't be shy! Show it off to paranormal romance readers and the world.
Give Us Your Best Excerpt! Paranormal Romance Blog Hop is happening on July 14, 2015. For the day of the hop post your favorite excerpt from either a paranormal book that you've published, OR, a work-in-progress.
Readers love to read excerpts. So give them your best! Use this hop as a way to promote your book or to drum up interest in your work-in-progress. (I'll be posting an excerpt from my upcoming paranormal romance novel The Layneworth Monsters. It's available for preorder at Amazon for 99 cents until July 10, 2015.)
Visit the Give Us Your Best Excerpt page to sign-up! I look forward to reading your excerpts!
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Jolie du Pre is a full-time author, article writer, blogger, and monster lover.
I'm still catching up on blogs too. There are so many great ones I didn't get to finish.
Yep! That's why I appreciate the Post A-To-Z Road Trip! I'm taking my time by taking the rest of this year and part of next year to visit all of the blogs. That way, there's no stress. By A-To-Z 2016, I'll be all caught up and ready to begin again.
I could post a semi-romantic passage, but it wouldn't be paranormal.
Yeah, readers are going to want the paranormal variety.
Still recovering from the A to Z. It has taken some weeks, which is silly considering how much I enjoy to blog.
No romance paranormal here.
Yeah, A to Z is a lot of work. But next year hopefully I'll have all of my blog posts written in advance and not just most of them.
The local woods are full of banshees and dark creatures of the night but, romance. . . Oooooooooooooooo no way do I do romance no no no. there will no none of that in my stories.
Ha Ha!
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