
Monday, May 11, 2015

Themes That Rocked the Challenge – Things That Go Bump in the Night with J.H. Moncrieff

Today we welcome author J.H. Moncrieff!

She had one of the best themes this year – it was riveting.

Your theme was Things That Go Bump in the Night. Why did you select it?

I've alway been fascinated with the darker side of life--creepy places, supernatural events, terrible people in history, unsolved mysteries--if it gave me nightmares as a child, I was all over it.

I recently made the decision to blog for my readers, instead of for other writers (although writers are always welcome, of course!). My old blog would have been perfect if I wrote inspirational self-help, but I don't. So I made the switch, and I'm happy I did, even though it's a lot more work and can require a ton of research.

Which subject was your favorite?

Easily the Dyatlov Pass Incident. It took the most time--I estimate I spent about six hours researching that post, and another two hours writing it. I apologize to everyone who probably freaked when the saw how long it was, but I really wanted to do it justice. That was important to me. Something terrible happened to those young people, and we'll probably never really understand why they died the way they did.

Which letter was the most difficult?

Strangely enough, P. I had three possible topics jotted down for P, but when it came down to it, I didn't feel like writing about any of them. It was a mad scramble to find a new topic, and I suddenly thought, "I wonder if the Phantom of the Opera was based on a real guy?" I have no idea where that came from, but it saved the day.

Did any of the subjects unnerve you while you researched and wrote about them?

Yes, Dyatlov really bothers me. The night I wrote the post, I couldn't sleep. I kept picking the evidence apart in my brain. Fire in the Sky bothers me too, because so many people say it's a hoax, but I can't see why all of those guys would make up this crazy story and stick with it so many years later. I don't believe in alien abductions, but that case troubles me. Also, Vanished. The fact that so many people disappear everyday is crazy! I would go mad if I lost someone I loved that way. The story of Julie Weflen haunts me.

What do you think happened at the Dyatlov Pass incident?

I really don't know. I wish I had a good theory. One of the people who commented on my post had a really good suggestion when she said the people were ordered out of their tent by someone with a gun, but that doesn't explain why their tent was torn to shreds. Or why half the victims died so much later than the rest, or where their horrific, strange injuries came from. That whole case is highly disturbing.

Would you stay in Italy’s abandoned asylum?

Sure! I've planned an awesome trip to Italy, and I really hope I can go next year, although I'm not sure how. Maybe if I sell enough books! (Ha,ha!)

You’ve experienced a haunting – have you experienced any of the other subjects?

Yes, I had a weird experience with a Ouija board, which I mention in that post.

What theme are you considering for the Challenge next year?

I'll do the same theme with different topics. It fits my brand well, I find it interesting, and people seemed to like it. I regularly blog about the dark side on Tuesday and Wednesdays, unless it's an IWSG day.

Thanks for featuring me! I really appreciate the opportunity. There's a lot of info about my book and the trailer HERE.
You can also find the trailer on YouTube

Thanks again, Alex!

Thanks, JH! Looking forward to your posts next year.

Co-host Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is the author of Amazon Best-Sellers CassaStar, CassaFire, CassaStorm, and Dragon of the Stars, and his blog can be found HERE


  1. Excellent Interview Alex, and what a good theme to choose.
    Congratulations to the Author , Well done.


  2. This blew me away. Thanks JH, and Alex!

    1. Thanks, Dixie! Sorry I didn't see you during the Challenge. Maybe next year?

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Alex! It's an honour to be featured on your blog.

  4. There are a number of blogs whose posts I didn't make it to every day, but that I truly wanted to come back to when life slowed down to normal. J.H.'s is one of those! Thanks for the highlights and the reminder.

    1. Thanks, Barbara! I blog about similar things every week, so you can check in whenever it suits you. I have a sign-up list for my posts as well, so you can get them delivered to your in-box. Sometimes that works better for people.

  5. I didn't participate in the Challenge this year but I still read JH's posts. So intriguing and creepy! Big fan of her blog. :)

    1. Thanks, Madeline! Your support and encouragement throughout the Challenge was much appreciated. I was doubly impressed by the amount of pages you visited even though you weren't participating this year. I saw you everywhere!

  6. J.H.'s theme was definitely one of my favorites. :)

  7. Oh my - I totally missed finding this blog along the huge list. Thank you featuring her so now I know about it. Very fascinating and made my arm hairs stand up!! Very cool!

    1. Thanks, Holli! I blog about the same topics on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so you're always welcome to check in when you can.

  8. What an amazing topic! I'm looking forward to your A to Z posts for next April! :)

    1. Thanks so much! I'll blog about them all year too...lots of practice! :)

  9. JH's theme was one of my favorites. I love topics like that.

    1. Thanks so much, Patricia. I loved your eerie flash fiction. The endings always had me wanting more.

  10. As you know, I really enjoyed reading your posts this April. The Pass story, too, bothers, me, still. I keep thinking about those young people. Maybe they want you to tell their story? Maybe something will come to you in a vision or a dream? I missed a few of your posts and will go back and read them.

    1. Thanks, Mary! Yours had my vote for most unique--I've never read a blog post written by sock puppets before. That was definitely a first for me. :)

      I'd love to have the answers for what really happened at Dyatlov, but let's just say I'm not going to hold my breath.

      Thanks for commenting!

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! I really appreciate the feedback. It helps me to know I'm on the right path.

  12. I must check out these posts, not ones I saw but they sound interesting.

  13. Thanks Alex and to J.H. for her amazing posts which gave me a shot of adrenalin every time :) :)

  14. Sounds like a great theme!
    But I AM a scaredy cat.... I'm the one with a pillow over my face when others are lapping up the gory bits on the screen...

  15. JH, I missed your blog and love your theme. I'll be checking out your posts from A to Z this week,

  16. Spooky! I think I'd have nightmares if I read too many of J.H.'s posts. Intriguing theme, though!
    Brandy from Brandy's Bustlings

  17. This was one of my favs this year. Some of those images will never leave my mind. Chills galore.

  18. Darn! I was sure I left a comment on here already!

    I LOVED finding J.H.'s blog! Her posts were creeptastic! I can't wait to learn more.


  19. The Dyatlov Pass Incident sounds like something really happened, I need to know more so I'm heading over to you now. Thanks for posting the fascinating Q and A.

  20. Hi JH and Alex - great call out for one of Alex' 'You Rock' Awards ... I've seen you around .. but really need to pay attention to the theme next time - sounds fascinating .. cheers Hilary

  21. I think I missed this blog during the challenge but it sounds right up my street. Off to check it out now.

    Cait @ Click's Clan


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