Sunday, April 26, 2015

Weary Sunflower of the #atozchallenge

Tina's sunflower as it appeared on April 25th, 2015
     Each Sunday I've been doing a sunflower update post.  To read the series from the beginning you can start with The Special A to Z Tribute and the follow each Sunday after that one.

       I'm guessing that more than a few of you are feeling a bit like the sunflower pictured above.  This flower has managed to make it through April and looks like it will make it to the end of the Challenge.   I'm also pleased to report that the majority of those who began the Challenge on April 1st are still hanging it there and will be crossing the finish line at the letter "Z" on Thursday of this week.  

        At my last count we had lost 328 links from the opening count of 1888 when the list closed for sign-ups.   Over 1500 bloggers will finish the Challenge they set out to accomplish.  You all are to be congratulated.  A few might come up short for one reason or another--we understand that things can happen to derail participants sometimes--but many of those have indicated that they still plan to continue blogging the letters even if it takes them until sometime in May.  We honor everyone who at least tried.  If you didn't meet the Challenge this year you can still give it another try in 2016.

        Hang in there those of you who are blogging until the end!    On May 1st be sure to check this site for information about the A to Z Reflections Post on Monday May 4th.  This is the annual event where you have a chance to reflect on your A to Z experience and tell all of us what you think of the Challenge.  Full details coming up on Friday, but be sure to reserve May 4th on your blogging schedule.

        Let's make this final few days the best ones of all.   Get your posts up on schedule and try to make as many blog visits as you can.  Four more days!   Can you believe the end of April is so near?

        Do you have your last posts ready to go?  Will you be joining us for the May 4th Reflections?  Are you just a wee bit weary as we reach the end?



i b arora said...

for me it is a great experience

Courtney said...

Hi Arlee! Yes, I relate to the drooping sunflower! This is my 3rd year of the challenge, so I think, oh this will be easier, but it's still hard in a different way. This year, I'm a minion for Czenge and so I'm doing more blog hopping than ever, and of course, still trying to keep up. The minion part was really not that much more than I did last year, just a little more link checking before the Challenge started but once I got in the habit of looking at the sign up sheet, I kept getting curious about what the other blogs were about! Is anyone doing a post on how to get more friends on GFC? I'd appreciate any tips.

Maui Jungalow

Denise said...

My last four posts are written. I have a list of items to talk about in the May 4 post. And, I have a list of ideas for next year. I'm all set, NOT. But A to Z does keep me blogging regularly for at least one month a year.

Life After Retirement - My Russian Adventure

Rob Z Tobor said...

Hello Mr B . . . You could protect the flower head of the Sunflower from the birds and let the seed form. then collect it so that you could send a few seeds to people who might like to grow an A to Z sunflower. Sort of keeping the tribute alive . . . . From one small acorn a mighty forest (OK Sunflowers) grows. . . . . . . . . Just a passing thought.

Rob Z Tobor

Anonymous said...

Your sunflower is now starting into its period of hard work as it forms and ripens those all important seeds. No more's all go.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Lee - I'm running on empty and forgot there was a W in the alphabet .. and still have to do XYZ ... at least I have the subjects ...

As usual .. I've thoroughly enjoyed it - but this year might really have learnt my lesson and will prepare well in advance .. subject chosen!!

Congratulations to one and all .. and your poor old sunflower - still she's had a very good run for her money in the Californian sun ..

Thanks again for being instrumental in setting the Challenge up .. cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I do feel like that sunflower.
Next post scheduled, other three written and formatted and waiting to be scheduled.

Romi said...

My last posts are ready, and I'm going to write my reflections.

Jolie du Pre said...

I fell off the scheduled posts wagon, but today is Sunday, and I'll write and schedule my last four posts today. That way I'm not writing them the night before or the morning of. This is especially important since I'm flying out of town tomorrow to take care of my grandmother.

Precious Monsters

Click said...

I love that the sunflower is hanging in there for the full month. I hope it lasts for the new few days. :-)

All of my posts are scheduled though I've been short on time to look at other blogs for the last few days. I've visited around 400 blogs on the list during the month though so I'm quite pleased with that and I've been giving everyone who comments on mine a return visit. I think I'm only a little bit ragged around the edges. ;-)

Cait @ Click's Clan

Idea-ist @ GetLostinLit said...

I have just finished typing and scheduling post Z. I will definitely be joining for reflections!

@Get Lost in Lit

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I will be writing my last post today and scheduling it. I've had more fun with the challenge this year than with any one previous. I must say Thursday and Friday of this past week, I felt like the sunflower. But then I got a marvelous 12 hours sleep yesterday and am raring to go.
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge

Tami Von Zalez said...

My last posts are queued up and ready to go. Having them ready ahead of time has allowed me to visit others in the challenge. Like Barbara, have had more fun this year, I think my choice of subject was too narrow last year.

Anonymous said...

I am feeling a bit like the sunflower, but will make it to the end. Today, at least I have a break from all the blogs. Only this one to read, but I'll probably pop over to the list and look around at some point.

SpacerGuy said...

Tina's sunflower is still alive! I'm missed the sign up for reflections but I'll still write one. I am celebrating Tina's memory with W on Monday and have written some words for the occasion.

djinnia said...

Have w, y, and z scheduled and ready. I have to finish x tomorrow.

Heather M. Gardner said...

It's been tougher this year.
Not sure why, but I'll be darned if I won't finish!

Thinking of you Tina!

Nicole said...

So...the comment I just spent a few minutes typing was eaten. Blogger at its best.

To sum it up, I still have a long way to go with writing and publishing the remaining letters. Planned on doing that Sunday but my Internet access went bye bye earlier this weekend.

- Nicole

Anonymous said...

we're dragging but we will get there!

betty said...

Can't believe it is wrapping up; have my four last letters written and X was easier this than than the previous 2 challenges I participated in. Probably won't do a reflections post; kind of still deciding about it but want to give my readers a rest after reading me for 26/30 days when I usually only post every 7-10 days.


Carrie-Anne said...

I did some final edits on my W post before it goes live, and got it down to 690 words, including photo captions and intro line explaining it was edited down from my much-longer Find A Grave bio. Considering the original bio I wrote is 1,542 words, that's a pretty huge accomplishment! I also edited down my Z post a little, which comes from a 1,284-word bio and is now down to 874 words so far. I'm really proud at how the majority of my posts this year have been so short even by my standards, under 500 words.

Dixie@dcrelief said...

Hi Lee,
Everything is scheduled in. Working on other two blog hops I have between now and May 4th. Nothing beats this experience. I'm grateful to you and Alex for the encouragement!! I'll be checking out 'requires' for the A-Z road trip soon. Thank you!

Jo said...

My posts are already up. That sunflower does look a bit bedraggled. Hope you are planning to collect the seeds for next year.

CuteAsAButton said...

W is all set and ready to go (and was an old something I recycled), but must write X, Y, and Z from scratch. At least I know what they'll be. I've pretty much been writing just one to three days ahead of time, except that about one-third of my material already existed. Two-thirds did not, though, and I am both proud that I've kept up, and weary of the effort. I will definitely want to write a reflection post. This has been my first year taking the Challenge, and I'm glad I did.

Unknown said...

Congratulations everyone, final stretch! It's been such a treat getting to know all of your blogs. I have W and Z, but not X or Y yikes! I'm feeling a bit like the sunflower too, but a very happy sunflower. Looking forward to May 4th!

Lisa said...

I am not weary but a little sad that it is ending

Michelle Wallace said...

This has been my toughest year!
And yes, I feel like that weary flower...
Oh well, I suppose you can't always have it your own way.

Door2Lore said...

I plan a few days ahead of schedule but end up making my final touches the night before - works for me - a little stressful but that's how I roll! I do spend about an hour a day venturing out to other blogs - always learning! Love A-Z blog challenge! @Door2LoreSue
PowerofStoryABlog - Every Hero Has a Story

kaykuala said...

A little weary, yes. Hank is here

Elaine L. Bridge said...

Added to the count are those of us who are doing the challenge "unofficially" - blogging away by day but didn't commit to the list for various reasons. I've kept in touch with some of the bloggers I've met in previous years and have met some new friends as a result. The Challenge is something I try to participate in one way or another every year - absolutely love the idea and appreciate all your hard work!

Nanette O'Neal said...

I'm so excited! This is my first A to Z challenge and I've kept up for the entire month. I have my last four posts finished--just need to publish each day. Thank you for making this challenge possible!

Nanette O'Neal said...

I'm so excited! This is my first A to Z challenge and I've kept up for the entire month. I have my last four posts finished--just need to publish each day. Thank you for making this challenge possible!

Pat Garcia said...

It has been a great experience. This is my third challenge and every year I learn from others and have the opportunity to read excellent blogs. I am proud to be a part of the group.

Ravyne said...

This has been great fun so far, and my first time trying the challenge. I only got behind once during the challenge because I took a day off to spend it with a friend, but by that Sunday, I was all caught up again. I've been writing a story for the challenge, with each "chapter" beginning with a letter of the alphabet for that day. I write it ON that day, so I am still working on it. It is over 35k words now. I am so psyched to get it finished! I did zero pre-planning and have written the story by the seat of my pants the whole way through. If anyone is interested in reading it, they can find it here:

Promptly Written A-to-Z Challenge

Justlittlecajunme said...

I have only been one day ahead in the challenge. I do write down ideas for the upcoming letters but don't write it until the day before. I hope to join the Reflections! I'm a bit weary but so thankful that we had Sundays off, a time for a breather. said...

I'm actually feeling a burst of energy because we're on the home stretch.

Claire at A Field Trip Life