We are looking for feedback about the Challenge. Tell us what you liked and didn't like, what worked and what didn't. If you have suggestions about making future A to Z Challenges better, this is a good time to let us know. You can highlight other bloggers who you felt did an outstanding job or direct us to specific posts that particularly impressed you or that you found to be very helpful.
In other words, we want to know how the A to Z Team did and how the Challenge worked for you. If you'd do it again, tell us why. If you would never consider A to Z again, let us know what would make you feel that way.
Please put up your Reflections post between now and Friday, May 8. AFTER your post has gone live, add the link to the Linky List below. Enter the link that goes DIRECTLY to your Reflections post and not your general blog address. The list will be accessible for the remainder of this year. Be sure to grab the badge.
The list is intended for A to Z Reflections posts only. Any links to advertising sites or non-relevant posts will be removed from the list. General links added before you actually post will be removed. And remember that these posts will be directed to a diverse audience of varying ages and sensibilities so please respect others by refraining from posting obscene materials or hurtful attacks upon others. We want a productive interchange of ideas that can lead to positive innovation.
Add your link below AFTER you have posted your reflection post!
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Hello there.
Just added my reflections. I'm taking a hiatus break but will return to read the reflections later.
Entrepreneurial Goddess
So many great reflections posts already entered!
I added my reflections post this morning. It is and was such a brilliant challenge.
Oops! I was overly excited and posted the general link in this list, but went back and corrected it by signing up again. Sorry. :(
I'm not doing a reflection post, but plan to visit all that do; I would say my biggest frustration is the inability to leave comments on some people's blogs.
I'm going to see the Avengers movie in a few, so I'll be back afterwards (and fangirling I imagine) to hop around the linky list. I've made a folder to bookmark blogs I discover that I want to go back and read their posts.
~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Member of C. Lee's Muffin Commando Squad
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author
Will read some posts over the next few days... and hope to sneak in some rest too...
Great idea! :D
Just submitted the Reflections post.
Thanks and Cheers,
I can relate. Wish I would be commented and interacted more.
I have found that 99.9% of the time it is possible to leave a comment. You have to be super flexible in doing so, though. I have jumped through hoops and commented on many a platform. Some people only commenting on my Google+ page, and did not even click through to my blog. I am not saying they have to, but I have actually signed up from platforms from disqus to Google+ just to make sure I could comment.
However, one thing I addressed in my reflections post is the blogger.com vs WordPress divide, which I think it causing the difficulties in commenting. My solution is the A to Z Challenge create a commenting widget everyone would use during the challenge. That would solve many an issue.
I'm so sorry I messed up in adding my link - exactly what I was afraid of. No 260 and 262 do NOT work. PLEASE can the linky list remove these 2. I am seriously sorry. Will try to rectify tomorrow.
Thank you for organizing this challenge. It was my first but probably not my last. Bravo everyone for finishing and thank you for your visits to my challenge.
I survived the challenge and I'm proud of it. Thbank you so much to Z Team. Took the challenge first time and I have decided that I'll take it every year from now onwards.
All my A to Z Challenge Posts and Reflections Post
Thanks to all the hosts and helpers for their effort. I learn something new every year
Reflex Reactions - Reflections post
The basic Wordpress and Blogger comment forms are always easy to comment on, provided the blog author hasn't put in word verifications. Third party comments forms, like Disqus and Facebook, and even Google+ for that matter, can be a deterrent to leaving comments.
I've added my reflections.Thanks to all!
Best wishes,
I've added my reflections post. thanks everyone for visiting. Fifth time for me this year, AtoZ was great fun.
It was a great challenge. Thanks to all who organised, participated and visited.
Shirley Corder from
Out of Africa - Topics from A to Z
This was my first year to participate in the A-Z Challenge, and it was a wonderful experience.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Serenaded Softly- All of my A-Z Challenge posts:
Always love meeting other writers but I couldn't visit as many blogs as I wanted to. Maybe next year I'll be busy writing something wonderful. :)
Great post
how do you think with my new post I published
Thank you
Thanks Alex for all you did ... for that matter all you do and continue to do ... we're all very fortunate to have you, Lee and co-hosts grafting away in the background ... Loved it as usual - a great opportunity to meet many new bloggers and join up with old friends ... cheers Hilary
this was a great experience. As I went through the letters I found so much more I wanted to write about. Just never enough time is there?
Monica Stoner w/a Mona Karel
Late to the party because of work commitments! Well done everyone :)
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